09-27-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: Sept. 04, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium
Originally Posted by O.a.T.
I believe there are fixes for both the bold and the phone canvas issues you mention, and my plan is to include these in the new 21679 rom. Personally, I am using WinMo 23541 with a straight Sense 2.5.2018 (no CHT or MaxSense).
Thanks O.a.T.,
It is a long time I haven't test SYS-235xx series, but I'm not married with SYS-219xx. SO is there a chance to test your clean ROM??
Anyway I will like to wait for you to have time for the next ROM (21679 or 23541)
I really think is a good idea to test your Roms without CHT or MaxSense because in that way we can CHECK if there are any problem directly related with the ROM and not a problem derive from use CHT or MaxSense.
I have been with SYS-21904 a lot of time and the only problem is that time to time the canvas for ID phone load incorrectly (Like 1 time every 5 boot) but nothing a reboot canĀ“t fix. But apart from that no Freezes, no dry batteries, or no any problem I that SYS.
If my memory doesn't foul me I remmember the developer said he "make every images,icons,botton, more lighter, he use few colors, primarily in black and white so also he save image with low bits.
That was the fastest ROM I have use with CHT 1.7 until NEW CHT 1.8 was released and then the boot time get terrible (in the first days like 3 minutes to start, until new CHT 1.8.5 was release)
So definetely I have to admit that even I love CHT in our diamonds it make them a hell time to boot. How I can't cry after see the London last release of the New HTC with "Boot speed" like less than 15seconds but reporter said it more like a weakup from a sort of "sleep" than a complety clean boot. But back to our diamonds
I am totally open to test anything SENSE 2019 you like/enjoy to make when you could have time.
I Really apreciate all your effort, and as all your family thanks for let us still join our diamonds. Thanks O.a.T. 
Best Regards Sabroso
Originally Posted by andygallo
.....my battery was almost dead..... When I picked it up it was hot....in a dinner getting hot in my pocket
Andygallo, check with "josh3794" I think he use that same ROMs (check that it is the very same).
1.- But If I was you I will check to have all program close before sleep,
2.- See If I have not a roaming signal when it is hot
3.- I finally I only heart that there is a virus for WM that try to make call during night, but I guess that is not the issue. Best luck!!!
Actual: Moto DroidX, rooted.
Retired: HTC Diamond CDMA; Rom: O.a.T.ROM WinMob 6.5.x Sence 2.5.2016 Sys 21684 (Nov.19)
Perfection is not a place where you arrive, it is the very journey itself where aletheia would become