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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2009, 07:20 PM
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Sprint reps never seem to help!? wtf?

Your session ID is 7883639.
Time (Eastern) Details
11/14/2009 05:36:35PM Session Started with Agent (Michael R)
11/14/2009 05:36:35PM System: "Thank you for contacting Sprint. My name is Michael R. In order to better assist you; may I please have your first and last name?"
11/14/2009 05:36:35PM Kris: "I would like to change my plan"
11/14/2009 05:37:16PM Kris: "Kris Klass"
11/14/2009 05:37:21PM Agent (Michael R): "I will be happy to assist you with your request."
11/14/2009 05:37:24PM Agent (Michael R): "Thank you."
11/14/2009 05:37:27PM Kris: "ok"
11/14/2009 05:37:57PM Agent (Michael R): "For account security and verification, may I please have the **********-********** digit PIN number on your account?"
11/14/2009 05:38:10PM Kris: "******"
11/14/2009 05:39:18PM Agent (Michael R): "Thank you, one moment please while I access your account."
11/14/2009 05:39:24PM Kris: "ok"
11/14/2009 05:39:59PM Agent (Michael R): "May I ask what plan are you considering changing to?"
11/14/2009 05:40:31PM Kris: "im not sure, would you be able to point me in some direction?"
11/14/2009 05:40:59PM Kris: "I have the ********** everything data plan and dont even use any minutes."
11/14/2009 05:42:05PM Agent (Michael R): "That is the lowest shared data plan that we offer."
11/14/2009 05:42:24PM Kris: "what other kind of plans do you offer?"
11/14/2009 05:43:02PM Agent (Michael R): "Please click on the following link for a list of our plans."
11/14/2009 05:43:04PM Agent (Michael R) sends page: "http://nextelonline.nextel.com/NASAp...ink_SharePlans"
11/14/2009 05:46:44PM Agent (Michael R): "Were you able to access the price plans."
11/14/2009 05:49:33PM Agent (Michael R): "I know your time is valuable and I would like to assist you by answering any questions you have. Would you like to continue chatting with me today?"
11/14/2009 05:50:37PM Kris: "yes hold on one sec"
11/14/2009 05:50:38PM Kris: "I really do not need the **********"
11/14/2009 05:50:39PM Kris: "******************* line anymore."
11/14/2009 05:50:44PM Kris: "I really do not need the ******************* line anymore, what can I do about removing it?"
11/14/2009 05:51:42PM Agent (Michael R): "If you would like to remove that line from your account, please call (**********) **********-**********. Select Option ********** and Option **********."
11/14/2009 05:51:58PM Kris: "Is there a fee?"
11/14/2009 05:54:38PM Kris: "?"
11/14/2009 05:55:57PM Agent (Michael R): "The early termination fee is $**********.********** for line *******************."
11/14/2009 05:56:17PM Kris: "that's crazy?! why do much?"
11/14/2009 05:56:20PM Kris: "so*"
11/14/2009 05:57:42PM Agent (Michael R): "The line has only been in contract for ********** months. Normally the early termination fee is $**********.**********./"
11/14/2009 05:58:18PM Kris: "yes, but have been a customer for years."
11/14/2009 05:58:25PM Agent (Michael R): "That is correct."
11/14/2009 05:58:46PM Agent (Michael R): "Each time the contract is renew the early termination fee starts at $**********.**********."
11/14/2009 05:59:26PM Kris: "I really dont have the money to cancel it, is there another option?"
11/14/2009 06:00:35PM Agent (Michael R): "I apologize, however, it is not if that line is going to be cancelled."
11/14/2009 06:02:08PM Kris: "So since I have been a customer with sprint for years theres nothing you can do to drop that line for like another rate?"
11/14/2009 06:03:41PM Agent (Michael R): "If you would like to remove that line from your account, please call (**********) **********-**********. Select Option ********** and Option **********."
11/14/2009 06:04:42PM Kris: "I guess I will just cancel my whole contract with you people and move to another company like verizon"
11/14/2009 06:04:49PM Kris: "they have better plans anyway"
11/14/2009 06:06:23PM Agent (Michael R): "If you contact our Account Service Department who handles the cancellations, they may be able to work something out with you regarding canceling the line in question."
11/14/2009 06:07:19PM Kris: "is that the number you gave me earlier"
11/14/2009 06:07:30PM Agent (Michael R): "Yes, that is correct."
11/14/2009 06:08:26PM Kris: "alright, is just rediculous how it cost ********** just to cancel a line. would there be able to freeze the line?"
11/14/2009 06:09:33PM Agent (Michael R): "Please contact our Account Services Department and they will be able to answer any questions that you may have about the cancellation."
11/14/2009 06:09:51PM Kris: "alright"
11/14/2009 06:10:06PM Agent (Michael R): "Thank you for your service and have a great weekend."
11/14/2009 06:10:14PM Kris: "ok"
11/14/2009 06:10:18PM Session Ended
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2009, 07:22 PM
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Re: Sprint reps never seem to help!? wtf?

