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  #551 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 01:26 AM
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Arrow Re.3: How to EMPTY SMS deleted items folder.

*** ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN BUY (the internal) SPEAKER FOR MY HTC DIAMOND CDMA??? thanks in advance ***
Originally Posted by Sabroso View Post
...go to your "Text MEssages" inbox -> press "RIGHT softkey" -> go to "tools" select it -> go to "EMPTY DELETED ITEMS" and that is!...
Originally Posted by seahurst View Post
Ah, thanks Sabroso!
On mine, I see "New", "Reply", "Reply All", "Forward", "Send/Receive" and "Follow up"
I don't see any "empty deleted items" on the list. I am running 23547.
Seahurst mmmm I wish to think that if you scroll down you will see 6 other categories,
the 4º next category is "TOOLS >" , you have to select (press) "tools" and you will see a new "Menu list" with more categories, the 6º category is "Empty Deleted items", when you select it (press it) you will be ask if you are sure you want to permanently erase "deleted items", choose "YES" and Vòila .

You can see what ROM I'm using in my "Firm"

Your Welcome Seahurst, Glad finally you can reach in post #552 the "Empty Deleted Items" option.

Originally Posted by amikam View Post
i saw it a long time ago... but i think since we got cookie mod... its not really needed any more.
if u go to cookie setting util u can get the link from manila home to call history... so there really is no point in having it, unless u really dont feel like pushing a button and prefer to scroll your way to the call history.
of course AMikam, as you say IF one use Cookie Monster Mod, there is no need to have a extra HTC TAB for Call history to know/Notice when you have lost call since Cookie Mosnter Mod add that to the Home Screen (since my Speaker is dead, I really need to notice how many lost call I Had).
My intention with my question is just I want to know if someone have good experience with that TAB, because I was thinking to uninstall Cookie Monster Mod and see if there are really a Speed improvement without it in MANILA (people in other rom are talking that Cookie Monster make laggy the MAnila HOme TAB and everything). but I don't think is too laggy (or at least I prefer the Cookie Monster MOd over a "Little laggy", if it is really a little Laggy and not a "Big laggy"), I Will try my self to notice any difference, but anyway I have to assert & recognize that Cookie Monster Mod is REALLY NICE NOW.
Actual: Moto DroidX, rooted.
HTC Diamond CDMA; Rom: O.a.T.ROM WinMob 6.5.x Sence 2.5.2016 Sys 21684 (Nov.19)
Perfection is not a place where you arrive, it is the very journey itself where aletheia would become

Last edited by Sabroso; 03-21-2010 at 05:52 PM.
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  #552 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 12:15 PM
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Re: Re.3: How to EMPTY SMS deleted items folder.

Originally Posted by Sabroso View Post
Seahurst mmmm I wish to think that if you scroll down you will see 6 other categories,
the 4º next category is "TOOLS >" , you have to select (press) "tools" and you will see a new "list" with more categories, the 6º category is "Empty Deleted items", when you select it (press it) you will be ask if you are sure you want to permanently erase "deleted items", choose "YES" and Vòila .
You can see what ROM I'm using in my "Firm"
Wow! I neve knew I could scroll down for more on pop up menu. Got it - THANKS!
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  #553 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2010, 07:22 PM
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Re: [3/13/2010] MikROM [Sense 2.5 | 21895 / 23547 | Real WM6.5 AKU | Lite & Standard

It is definitely on. I'm thinking it has to be a different version of sense or calendar.
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  #554 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2010, 01:12 AM
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Re: [3/13/2010] MikROM [Sense 2.5 | 21895 / 23547 | Real WM6.5 AKU | Lite & Standard

iv'e uploaded a new 21896 standard rom... please note that i skinned somethings different and changed the folders and icons... so far its a test version cuz manila locker is not fully working as i want it to.
please check it out and tell me if there is anything that im missing as far as bugs and such.
if it all goes good ill make a 6.5.5 version and light versions also.


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  #555 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2010, 02:18 AM
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Thumbs up WOW New ROM Sys-21896/Sence-2012 (Real WM6.5 AKU Standard)

Originally Posted by amikam View Post
iv'e uploaded a new 21896 standard rom... please note that i skinned somethings different and changed the folders and icons... so far its a test version cuz manila locker is not fully working as i want it to.
please check it out and tell me if there is anything that im missing as far as bugs and such.
if it all goes good ill make a 6.5.5 version and light versions also.
Thanks Amikan, It will be my first Time 21xxx series, wish me luck.
Thanks again because I was just resigned to go to sleep until Monday with your ROM (March 7 Sys 23544), but Now I will flash it right now and start my Week with a bright new Rom sunshine my days. Thanks really apreciate all your work and dedication, Thanks with all the non good notices from my Country CHILE this really give me some reason to start good the week. Thanks.
Just one question After flash do I need any of your "tweak's cab" (as the one for Sys-23544) or just ready to rocks after Flash??? (hope was clear my question)
EDIT: by the way I start this reply still in the very last minutes of Sunday (know still more 5 minutes to finish download.... Sh*t I have to charge my battery, damn it.

