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  #2931 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 06:55 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512V (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*

Originally Posted by robotphood View Post
Not that different to in my opinion. What are you having trouble with?
I agree it's no so much that they are different. It's more a comfort level we have all gained with 6.1 and some of us have with 6.5. I personally took a while to even flash 6.1 when it first came out. Different device but was very comfortable with wm5 then 6. Noticed the threads on xda of fellow flashers bricking their devices and was a bit gun shy to say the least. But as you flash more and more 6.5 roms, you will be familiar with them and then will have the perspective on whether you prefer 6.1 over 6.5 or vice versa. What's nice is the chefs have continued offering manilla in 6.5 to give you the best of both worlds.
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  #2932 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 06:58 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512V (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*

Originally Posted by robotphood View Post
Not that different to in my opinion. What are you having trouble with?
-how to move around the program icons.
-I dont mess with stocks so dont care for the stock tab
-is there a nocurtains.cab that works?
-I got used to the SMS right soft key on the home page
-what do I have to disable to get my keyboard (touchpal) to work?
-rileyd5 already told me about the battery icon.
-restoring opera.adr does not restore my opera favorites anymore?
it was the first time I used MS MyPhone and it didnt restore "people" ;the pics and most called contacts on the second tab. I not this is not juicy related but I thought I add it in there. Jumped from 6.1 and SPB backup which I loved to MS My Phone and 6.5 and was not thrilled with either.
If someone could just tell me how to get my opera bookmarks back the keyboard thing and mess with the program icons I could live a little longer.
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  #2933 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 07:01 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512V (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*

How do I get to the tri-colour mode screen?
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  #2934 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 07:02 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512V (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*

you should probably change your sig.
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  #2935 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 07:04 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512V (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*

Originally Posted by kennya View Post
How do I get to the tri-colour mode screen?
Bootloader (Power+VolumeDown and hold down Reset) from the "Unlocking, Relocking and Flashing" Sticky thread.
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  #2936 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 07:05 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512V (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*

Originally Posted by Curb71 View Post
-I got used to the SMS right soft key on the home page
-what do I have to disable to get my keyboard (touchpal) to work?
Touchpal works fine for me, I use SIPchange to make it the default SIP becuase otherwise it doesn't always default to Touchpal.
What problems are you having with Touchpal? BTW, I am on version 3.5

When you refer to the SMS right soft key, are you talking about in titanium or TF3D2? If in TF3D2, you can make a simple reg edit to restore the soft keys to whatever you like.

HKLM>Software>HTC>Manila: HomeLSKPath and HomeRSKPath will change your left and right soft keys respectively. Change the text value to change the text that is displayed on the home screen.

Not sure if thats what you are looking for, but hope it helps.

Last edited by mlin; 05-12-2009 at 07:08 PM.
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  #2937 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 07:06 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512V (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*

Originally Posted by tobeychris View Post
you should probably change your sig.
I agree, been meaning to do so, was thinking about PIMP or Flashdaddy, thoughts
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  #2938 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 07:06 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512V (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*

Originally Posted by Curb71 View Post
-how to move around the program icons.
-I dont mess with stocks so dont care for the stock tab
-is there a nocurtains.cab that works?
-I got used to the SMS right soft key on the home page
-what do I have to disable to get my keyboard (touchpal) to work?
-rileyd5 already told me about the battery icon.
-restoring opera.adr does not restore my opera favorites anymore?
it was the first time I used MS MyPhone and it didnt restore "people" ;the pics and most called contacts on the second tab. I not this is not juicy related but I thought I add it in there. Jumped from 6.1 and SPB backup which I loved to MS My Phone and 6.5 and was not thrilled with either.
If someone could just tell me how to get my opera bookmarks back and mess with the program icons I could live a little longer.
1) The program icons are annoying to move. Tap & hold to move to the top or move a top icon down the same way. I wish MS made it so you could move it anywhere. This is why I was looking forward to the rhodium start menu.
2) Disable the stocks tab in settings > customize tabs ?
3) Not sure about the SMS as right softkey, because I always changed it back to programs on Mike's roms. He actually showed me the reg edits so I'm guessing he could probably point you to how to enable it.
4) Not sure why Touchpal isn't work for you. It's enabled as default and works right off of sashimi install for me. I don't even need to use SIPchange :/
5) I just dropped opera6.adr into \windows\opera\ and it worked. Not sure why it's not working for you :/
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  #2939 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 07:22 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512V (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*

Originally Posted by robotphood View Post
1) The program icons are annoying to move. Tap & hold to move to the top or move a top icon down the same way. I wish MS made it so you could move it anywhere. This is why I was looking forward to the rhodium start menu.
2) Disable the stocks tab in settings > customize tabs ?
3) Not sure about the SMS as right softkey, because I always changed it back to programs on Mike's roms. He actually showed me the reg edits so I'm guessing he could probably point you to how to enable it.
4) Not sure why Touchpal isn't work for you. It's enabled as default and works right off of sashimi install for me. I don't even need to use SIPchange :/
5) I just dropped opera6.adr into \windows\opera\ and it worked. Not sure why it's not working for you :/
maybe it was just a bad flash. I'll give it another go right now. *fingers crossed*. shipped, radio, juicy, clear storage. Sound like a good order?

p.s. I've never changed pagepool before I flashed this rom but I saw juicy say it was supposed to be 16pp and he messed up so to change it. which I did. Could that have been my problem? did everyone else change their pp to 16?

Last edited by Curb71; 05-12-2009 at 07:25 PM.
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  #2940 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 07:29 PM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] JUICY 7 - Build 090512V (21222.5.0.1) [UC] *Rhodium Manila*

Yeah, I changed mine to 16.
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