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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2009, 07:48 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Since this is about HORROR stories..IM on my way to pay ALLTEL $500 out $966 to have my service back on line since the "REP" down here didnt tell me about any new charges that were going to come up in my bill after my upgrade. I have 25 days till my account is sent to collections. What a bummer for me!
"Refuse to give up, your mistakes don't define you" --T.I.

Last edited by KillAByteZ; 04-15-2009 at 08:06 PM.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2009, 08:58 AM
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Angry Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by KillAByteZ View Post
Since this is about HORROR stories..IM on my way to pay ALLTEL $500 out $966 to have my service back on line since the "REP" down here didnt tell me about any new charges that were going to come up in my bill after my upgrade. I have 25 days till my account is sent to collections. What a bummer for me!

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH CRAPPPPP!!!! dude that sucks, ok first off, great avatar and secondly how in the BLEEEEP did that happen?? it should have come up in conversation like "blah blah blah oh and by the way blah blah blah...extra charges blah blah blah....." . you should try and call them back and ask for the manager or customer retention rep, inform them that you the customer was not informed of any extra charges and maybe they can work something out where your sercive is not interupted because of thier poorly trianed employee. they have to tell you of these things.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2009, 09:26 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by KillAByteZ View Post
Since this is about HORROR stories..IM on my way to pay ALLTEL $500 out $966 to have my service back on line since the "REP" down here didnt tell me about any new charges that were going to come up in my bill after my upgrade. I have 25 days till my account is sent to collections. What a bummer for me!
Sounds like someone thought the internet was free without a data package. I wouldn't really call that a rep problem if that was the case.
If you have wifi and GPS on your phone, click link below for Navizon. Navizon gives you money to log wifi and cell phone towers.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2009, 09:45 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by LunaticSerenade View Post
No one is saying that you can't mess up the phone by adding a custom ROM. There is always that risk.

What this thread is more about is the known issue with the ribbon cable connecting the hard keyboard to the phone coming disconnected, the chrome flaking/chipping/cracking on the Sprint TP, LCD cracks, that kind of thing. Those are all HARDWARE issues, and accordingly, cannot be caused by SOFTWARE.

While your point is valid in that software related issues could be caused by custom ROMs, it is inapplicable in that it has little to do with the topic of this thread, which is storied of horrific encounters with customer service.

For my part, I have yet to have to call about my Touch Pro. However, my old phone, the Samsung SCH-i760, gave me all kinds of issues. One of the worst was when it started exhibiting the known deep sleep issue (not waking from sleep mode without a soft reset), and I called in to have it replaced after doing a variety of hard resets, re-flashing with the MR3 update (there were no custom ROMs for the i760), etc, and the CSR told me to take it to a store so they could use their "special diagnostic equipment." No joke. She said that. So I asked her what they would do, and she repeated that statement. So I asked for her supervisor, and she told me there were no supervisors there, and they wouldn't be in until 8 am (it was shortly after 6 am). Now, I work in a call center, and I know better than that, so I asked her "You mean to tell me you have front line agents sitting unsupervised? That there are no Operations Supervisors, Trainers, Callcenter Managers, nothing?" and she said "That's right." Needless to say, I hung up on that piece of work and called back, and they shipped me out a replacement after me being on the phone for about 2 minutes.

The time after that, I got my phone upgraded to the Touch Pro, and that was a hassle...but I'll go into that later.

thank you so much for pointing out the real reason of this thread, for some reason, others seem to relate hardware issues with software changes and then blame the user when in fact it is as simple as a manufacture defect or assembly problem. now as far as your story lol, i think that she was a newbie or maybe just some bitter employee, i now make it a point to ask for there number and name so if i do have to discuss anything with a manager i have all the information i need. not saying i want to get anyone fired but they tend to "help" just a little more when you have them by the balls, or in her case the....welll you get the point lol. good story. you have been thanked
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 04:39 PM
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Cool Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

After going through 5 refurb replacement TPs with Verizon over two and a half months, they finally agreed to send me a new TP2, which were out of stock for two or three weeks until today. The supervisor who was supposed to be on top of this for me wouldn't return his calls, but another tech did and allegedly I'm receiving my TP2 by next Tuesday.

