Originally Posted by Gulanowski
Ok, so when I bought the XV6800 in May '08 I was told that this phone was eligible for the reduced $30 unlimited data plan instead of the $45 because it lacked email push or something related to business. My use was purely recreational so I wouldn't miss the business feature and I went with the $30 unlimited data plan. And that's what my bill showed for the first few months, at least that I'm aware of, that I was signed up and paying for the $30 unlimited data plan. Anyhow, I checked the bill today (I'm not the person who pays the bill so I don't normally look at it) and I saw I'm paying for the $45 plan. WTF!
So heres my question; was the $30 unlimited plan a promotional thing that expired after a certain amount of time, or is Verizon ****ing me?
The $30 plan is not available with all phones. For example, it is available if you're still using a Palm Treo 700wx, but if you're using the 700w (same phone, 50% less ram) it's not available. It's nothing technical, it's just how their billing system is set up.
According to tech support, the only difference between the 29.99 plan and the 44.99 plan is that push email with exchange doesn't work with the less expensive plan. However, YMMV, but
I AM able to use push email with the 29.99 plan on my Verizon TP.