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  #1241 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 11:24 AM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by vincemas View Post
Workaround for landscape mode

I installed the attached 2 mortscript files in order to use landscape mode until the send key(hold) problem is fixed.

I pinned them to my start menu, one file to rotate to landscape, the other to rotate back.

Of course you will need mortscript installed to make this work:
mine don't have a prob. with the rotate
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  #1242 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 11:28 AM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by nodiaque View Post
It should be note in the changelog that tf3d themes and htc themes aren't in 2.6. Too bad, I liked the black htc theme. I know I just have to download it, just "weird" it was took out.
I do not believe it was "took out". It was either left out accidently or something in the customizer process failed to load it properly.
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  #1243 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 11:29 AM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by DCSTOKLEY View Post
mine don't have a prob. with the rotate
Mine does. I rarely ever use it though but I loaded gyrator up and insta freeze when I rotated.
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  #1244 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 11:35 AM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Quick question that I'm sure has been answered a million times -- forgive me, I'm new to this! I installed Juicy 2.5 a few days ago, replacing the stock Sprint ROM. I had re-setup everything (settings, programs, ringers) except for data that I sync... Am I going to have to do all that again upgrading from Juicy 2.5 to Juicy 2.6? Or will it just update the system and keep all my settings intact?
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  #1245 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 11:38 AM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by DaveV View Post
Quick question that I'm sure has been answered a million times -- forgive me, I'm new to this! I installed Juicy 2.5 a few days ago, replacing the stock Sprint ROM. I had re-setup everything (settings, programs, ringers) except for data that I sync... Am I going to have to do all that again upgrading from Juicy 2.5 to Juicy 2.6? Or will it just update the system and keep all my settings intact?
Yes, you have to do it all over again.

I have another question:
Is it possible to remove carrier settings and make a Juicy generic ROM? Make extra cabs for carrier settings like DCD did to the ROMs he made for the Mogul?

Last edited by hmotwr; 10-27-2008 at 11:42 AM.
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  #1246 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 12:05 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by hmotwr View Post
Yes, you have to do it all over again.

I have another question:
Is it possible to remove carrier settings and make a Juicy generic ROM? Make extra cabs for carrier settings like DCD did to the ROMs he made for the Mogul?
i think this is a good idea this is what we were thinking about doing for some time now.

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  #1247 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 12:17 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by Juggalo_X View Post
i think this is a good idea this is what we were thinking about doing for some time now.

How will this effect carrier specific settings that happen during customization? Setting the phones up to connect to Sprint versus Telus versus Alltel?

Makes sense to make a generic rom but just worried how easy/hard it will be for the end user to make their phones work properly on thier specific network. Already can't get some people to read enough to answer/fix the easy stuff.

Speaking of and in addition too, Juicy, if you need a Sprint user to test your roms on Sprint, let me know. I'd be willing to test for you. Seems to be a lot of Sprint specific issues and I know you and Juggalo are Telus. FYI though, trying to go Touch Pro but that won't happen for a couple weeks probably.

Last edited by aceracer24; 10-27-2008 at 12:19 PM.
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  #1248 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 12:18 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by hmotwr View Post
Yes, you have to do it all over again.

I have another question:
Is it possible to remove carrier settings and make a Juicy generic ROM? Make extra cabs for carrier settings like DCD did to the ROMs he made for the Mogul?
+1 i like the sound of this...

in other news i'm going back to 2.5 for now...
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  #1249 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 12:18 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by aceracer24 View Post
How will this effect carrier specific settings that happen during customization? Setting the phones up to connect to Sprint versus Telus versus Alltel?

Makes sense to make a generic rom but just worried how easy/hard it will be for the end user to make their phones work properly on thier specific network. Already can't get some people to read enough to answer/fix the easy stuff.
it would lack the EPST in the customizations. thats where the carrier cabs come in to provision the phone correctly.
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  #1250 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2008, 12:22 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by Juggalo_X View Post
it would lack the EPST in the customizations. thats where the carrier cabs come in to provision the phone correctly.
Ahh, that would be cool then and I would think easier on Juicy.
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