Will it be a TP2 and will it actually work or will there be another screw-up? Hard to tell, but one thing is sure, I always cover my rear by recording my calls with vzw so that if they do screw up and "conveniently" lose any record of what they promised to do, I can refresh their memories. I recommend everyone else do this, too, in states where it's legal (I'm in Texas).
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 06:40 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

: angry7::sc ratch::headb ang:
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2009, 05:07 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

it was back in 2000. with sprint. i had their service about 6-8 months, back when new, top of the line phones were still dot matrix. i bought a nokia phone and was told i could get wap internet. no images, no fancy stuff, if i went online it was all just text stuff (oh wow) so i passed, just phone service please. well later i decided to jump on the net band waggon. called sprint, they new what phone i had, and told them i wanted net on my service. they informed me i would have to take my phone into sprint store and have net PUT on my phone. i went in, and store told me it wasn't going to happen. wtf, i bought phone from this store, and they wanted to put net on phone at time of purchase. day or so passed, called sprint, again, go to store and have it done. went back to store, same result. couple days go by, called sprint again, again was told to go to store. went to store, again was told, that it wasn't going to happen. while outside of store headed to car, i called sprint again. told tech support that store wont help and i was outside. ts told me to go inside and hand phone to someone (while ts was still on phone) 30 min later i get my phone back, net works. left store, got in car, pulled out of shopping center, phone was off. turned back on, and a friend called. talked for aprox 30 seconds and then there was nothing. looked at phone, and instead of call info, it was idle screen. just stopped and went to today screen. happened on every call. called sprint and told them what happened and i couldn't use my phone. first month of this, and always calling got me a month free as i had no working phone. 2nd month, 3rd month, calling almost every day, would not fix my issue. after 4 months of no working phone, after they told me they could and then fried it, they told me they would send me a sanyo phone. 5th month, no replacement, 6th month no replacement. went down and bought the phone they told me they were going to send as a replacement. took 2 more months to get re-embur what i payed for the phone they never sent after they fried a phone they sold me that had internet, after they fried it putting internet on it. i dropped sprint for cricket. switched back to sprint 6 weeks ago with a touch pro, 2 days ago the internet stopped working while online. today the keyboard seems to have issues when using shift and function. not looking forward to going in and finding out what is going on. all while using stock rom.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2009, 11:52 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

I've gotta tell you my Verizon horror story. I've never been one to complain too much and Verizon has been pretty on the spot with resolving any issues I've had, but over the last 2 days I'm about to switch carriers.

It really started with my Touch Pro. I know plenty of people love them here, but my opinion is that this thing is garbage. I purchased one at FULL RETAIL. Of course, it was a piece of poo and had to get a replacement. Well lo and behold, this one's defective and falling apart and puking on itself as well.

So finally I've had enough and I call Verizon with my aggravations and they inform me my line is open for an upgrade. I was trying to get across that the phone I have is defective and I don't want another HTC phone, but ok, I'll give a little to try and resolve the problem. No worries. While I'm on the phone I tell the rep that I need to get a phone for my son for Christmas. My new-every-2 isn't up till Dec 30th so they agree to help me out by letting me have my upgrade a week and a half early. Cool...sounds like the right thing to do by my count to keep a customer happy. Awesome. So the rep asks, "Would you like me to ship those or would you like to pick them up in the store?" Hey, I'll get them today! No shipping and don't have to wait. The rep says "I'll note the account and any Corporate store can get you taken care of for the prices we talked about." Thanks! You've been super helpful!

So I get in my car and drive 20 minutes to the Verizon store with a smile on my face. I get there and check out the phones and everything looks great. STRIKE ONE--The store rep tells me that there's nothing on the account so it's gonna cost this this this and this then you have to wait for the rebates. Hold the phone a second...I was on the phone for 45 minutes with this guy who said everything was in order....can we get on the line and get this straitened out? STRIKE 2-- "All we can do is call *611 just like you." Ok.. soo.... are you going to do that or what? So THEN the store rep tells me, "Well they just never do that. If you want to call them back and straighten it out, then just come back in." WHAT THE?!?! FOR REAL?! You're telling the customer to fix it himself?!

So I go out to the car and call *611 and get a different rep who checks into the issue and is APPALLED that the store rep handled things the way he did. She explains things should have been explained a bit better, sorry for the confusion. Alright...let it go..she's trying to fix things. So... she says she'll overnight the phones at no charge and credits my account for $25. Phones will be there tomorrow...someone has to sign for them. Oh. I'm going to be gone till late..no worries, I've got a friend that owes me a favor and Fedex runs early so he can take off after the package shows up. Got the bases covered...life is good again. Around 7:30-8:00 the same rep calls me to tell me that she forgot to tell me they credited 1000 minutes to my account because it's a contract renewal. Thanks for the call! At this point, I'm satisfied and I'm excited to get a phone that hopefully lives up to my expectations.

