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  #491 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 12:05 PM
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Re: Sept. 04, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by Sabroso View Post
HI O.a.T,
SYS 21679???
I see a post of Mwalt2 posting a link for this SYS 21679, but someone reply and said that SYS21679 has BOLD titles issues and Phone canvas issue for CDMA phones.
Sorry if you are talking about a SYS 21679 that already had fixed this issues.
(I read this in XDA, link here)
By the way I don't know nothing about Building ROMs but if this make sense to you they said that "SYS21679 is AKU5308 instead of AKU5095" so that is the problem.
Sorry if I'm totally wrong, my mistake for copy&paste things I don't understand.

As josh3794 I use the Sys-219xx series with Sense 2.5-2018, but experience has taught me that it is better to use the same SYS&SENSE as the developer. If you can tell us what SYS&SENSE do you use (all your family uses the same SYS&SENSE?)
As Josh3794 I prefer stability than had to reboot phone constantly, so any SENSE you think is more stable by now will be fine.
Thanks in advance
I believe there are fixes for both the bold and the phone canvas issues you mention, and my plan is to include these in the new 21679 rom. Personally, I am using WinMo 23541 with a straight Sense 2.5.2018 (no CHT or MaxSense). But my family and friends (about 10 of them) use both 23541 and 21895 about equally. From there, only 2 of us are using straight Sense, while the rest are about equally split between CHT and MaxSense, although it varies over time.

Originally Posted by sonic101mk2 View Post
yup im using your previous maxsense rom LtMax105_23541_v20. Really like max sense. Though I've noticed a glitch in it concerning attempting to download .mp4 files. they just hang. I can download pictures all day but any video file i try to download just hangs. doesn't go past 1 kb. it's not the browser as I've tried 3 different ones with the same result.

but yes, if you wont to make a new rom with that build and max sense I'd be more than happy to try it out
I haven't downloaded much via the phone, so I will give that a try and let you know what I find out. I'll build the 21679/MaxSense rom asap, but right now it is very tough for me to find the time, so please be patient.

Originally Posted by andygallo View Post
I'd be interested in trying it out.
What version of Sense are you using? Would like you to basically use the same set up you have now so that we get a good appraisal of the SYS.

As a slight aside, Co0Kie released CHT 2.0 beta Sunday morning. This approach of releasing a wide scale beta and the timing may work out very well since I suspect it will be a week or two befor a CHT 2.0 final will be released. This will help me get past this week when my availability is very limited, for the promised upgraded Sense 2018 or the new Sense 2019. Right now I'm inclined to freeze 2018 and go with the new 2019 that is arguably a bit smoother and faster. In fact, I may be going to a combo Leo/OBOE 2019 taking advantage of the latest packages in each of these releases, but I need to do some additional research on these.
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  #492 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 01:50 PM
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Re: Sept. 04, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

After using 2.5.2016_23541 effectively it started to give me some battery problems lately(or overheating that may be due to Seven email program that I run everyday) so I decided to try your latest version. I wasn't big fan of the RSS on Sense UI so went back to V3.0 (2.5.2016/23129) version and had no problems except the bold thing (and glad to hear there is fix for this as well). Even the v4.0 was working fine but I don't like to add additional processes behind for RSS and couldnt figure out how to take it out.

As usual the v3.0 one is working great and really appreciate your efforts here.
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  #493 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 06:05 PM
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Re: Sept. 04, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by O.a.T. View Post
What version of Sense are you using? Would like you to basically use the same set up you have now so that we get a good appraisal of the SYS.
Hello O.a.T., I'm using your Sense 2.5.2018/21914 ROM right now.

Originally Posted by phillymoron View Post
After using 2.5.2016_23541 effectively it started to give me some battery problems lately(or overheating that may be due to Seven email program that I run everyday) so I decided to try your latest version.
I just encountered this issue this weekend. It started when I woke up and my battery was almost dead even tho it was plugged into the wall. The center button ring wasn't moving or lit solid, it was as if it wasn't plugged in at all. When I picked it up it was hot, so I rebooted and re-plugged it in and it was fine. The next day I was at dinner with some friends and I noticed that it was getting hot in my pocket, I pulled it out and it was in critical battery state again. I only have two email accounts set up.
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  #494 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 07:22 PM
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Re: Sept. 04, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by O.a.T. View Post
I'm seeing multiple reports of SYS 21679, an apparent HTC specific version of WinMo, being very fast and ram efficient. I can build a rom with this sys, but cannot flash it to my phone since I can't take my phone out of service for the next week or so. Anyone interested in trying this out? If so, let me know which version of Sense you would like built in. It may be a day or two before I get enough time to cook it and upload it.
2016 sense would be great, it is what I am using now. Depends on what others want to try.

Originally Posted by josh3794 View Post
No I'm from Manitoba Canada. I just really like fishing. I get out whenever I can. I have yet to try fly fishing but it is on my list.

We fish for pike and trout up here mostly. Some goldeye and the odd sturgeon.
Anything bigger you have to head to either the East or West Coast or Go further north.

I lived in Churchill for a couple of years which is just off the hudson Bay. You cast mostly for Arctic Char (A breed of salmon) which fight like crazy.
Nice to see another Manitoban on here. Living in Thompson. Rumour is the HSPA network is supposed to be turned on after October long weekend. Might be leaving my diamond behind early in the new year. EVDO vs HSPA/HSPA+ not much of a comparison. Will probably wait for the cdma windows phone 7 phones to come out sometime next year.

