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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2009, 10:10 PM
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Re: Disapointed with Sprint

having been in your situation maybe 2 weeks ago, i would suggest calling *2 and CALMLY explain what's going on and what you're trying to do. take a look here for some pointers http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...horror+stories
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2009, 11:13 PM
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Re: Disapointed with Sprint

Thanks for the link, that was a good read. I have definatly had my horror stories, 3 hours on the phone to fix a tax issue was one of them, but when I finally got re-routed to the same guy for the 3rd time he dragged in the manager and got the issue fixed.

I'm not to the point of calling in and complaining.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 10:55 PM
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Re: Disapointed with Sprint

Well, I am happy to say my issues have been resolved and, as of right now, I am pleased to be with Sprint.

For those that may be interested, I took mr8820's advice and just called and had a friendly conversation (even though I said I wouldnt ). The person I spoke with was very receptive and without me even asking about anything started trying to apease my disapointment.

So now I am resigned with sprint and with new handsets on the way (TP and Centro) for a reasonable price, and full upgrade potential for my third line.

I still fear that new regulations have taken place within Sprint limiting what the stores and ecare can do, but as of now the good old Sprint I have grown to love is still there.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 12:31 AM
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Re: Disapointed with Sprint

So, this has gotten more interesting, and more disapointing.

I had called Sprint to find out what my ETF might be since ATT had been offering some good deals. I was immediatly booted to retentions who tried to resolve my issue. In the end, I got a TP for a decent price, nothing amazing, but decent, a Centro for upgrade price without having to do the mail in rebate plus $70 to upgrade that line, and what was supposed to be a data plan, which one she didnt tell me.

Fast forward a couple days.
I get a call from an Ecare customer, called me directly which was nice, to let me know that my account had only been granted data access, not a data plan, and that I was about to be hit with nearly $150 in data usage charges. Well, after 2 hours on the phone the tech was only able to add a vision pack for $8 a line, not able to give me anything else, but by nixing my messaging and giving me 1000 messages a month for free my bill would end up being $6 a month more. That was supposed to give me data, and navigation and messaging, but at the loss of picture messaging and the added cost per month, but it was to be back dated so I wouldnt get hit with any data charges. Oh, and a $100 credit on the TP line since vision wouldnt give me the mail in rebate. Well, since it covered my issues I took it even though I lost picture messaging and my monthly bill went up, I still considered it a decent outcome.

2 days later I loose caller ID. 2 hours on the phone and I still didnt get it fixed, but the ticket was sent to another department. A couple days later I got Caller ID back. The tech I spoke with thought it might be to all the changes on my account, who knows and it really wasnt a huge deal.

Today, I check my bill, and this is where the fun begins.
My bill is showing correct equipment charges, the $70 upgrade credit. HOWEVER, it is showing a $130 charge for "Data and 3rd party charges", and a $56 charge for "Access and related items". Now my plan is showing "Sprint Data pack plus" on my wifes line and mine, but when I click on that at Sprint.com it says "Add-On: Unknown Item".

So who knows what the hell is going on, but I'm a little pissed at all the charges that were supposed to be covered, and the multiple hours on the phone trying to get things resolved.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 12:54 AM
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Re: Disapointed with Sprint

Whats funny is i was in the mall of america and they are located right next to best buy. And spirt had a sign out side and it said with will match compitor... and i walked over to best buy and looked at prices and then i went over to sprint and there said they couldnt do that but the sign said make any prices lol
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 09:59 PM
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Re: Disapointed with Sprint

I've had my good and bad experiences with Sprint but altogether, I'd rather stay with Sprint than go to any other Carrier :P
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2009, 11:24 PM
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Re: Disapointed with Sprint

snoman, call them and calmly tell them what's going on. it will(not may) take a while but trust me, sprint will end up giving you some kind of credit for your headaches. just make sure if you haven't already to have whomever you talk to note your account but also keep notes of who you're talking to. stay with it soldier!(but calmly)
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 12:05 AM
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Re: Disapointed with Sprint

Originally Posted by mr8820 View Post
snoman, call them and calmly tell them what's going on. it will(not may) take a while but trust me, sprint will end up giving you some kind of credit for your headaches. just make sure if you haven't already to have whomever you talk to note your account but also keep notes of who you're talking to. stay with it soldier!(but calmly)
Calmly, got it! LOL

Sounds like you have been at the recieving end of those calls.

I'm going to give them a call, I just have not had a chance yet. The only problem I have right now is I am not sure who to call. I have already spoken to the "normal" reps, and although they are helpfull, they seem to be quite limited in their abilities. At this point I would like to get what I had before (picture mail) and what has been promised me (data, navigation), and get the charges wiped. As far as I can tell thats the PRO pack add on, but the normal reps wont be able to do that without costing me $30 a month. I dont mind a little bit of an increase in my monthly bill for some features, but I'm not dropping another $60 a month for things that I had before, or what Sprint said they were going to give me.

Do I call customer support and just keep asking to get booted up untill someone has the power to take care of this, or call retentions back since it seems they have the power to take care of this. Direct calling retentions seems like cheating since I believe Sprint can take care of this for me and I'm not quite to the point of canceling, but since it seems they are the ones who screwed this up the first time IMO they should be the ones to fix it.

What does not help is my wife is also disapointed with her phone and is thinking about another phone. I have 30 days to do that, but just getting my bill straight is taking a while and putting a phone exchange in the mix is just going to make things more confusing.

BTW, what is with all Sprints options, not even the techs are aware of them. Seems to me that Sprint could cut a bunch of costs just by booting everybody to one of the new plans that includes whatever they had before, and then just charging them the same as they were paying. All these options and add-ons has to be costing a fortune to keep track of, not to mention bogging down the system. Sure, some people might get a mild "upgrade" out of it, but I would think the benifits would outweight the costs.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2009, 02:35 AM
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Re: Disapointed with Sprint

Originally Posted by DaPeeps View Post
Threaten to cancel....they will give you whatever you want.

Mention AT&T and the iphone, and you're even more likley to get their attention.

Trust me...Sprint has coddled me like a baby in its crib. They have ALWAYS taken care of me....to the point that I would never even consider leaving them.
Wow, some of the responses that come up in these threads are surprising. What is the problem with waiting TWO WEEKS!! Why must everyone say "threaten to cancel you'll get what you want" I will admit that I only talk to retentions, but I have always advised them that there is no plan to cancel, with the exception of my most recent problem which I will cancel over if not resolved. It is this culture that thrives, on and encourages immediate gratification, that leads to some of the problems we have today. I do agree the the way the online chat was handled was rude, as well as the first store. Also, I have been with Sprint for almost 7years (got first phone on 18th Bday) and have seen that they are more than willing to help as long as you are upfront HONEST and polite.

To the OP don't threaten to cancel unless you are prepared for them to say goodbye, if that happens get ready to pay out the A$$ for your phone bill.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2009, 05:05 PM
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Re: Disapointed with Sprint

What the OP needs to realize is, the non corporate store will not get paid for giving him a "hookup". No matter what you say, we're all in business to make money. I have had to turn away plenty of people who were days away from two year eligibility only to have them get the phone somewhere else.
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