So my buddy shows up as I'm leaving at 7am today...call me when the package gets here and lock up on your way out. Thanks! I call at lunch... no drop yet. No worries. I call on my way home at 6pm...no package. WTF?! STRIKE 3!! I call Verizon... "You told me my phones would be here, what gives?" So they tell me, "Oh, you placed the order after 3pm so it didn't ship yesterday. It'll be there tomorrow." ?!?! Well why did you tell me it'd be here today...you inconvienienced me (and made me call in a favor so my buddy could sit here and drink up my beer and empty my fridge) Oh..bigger problem...I'm gonna be gone all day tomorrow and I've got no one to get the Fedex guy. Not to mention, I won't be home till after 7pm tomorrow and the next day and Thursday is Christmas Eve. "Well I'm sorry for the inconvienience...anything else I can do for you?" Well...where can I pick these phones up at? "I've got no way to figure that out. You'll have to wait till they try to deliver it, then call Fedex and they can answer that for you." STRIKE FREEKIN 4!!!!!!!! So I lose it. Sorry is no longer good enough. Get someone on the phone that can make this right. I know you can't deliver it any faster, but I at least need to know WHERE I can go to get my phone and what is going to be done about this runaround I'm getting.

So Josh the floor manager gets on the line. After explaining to him the hassle I've been through, he "advises" me that basicly, he's not going to do anything. More apologies and the phones will be there sometime tomorrow. Sometime before 7pm. I'm starting to REALLY get perturbed, so I reiterate that I have done everything that the reps have asked me to do...all the way down to calling customer support myself to iron out the miscommunications from the first phone call. (Which I still think is a crock!) I inform him that I'm not a happy customer and I don't think that the customer service dept has their stuff in order. All though the first two reps tried to handle the situation the whole affair has been botched at every turn. First off you send me 20 minutes to a store, then the store rep makes me call to try to figure out where the ball got dropped, then tell me you'll have the package to me the next day so I inconvienience a friend for an entire day for nothing, then you can't even tell me where or when I can PICK UP the package that is going to be delivered that I won't be here to get. hm. THEN when I express to you that after this, I'm considering returning the phones and changing carriers (costing Verizon close to $2000 a year) , you "advise" me that you've done all you can do. What did you do?! I was credited $25 by someone else and someone before that did the courtesy of moving my upgrade date up a few days. Whoopty freekin doo. THE SUPERVISOR didn't even have the gumption to get on the horn and figure out where or when I could pick up my package.

Maybe I'm out of line...I don't know. But, I'm not asking for free phones, merchandise or a months credit on my account. I pay on time. All I expected was for things to be handled the first time. Instead I end up running in circles and getting more and more frustrated, only to end up with a SUPERVISOR that straight out doesn't give two bits about whether or not customer service is actually providing a service to the customer. SHAME ON YOU VERIZON!!!!! If one of my employees treated a customer like this they would be looking for a new job! If I ship something to someone and there's an issue with the package I! look into it and find a solution and then contact the buyer to let them know what's up.

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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2009, 05:15 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

sounds like you need to write to the CEO. Lowell McAdam. follow this link and on the bottom click on contact and send in your complaint

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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2009, 05:17 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by jpwhre View Post
it was back in 2000. with sprint. i had their service about 6-8 months, back when new, top of the line phones were still dot matrix. i bought a nokia phone and was told i could get wap internet. no images, no fancy stuff, if i went online it was all just text stuff (oh wow) so i passed, just phone service please. well later i decided to jump on the net band waggon. called sprint, they new what phone i had, and told them i wanted net on my service. they informed me i would have to take my phone into sprint store and have net PUT on my phone. i went in, and store told me it wasn't going to happen. wtf, i bought phone from this store, and they wanted to put net on phone at time of purchase. day or so passed, called sprint, again, go to store and have it done. went back to store, same result. couple days go by, called sprint again, again was told to go to store. went to store, again was told, that it wasn't going to happen. while outside of store headed to car, i called sprint again. told tech support that store wont help and i was outside. ts told me to go inside and hand phone to someone (while ts was still on phone) 30 min later i get my phone back, net works. left store, got in car, pulled out of shopping center, phone was off. turned back on, and a friend called. talked for aprox 30 seconds and then there was nothing. looked at phone, and instead of call info, it was idle screen. just stopped and went to today screen. happened on every call. called sprint and told them what happened and i couldn't use my phone. first month of this, and always calling got me a month free as i had no working phone. 2nd month, 3rd month, calling almost every day, would not fix my issue. after 4 months of no working phone, after they told me they could and then fried it, they told me they would send me a sanyo phone. 5th month, no replacement, 6th month no replacement. went down and bought the phone they told me they were going to send as a replacement. took 2 more months to get re-embur what i payed for the phone they never sent after they fried a phone they sold me that had internet, after they fried it putting internet on it. i dropped sprint for cricket. switched back to sprint 6 weeks ago with a touch pro, 2 days ago the internet stopped working while online. today the keyboard seems to have issues when using shift and function. not looking forward to going in and finding out what is going on. all while using stock rom.

lol sounds like you didnt learn your lesson the first time..SAY NO TO SPRINT! LOL
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