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  #391 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 10:31 AM
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Re: SUSPENDED, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by robsta View Post
Thanks for your effort and time creating one of the greatest roms I have seen for the diamond. Your rom for our phones are honestly the most clean and stable I have seen that includes the latest and greatest, which is rare. I know I don't contribute or post much, but I just thought I'd let you know I sincerely appreciate what you do.

Many thanks, sucks your leaving though! Do you plan on developing for android in the future?
Thanks for the kind words. Not gone yet though, and probably won't be till the new year. I'll still be posting links to roms with major updates including the final 2018 release, a 2020 if it is realized, and any updated MaxSense versions. And yes, I will most likely be cooking and posting for Android if there is a niche I can fill. Actually, going back to Unix/Linux will be like going back home since those are the OS's I primarily worked when working, but that's been a while so I'm sure there is going to be a lot of new learning and re-learning.

Last edited by O.a.T.; 09-04-2010 at 12:53 AM.
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  #392 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 10:34 AM
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Re: SUSPENDED, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by win7463 View Post
Did use Motweets for awhile and you are right the ads are not intrusive at all and it is only $3.99 to buy for the ad free version. Is Abrasive on xda forums?
Abrasive is on XDA, and I now mostly see him posting on Programtix's thread in regards to his final 2018 port.

Last edited by O.a.T.; 09-03-2010 at 07:14 PM.
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  #393 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 04:28 PM
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Re: SUSPENDED, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Hello O.a.T.,

I've been running your Sense 2.5.2018/21914 for the past few days. Great ROM so far! Someone mentioned it before, but under Settings/System there are still two Power icons. It looks like one replaced the Clear Memory icon, since that appears to be missing.

I've been playing around with the auto-rotation settings (lowering the polling times) and man, while neat, it is uber flakey. If you rotate it at the wrong time (for instance, when the weather animation is going), it can lock up the entire phone. Sometimes, landscape won't show anything on the screen, sometimes the rotation simply doesn't work and I have to reboot to get it working again.

Viewing pictures is also kind of hit or miss. If I open a picture from the picture tab, the picture will open shifted slightly down off the screen and then re-center a second later. Something similar happens when I double tap the picture to zoom. It zooms in to where I tap, and then a second or two later it will suddenly zoom to another part of the picture. It seems to do this when I physically move the phone, cuz when I zoom while it's just laying on the table, I don't think it happens. Weird.

Hopefully later Sense builds will fix the auto-rotate and picture issues.

Thanks for all your work on this O.a.T.!
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  #394 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 08:39 PM
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Re: SUSPENDED, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Well, decided to give abrasive's port of 2018.3025 port based on a shipped rom a try, rather than the debug 2018.2814 that my current 2.5.2018 roms are based on. I'd characterize the new rom as overall good news since it definitely seem smother and faster, which might be expected if a lot of debug code was removed. The issue with the SMS text message that win7463 identified, but for which he also identified easy workarounds remain, albeit in a slightly different manner on the messages tab, and the same on the other tabs.

So in summary, nothing is worse, the rom seems to me to be smoother, and having a 2018 rom based on a shipped rom vs a debug rom provides some confidence that we are ready for updates to CHT and MaxSense when they arrive with RSS capabilities. I'm going to continue to test this out to ensure it is working well, but you can expect to see new links to 2.5.2018.3025 roms in the next day or two.

Last edited by O.a.T.; 09-03-2010 at 11:43 PM.
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  #395 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 08:58 PM
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Re: SUSPENDED, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by O.a.T. View Post
Well, decided to give abrasive's port of 2018.3025 port based on a shipped rom, rather than the debug 2018.2814 that my current 2.5.2018 roms are based on. I'd characterize the new rom as overall good news since it definitely seem smother and faster, which might be expected if a lot of debug code was removed. The issue with the SMS text message that win7463 identified, but for which he also identified easy workarounds remain, albeit in a slightly different manner on the messages tab, and the same on the other tabs.

So in summary, nothing is worse, the rom seems to me at least to be smoother, and having a 2018 rom based on a shipped rom vs a debug rom provides some confidence that we are ready for updates to CHT and MaxSense when they arrive with RSS capabilities. I'm going to continue to test this out to ensure it is working well, but you can expect to see new links to 2.5.2018.3025 roms in the next day or two.
Awesome news. Nice to see someone else picking up the porting. Have to send Programatix and Abrasive some thanks on xda. Is the original rom wvga? Is someone running it in its original form without porting and seeing the sms messages bug? Just curious if the sms bug is something happening in the port or maybe a bug from HTC. Getting better at remembering to use the menu for text replies. Does the workaround still work the same on the messsage tab? Definately nicer to keep working around the problem then having to go back to not having rss feeds on the home tab. Getting my monies worth with my unlimited data plan.

