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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2009, 12:53 AM
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Verizon's $30 unlimited data plan

Ok, so when I bought the XV6800 in May '08 I was told that this phone was eligible for the reduced $30 unlimited data plan instead of the $45 because it lacked email push or something related to business. My use was purely recreational so I wouldn't miss the business feature and I went with the $30 unlimited data plan. And that's what my bill showed for the first few months, at least that I'm aware of, that I was signed up and paying for the $30 unlimited data plan. Anyhow, I checked the bill today (I'm not the person who pays the bill so I don't normally look at it) and I saw I'm paying for the $45 plan. WTF!

So heres my question; was the $30 unlimited plan a promotional thing that expired after a certain amount of time, or is Verizon ****ing me?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 04:46 PM
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Re: Verizon's $30 unlimited data plan

its still active to my knowledge may want to call vzw about it
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 04:53 PM
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Re: Verizon's $30 unlimited data plan

i think they owe you money
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 05:31 PM
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Re: Verizon's $30 unlimited data plan

Well, to update this, I called earlier today. They admitted the mistake and credited me back the difference ($15) for five months worth, so a total of $75. That's not even half of the money I ought to be getting back, but I took what I could get at the moment, I may call back and fight for more.

Here's the thing, the bill was signed so it's acknowledgement of it's correctness, so it's difficult for me to argue. Unfortunately, we didn't catch the issue, so Verizon ****ed us until we caught it. Oh well, Live and learn. And let this be a lesson to anyone else, KEEP AN EYE ON VERIZON.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 05:40 PM
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Re: Verizon's $30 unlimited data plan

vzw sux... GO SPRINT!

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 05:44 PM
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Re: Verizon's $30 unlimited data plan

Originally Posted by hibby50 View Post
vzw sux... GO SPRINT!

For sure..$30?? I pay $5 for unlimited vision data plan. My wife's data is free.

"I am Mulhiny and I am a flasher"..wmdunn
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2009, 06:28 AM
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Re: Verizon's $30 unlimited data plan

I pay 30$ for a data addition to my family plan i'm on with my mother, father, etc. I wish I could just quit, pay the same, and go to sprint for a TP2 but service is iffy in our region and my father would never approve.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2009, 09:11 AM
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Re: Verizon's $30 unlimited data plan

Originally Posted by Gulanowski View Post
Ok, so when I bought the XV6800 in May '08 I was told that this phone was eligible for the reduced $30 unlimited data plan instead of the $45 because it lacked email push or something related to business. My use was purely recreational so I wouldn't miss the business feature and I went with the $30 unlimited data plan. And that's what my bill showed for the first few months, at least that I'm aware of, that I was signed up and paying for the $30 unlimited data plan. Anyhow, I checked the bill today (I'm not the person who pays the bill so I don't normally look at it) and I saw I'm paying for the $45 plan. WTF!

So heres my question; was the $30 unlimited plan a promotional thing that expired after a certain amount of time, or is Verizon ****ing me?

The $30 plan is not available with all phones. For example, it is available if you're still using a Palm Treo 700wx, but if you're using the 700w (same phone, 50% less ram) it's not available. It's nothing technical, it's just how their billing system is set up.

According to tech support, the only difference between the 29.99 plan and the 44.99 plan is that push email with exchange doesn't work with the less expensive plan. However, YMMV, but I AM able to use push email with the 29.99 plan on my Verizon TP.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2009, 09:45 AM
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Re: Verizon's $30 unlimited data plan

Email + Web for smartphones - $29.99
Allows unlimited access to pocket outlook and activesync exchange connections for email and PIM information. Also allows for unlimited browsing on the phone for web access. With this feature you will not be able to use the WirelessSync application (which ill explain later) and before Sept. 2008 many phones COULD NOT TETHER with this feature added (would be upgraded to unlimited and then would add $15 dollar feature for tethering). As of now you can use this feature and still pay for tethering by adding on a $30 Dollar feature (why you would do this I dont know cause the price for both would be the same as tethering with unlimited just you dont have WirelessSync)

Unlimited Data Plan (really feature) - $44.99
Allows for the the same access to pocket outlook and activesync exchange as well as being able to browse for internet on the phone for no limit as well however you also have access to Verizon Wireless provided WirelessSync (created by Nokia). This feature gives more than just access to your emails but also gives you access for email but also PIM (contacts, calendar, notes, travel info, ect) without the need for activesync exchange or wired activesync through PC. This means you can use and BACKUP your information on the go without the need of a PC or exchange server at all (for those that use backup assitant on regular GIN phones. This can be used the same way after loosing or bricking a phone and getting a new or replacement you can gather all your information back by just reconnecting with WirelessSync) This feature also was for awhile the only way to connect via tethering though this has changed in recent months. With so much capability this is why it cost extra and without the feature wirelessync cannot be used (for those without exchange only EMAIL can be used, for those without a PC information cannot be backed up unless using a 3rd party app which can be pointless if you dont have a PC in the first place)

For any information about plans or features I will be happy to answer and answer with best of my knowledge...also if needed I will research any questions or concerns you may have (like VZW's new WFG).
Me quoting myself from an earlier post. Push email is reffering to Microsoft Exchange Server and Wireless Sync. Not regular pocket outlook which in its own way is push email.

As for the whole keep an eye on Verizon...I think that applies with any carrier. Make sure you know your features and check them on the carriers website or call in. Make sure there is no question. (had similar issue with AT&T)

as far as I know there are a FEW (only can think of 700WX, W, 650P) That cant use the 30 data plan. Nearly all PDA and blackberries have the ability to use the plan its not a promotion and has been around for awhile i.e. wont being going away anytime soon.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2009, 10:01 AM
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Re: Verizon's $30 unlimited data plan

Originally Posted by ca2l3vin View Post
Me quoting myself from an earlier post. Push email is reffering to Microsoft Exchange Server and Wireless Sync. Not regular pocket outlook which in its own way is push email.
That's not how tech support explained it to me (not that they're generally right). They said ANY exchange sync, whether through the "wireless sync" service or just direct with pocket outlook wouldn't be supported. I don't know how they could tell the P.O. was using push sync anyway, it's all encrypted port 443 traffic.

Originally Posted by ca2l3vin View Post
as far as I know there are a FEW (only can think of 700WX, W, 650P) That cant use the 30 data plan. Nearly all PDA and blackberries have the ability to use the plan its not a promotion and has been around for awhile i.e. wont being going away anytime soon.
Again, saying what tech said, Treo 700 NO, but 700wx YES.
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