Sorry, wasent sure were a good place to post this is so I just threw it right here, move it were ever is should go, thanks!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2009, 07:32 PM
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Re: Sprint reps never seem to help!? wtf?

i read that whole thing and have no clue what youre ranting about, what did sprint do wrong in that situation? I'm assuming you fully understand what it means when you signed the contract in the first place.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2009, 07:40 PM
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Re: Sprint reps never seem to help!? wtf?

as far as i know, sprint has a static $200 early termination fee for any contract signed after mid-2008 because of some lawsuit.
as for a freeze, they have a feature that will let you pay only $9 per line but your contract for that phone will be extended one month for every month it's active on a line.

but your argument about going to verizon because of an ETF is invalid because all carriers charge one if you sign a contract

as for plans, there is a 700 minute share plan for $69 that does not include text or data.... you can add unlimited of both to one line for another $30 ($15 for unlimited data and $15 for unlimited texts (or $5 for 300 texts, $10 for 1000 texts)) and put the freeze on the other line and it still comes up cheaper than the $129 1500 minute everything share plan
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Last edited by strra; 11-14-2009 at 07:45 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2009, 07:41 PM
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Re: Sprint reps never seem to help!? wtf?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
i read that whole thing and have no clue what youre ranting about, what did sprint do wrong in that situation? I'm assuming you fully understand what it means when you signed the contract in the first place.
The sprint reps always act like they are trying to end the conversation.
Plus, I understand I have signed the contract, but it's not like I wanted to cancel the line at short notice, Im sure they could removed the line for free or cheaper.
Another whats the point of a chat room if they direct you to call the 888 number anyway?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2009, 07:42 PM
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Re: Sprint reps never seem to help!? wtf?

Originally Posted by strra View Post
as far as i know, sprint has a static $200 early termination fee for any contract signed after mid-2008 because of some lawsuit.
as for a freeze, they have a feature that will let you pay only $9 per line but your contract will be extended one month for every month it's active on a line.

but your argument about going to verizon because of an ETF is invalid because all carriers charge one if you sign a contract
What do you mean above?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2009, 07:44 PM
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Re: Sprint reps never seem to help!? wtf?

Originally Posted by KrisK91 View Post
The sprint reps always act like they are trying to end the conversation.
Plus, I understand I have signed the contract, but it's not like I wanted to cancel the line at short notice, Im sure they could removed the line for free or cheaper.
Another whats the point of a chat room if they direct you to call the 888 number anyway?
the chat room is for simple questions and answers. for cancelling your line you would have to speak with a representative. that is the best route for you because the rep who will cancel your line will have the best options for you and will try to retain you at all costs, you will probably end up getting way cheaper service.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2009, 07:45 PM
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Re: Sprint reps never seem to help!? wtf?

I wish I had a dollar for everytime I've heard someone complain about Sprint. Big Red costs more, but you get what you pay for. Next to marriage, leaving Sprint was probably the best day of my life... heheh.....not quite that major but you get the point...

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2009, 07:46 PM
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Re: Sprint reps never seem to help!? wtf?

Moved to Carrier Discussion Forum!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2009, 07:48 PM
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Re: Sprint reps never seem to help!? wtf?

Originally Posted by djsiva View Post
I wish I had a dollar for everytime I've heard someone complain about Sprint. Big Red costs more, but you get what you pay for. Next to marriage, leaving Sprint was probably the best day of my life... heheh.....not quite that major but you get the point...

glad you like paying more and getting the exact same service. its funny when people say you get what you pay for. what do you get more then me except a bigger bill

Last edited by p-slim; 11-14-2009 at 08:54 PM.
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