Last edited by win7463; 09-03-2010 at 09:07 PM.
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  #396 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 12:09 AM
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Re: SUSPENDED, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by win7463 View Post
Awesome news. Nice to see someone else picking up the porting. Have to send Programatix and Abrasive some thanks on xda. Is the original rom wvga? Is someone running it in its original form without porting and seeing the sms messages bug? Just curious if the sms bug is something happening in the port or maybe a bug from HTC. Getting better at remembering to use the menu for text replies. Does the workaround still work the same on the messsage tab? Definately nicer to keep working around the problem then having to go back to not having rss feeds on the home tab. Getting my monies worth with my unlimited data plan.
Yes, original rom is wvga, and I'm sure others are running. I'll check around and see what I can find out. Workarounds/avoidances still apply.

Check your pm's.
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  #397 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 12:25 AM
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Re: SUSPENDED, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

One of my continuing searches for my Diamonds has been a lightweight locker. I've tried many lockers including s2u2, pocketshield, miniHD lockscreen, etc., and they have either been too heavy (although very powerful and customizable), or other problems have arisen, say to do with transparency or BG4All. I actually don't mind the WinMo locker, but was too forgetful or too in a hurry to hit the start button followed by clicking on the lock icon. I simply want to lock my Diamond by hitting the standby button. And, of course, the WinMo locker is already cooked in.

A couple of days ago I bumped into something called LockDevice, which at just 45.1 kb, addresses my issue with the WinMo perfectly. I haven't explored it's options, but on install it does exactly what I want to; I hit the standby button which suspends the screen/programs and locks the screen using the WinMo locker. It works on both a straight 2.5.2018 and on MaxSense. Maybe this is what you've been looking for too?
Attached Files
File Type: cab LockDevice_V1.6.2.CAB (45.1 KB, 8 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by O.a.T.; 09-04-2010 at 08:55 AM.
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  #398 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 03:06 AM
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Re: SUSPENDED, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by O.a.T. View Post
One of my continuing searches for my Diamonds has been a lightweight locker. I've tried many lockers including s2u2, pocketshield, miniHD lockscreen, etc., and they have either been too heavy (although very powerful and customizable), or other problems have arisen, say to do with transparency or BG4All. I actually don't mind the WinMo locker, but was too forgetful or too in a hurry to hit the start button followed by clicking on the lock icon. I simply want to lock my Diamond by hitting the standby button. And, of course, the WinMo locker is already cooked in.

A couple of days ago I bumped into something called LockDevice, which at just 45.1 kb, addresses my issue with the WinMo perfectly. I haven't explored it's options, but on install it does exactly what I want to; I hit the standby button which suspends the screen/programs and locks the screen. It works on both a straight 2.5.2018 and on MaxSense. Maybe this is what you've been looking for too?
May be I'm wrong, but I don't see nothing good in this locker, because it is don't have a lock, this program use locker that cooked in the rom, when I install it, and press the power button, than again, it turned on the device slowly, because the lock program that use Energy (yes i'm in energy rom now) is not quick like you say, it's need time to turn on, than it's lock the device.
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  #399 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 08:46 AM
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Re: SUSPENDED, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by kainppc6700 View Post
May be I'm wrong, but I don't see nothing good in this locker, because it is don't have a lock, this program use locker that cooked in the rom, when I install it, and press the power button, than again, it turned on the device slowly, because the lock program that use Energy (yes i'm in energy rom now) is not quick like you say, it's need time to turn on, than it's lock the device.
Yes, I know that this program isn't a locker itself, but activates the WinMo locker (or I guess any other locker that has been written over the winmo locker) when the standby button is pressed. It is slow the first time on activation, but thereafter is very quick.

Last edited by O.a.T.; 09-04-2010 at 09:12 AM.
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  #400 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 11:46 AM
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Re: SUSPENDED, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by O.a.T. View Post
One of my continuing searches for my Diamonds has been a lightweight locker. I've tried many lockers including s2u2, pocketshield, miniHD lockscreen, etc., and they have either been too heavy (although very powerful and customizable), or other problems have arisen, say to do with transparency or BG4All. I actually don't mind the WinMo locker, but was too forgetful or too in a hurry to hit the start button followed by clicking on the lock icon. I simply want to lock my Diamond by hitting the standby button. And, of course, the WinMo locker is already cooked in.

A couple of days ago I bumped into something called LockDevice, which at just 45.1 kb, addresses my issue with the WinMo perfectly. I haven't explored it's options, but on install it does exactly what I want to; I hit the standby button which suspends the screen/programs and locks the screen using the WinMo locker. It works on both a straight 2.5.2018 and on MaxSense. Maybe this is what you've been looking for too?
Originally Posted by kainppc6700 View Post
May be I'm wrong, but I don't see nothing good in this locker, because it is don't have a lock, this program use locker that cooked in the rom, when I install it, and press the power button, than again, it turned on the device slowly, because the lock program that use Energy (yes i'm in energy rom now) is not quick like you say, it's need time to turn on, than it's lock the device.
Will give it a try. Sounds like Energy may be using a custom locker in his rom that is slower then the WinMo one. Like the idea of this program giving one press locking.

Last edited by win7463; 09-04-2010 at 11:48 AM.
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