Originally Posted by ca2l3vin
Me quoting myself from an earlier post. Push email is reffering to Microsoft Exchange Server and Wireless Sync. Not regular pocket outlook which in its own way is push email.
That's not how tech support explained it to me (not that they're generally right). They said ANY exchange sync, whether through the "wireless sync" service or just direct with pocket outlook wouldn't be supported. I don't know how they could tell the P.O. was using push sync anyway, it's all encrypted port 443 traffic.
Originally Posted by ca2l3vin
as far as I know there are a FEW (only can think of 700WX, W, 650P) That cant use the 30 data plan. Nearly all PDA and blackberries have the ability to use the plan its not a promotion and has been around for awhile i.e. wont being going away anytime soon.
Again, saying what tech said, Treo 700 NO, but 700wx YES.