Last edited by Sabroso; 03-22-2010 at 03:16 PM.
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  #556 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2010, 02:57 AM
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Re: WOW New 21896 ROM Sence 2012 (Real WM6.5 AKU Standard)

Originally Posted by Sabroso View Post
Thanks Amikan, It will be my first Time 21xxx series, wish me luck.
Thanks again because I was just resigned to go to sleep until Monday with your ROM (March 7 Sys 23544), but Now I will flash it right now and start my Week with a bright new Rom sunshine my days. Thanks really apreciate all your work and dedication, Thanks with all the non good notices from my Country CHILE this really give me some reason to start good the week. Thanks.
Just one question After flash do I need any of your "tweak's cab" (as the one for Sys-23544) or just ready to rocks after Flash??? (hope was clear my question)
EDIT: by the way I start this reply still in the very last minutes of Sunday (know still more 5 minutes to finish download.... Sh*t I have to charge my battery, damn it.
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  #557 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2010, 03:45 PM
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Thumbs up RE.2: WOW New ROM Sys-21896/Sence-2012 (Real WM6.5 AKU Standard)

Amikam, Happy me too.
WOW I have to say (first) that it is Faster, 2.- apart from the location of "Start" & "X" button I have not miss anything yet. 3.- The ICONs for the Softwares/apps they are AMAZING, DAZZLING, SUPER!!!! 4.- But I'm Nearsighted (shortsighted) and the folders are more nice now but the draw for identify each one are a little small, but that is my problem 'cause I'm Nearsighted, anyway HAVE TO STAND UP and applaud =D> Great Work. 5.- By the way, Thanks for get back bubblebreaker, You will return my niece SMILE next time I meet her (she is 6). 6.- MAnila Locker works Fine for me, I guess I will Miss some S2U2 but I guess this one is more faster.
Thanks for the goodness ROM
Some problems:
1.- "Advance Configuration", "Change Screen Config" and "CHTeditor" appear a "error windows"..."cannot be opened. Eitheir it is not signed....or one of its components cannot be found. I have not many clue what is wrong: anyone knows what are the requirement of software for this Tweaks works: maybe MS .NET 3.5, Morphscript, etc ,etc???
2.- As Other people has this same issue (I can't remmember his name) but With the Sys-21896 "My location Auto" it is not working, Of course I had enable "location" (even in roamming), also "location service", also in "Phone Service" -> "location Setting", and I had Update QuickGps correctly (no problems at all) and If I manually add a city IT correctly Show the weather and all, but If I return to "my location" as default weather nothing appear in the Home TAB and Weather TAB (it says "no weather dada available"). I have never had this problem before, anyone had figure what I have to FIX to make it works?? (of course I had "hard reset, twice" but after reconfigure all still the same "no weather my location", the add cities works fine)
I have to say this 21xxx series is very fast responsibe, faster than 6.5.5.
Thanks AMilkam.

Last edited by Sabroso; 03-22-2010 at 04:19 PM.
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  #558 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2010, 04:32 PM
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Re: [3/13/2010] MikROM [Sense 2.5 | 21895 / 23547 | Real WM6.5 AKU | Lite & Standard

Anyone is using Igo8 with this ROM? i've been having problems with GPS signal with this rom. Almost every time I fresh start Igo8 program, I could not get a lock on any satellite until I manually download the GPS file in quickgps (even though I might just download it a min ago). I used this program with stock Sprint rom and Gadget rom before. Never had this issue.
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  #559 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2010, 05:38 PM
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Re: RE.2: WOW New ROM Sys-21896/Sence-2012 (Real WM6.5 AKU Standard)

Originally Posted by Sabroso View Post
Amikam, Happy me too.
WOW I have to say (first) that it is Faster, 2.- apart from the location of "Start" & "X" button I have not miss anything yet. 3.- The ICONs for the Softwares/apps they are AMAZING, DAZZLING, SUPER!!!! 4.- But I'm Nearsighted (shortsighted) and the folders are more nice now but the draw for identify each one are a little small, but that is my problem 'cause I'm Nearsighted, anyway HAVE TO STAND UP and applaud =D> Great Work. 5.- By the way, Thanks for get back bubblebreaker, You will return my niece SMILE next time I meet her (she is 6). 6.- MAnila Locker works Fine for me, I guess I will Miss some S2U2 but I guess this one is more faster.
Thanks for the goodness ROM
Some problems:
1.- "Advance Configuration", "Change Screen Config" and "CHTeditor" appear a "error windows"..."cannot be opened. Eitheir it is not signed....or one of its components cannot be found. I have not many clue what is wrong: anyone knows what are the requirement of software for this Tweaks works: maybe MS .NET 3.5, Morphscript, etc ,etc???
2.- As Other people has this same issue (I can't remmember his name) but With the Sys-21896 "My location Auto" it is not working, Of course I had enable "location" (even in roamming), also "location service", also in "Phone Service" -> "location Setting", and I had Update QuickGps correctly (no problems at all) and If I manually add a city IT correctly Show the weather and all, but If I return to "my location" as default weather nothing appear in the Home TAB and Weather TAB (it says "no weather dada available"). I have never had this problem before, anyone had figure what I have to FIX to make it works?? (of course I had "hard reset, twice" but after reconfigure all still the same "no weather my location", the add cities works fine)
I have to say this 21xxx series is very fast responsibe, faster than 6.5.5.
Thanks AMilkam.
thanks for the good comments... im gonna change the wallpaper also... and i got problem number 1 u mentioned fixed already.
as for problem 2... ofcourse after u enblae it works that how it should be... but i never have any issues with mylocation after enabling it.
anyways... thanks for the comments... ill be putting up a newer versio later tonight.
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  #560 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2010, 05:41 PM
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Re: [3/13/2010] MikROM [Sense 2.5 | 21895 / 23547 | Real WM6.5 AKU | Lite & Standard

Originally Posted by Procter View Post
Anyone is using Igo8 with this ROM? i've been having problems with GPS signal with this rom. Almost every time I fresh start Igo8 program, I could not get a lock on any satellite until I manually download the GPS file in quickgps (even though I might just download it a min ago). I used this program with stock Sprint rom and Gadget rom before. Never had this issue.
i wish i could help out, but im using sprint nav and it always works, so i dont know what might cause igo8 to have issues.
but just to make sure... try to include what version u using... if its the light version there could be things missing that could cause an issue like that.
my light versions are usually very clean so there are many things that were taken out.
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