Last edited by win7463; 09-27-2010 at 07:30 PM.
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  #495 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: Sept. 04, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by O.a.T. View Post
I believe there are fixes for both the bold and the phone canvas issues you mention, and my plan is to include these in the new 21679 rom. Personally, I am using WinMo 23541 with a straight Sense 2.5.2018 (no CHT or MaxSense).
Thanks O.a.T.,
It is a long time I haven't test SYS-235xx series, but I'm not married with SYS-219xx. SO is there a chance to test your clean ROM??
Anyway I will like to wait for you to have time for the next ROM (21679 or 23541)
I really think is a good idea to test your Roms without CHT or MaxSense because in that way we can CHECK if there are any problem directly related with the ROM and not a problem derive from use CHT or MaxSense.
I have been with SYS-21904 a lot of time and the only problem is that time to time the canvas for ID phone load incorrectly (Like 1 time every 5 boot) but nothing a reboot canĀ“t fix. But apart from that no Freezes, no dry batteries, or no any problem I that SYS.
If my memory doesn't foul me I remmember the developer said he "make every images,icons,botton, more lighter, he use few colors,
primarily in black and white so also he save image with low bits.
That was the fastest ROM I have use with CHT 1.7 until NEW CHT 1.8 was released and then the boot time get terrible (in the first days like 3 minutes to start, until new CHT 1.8.5 was release)
So definetely I have to admit that even I love CHT in our diamonds it make them a hell time to boot. How I can't cry after see the London last release of the New HTC with "Boot speed" like less than 15seconds but reporter said it more like a weakup from a sort of "sleep" than a complety clean boot. But back to our diamonds
I am totally open to test anything SENSE 2019 you like/enjoy to make when you could have time.
I Really apreciate all your effort, and as all your family thanks for let us still join our diamonds. Thanks O.a.T.
Best Regards Sabroso

Originally Posted by andygallo View Post
.....my battery was almost dead..... When I picked it up it was hot....in a dinner getting hot in my pocket
Andygallo, check with "josh3794" I think he use that same ROMs (check that it is the very same).
1.- But If I was you I will check to have all program close before sleep,
2.- See If I have not a roaming signal when it is hot
3.- I finally I only heart that there is a virus for WM that try to make call during night, but I guess that is not the issue. Best luck!!!
Actual: Moto DroidX, rooted.
HTC Diamond CDMA; Rom: O.a.T.ROM WinMob 6.5.x Sence 2.5.2016 Sys 21684 (Nov.19)
Perfection is not a place where you arrive, it is the very journey itself where aletheia would become
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  #496 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 01:25 PM
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Re: Sept. 04, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by win7463 View Post
2016 sense would be great, it is what I am using now. Depends on what others want to try.

Nice to see another Manitoban on here. Living in Thompson. Rumour is the HSPA network is supposed to be turned on after October long weekend. Might be leaving my diamond behind early in the new year. EVDO vs HSPA/HSPA+ not much of a comparison. Will probably wait for the cdma windows phone 7 phones to come out sometime next year.

I don't care much for any of the carriers in Manitoba. We seem to get the short end of the stick when it comes to phone choices. Pretty sad that MTS is just bringing in an android phone now and most carriers are discontinuing that phone. Rogers hasn't listed a new phone in 6 months or more that doesn't have an apple logo on it.

But work pays for my phone and so I use what they have. I wound up flashing almost every phone at work here as the stock setup barely worked for most people.

If / When I get my own personal phone I will certainly be doing some research on it.
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  #497 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 05:15 AM
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Cool Re: Sept. 04, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by josh3794 View Post
Pretty sad that MTS is just bringing in an android phone now and most carriers are discontinuing that phone. Rogers hasn't listed a new phone in 6 months or more that doesn't have an apple logo on it.
..... If / When I get my own personal phone I will certainly be doing some research on it.
I think all the geeks have taken Windows Mobile 6.5 as far as it can get, but unfortunately the new Windows 7 is going to happen the same with Windows "Vista" you will need a device with a mayor performance to play much as the rest.
Apple I can't deny that works well, but the iphone that is in vogue is a phone for the "masses" (people who likes everything ready to work when turn on and don't want to move or set up a large number of parameters).
Sorry to say this, but there is no denying that the "iPhone" has its limitations, is perfect for the "masses" (square minds), but for the most advanced segment (people who likes to try new things in their cell phones,
to get to the edge in their phones capabilities and flash a ROM, it's not for the people of the "iphones"
If you think like me who lets Firefox browser with endless accessories to achieve a more personal experience and get to the limit then you have to consider the Android phones as an option.
I'm not saying it's better, but developers have more serious, more advanced and daring that will help feed the hungry geeks to get to the edge of technology.

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  #498 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 11:57 AM
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Re: Sept. 04, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

For those willing to test the 21679 SYS, here are the links. I believe/hope these have the bold and dialer fix. Looking forward to your feedback on these in terms of speed, functionality, etc. Thanks in advance.

For Light Sense 2.5.2016/21679 click. Updated in a later post.
For Light MaxSense 21679 click. Updated in a later post.

Last edited by O.a.T.; 09-29-2010 at 11:39 PM.
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  #499 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 12:07 PM
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Re: Sept. 04, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by O.a.T. View Post
For those willing to test the 21679 SYS, here are the links. I believe/hope these have the bold and dialer fix. Looking forward to your feedback on these in terms of speed, functionality, etc. Thanks in advance.

For Light Sense 2.5.2016/21679 click here .
For Light MaxSense 21679 click here.
downloading the max sense version now, I have a question though, is the 21679 build the one with the start menu at the top or the bottom?

Last edited by sonic101mk2; 09-29-2010 at 12:11 PM.
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  #500 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 01:20 PM
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Re: Sept. 04, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by sonic101mk2 View Post
downloading the max sense version now, I have a question though, is the 21679 build the one with the start menu at the top or the bottom?
start menu will be at the top
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