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Old 11-07-2009, 05:07 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

it was back in 2000. with sprint. i had their service about 6-8 months, back when new, top of the line phones were still dot matrix. i bought a nokia phone and was told i could get wap internet. no images, no fancy stuff, if i went online it was all just text stuff (oh wow) so i passed, just phone service please. well later i decided to jump on the net band waggon. called sprint, they new what phone i had, and told them i wanted net on my service. they informed me i would have to take my phone into sprint store and have net PUT on my phone. i went in, and store told me it wasn't going to happen. wtf, i bought phone from this store, and they wanted to put net on phone at time of purchase. day or so passed, called sprint, again, go to store and have it done. went back to store, same result. couple days go by, called sprint again, again was told to go to store. went to store, again was told, that it wasn't going to happen. while outside of store headed to car, i called sprint again. told tech support that store wont help and i was outside. ts told me to go inside and hand phone to someone (while ts was still on phone) 30 min later i get my phone back, net works. left store, got in car, pulled out of shopping center, phone was off. turned back on, and a friend called. talked for aprox 30 seconds and then there was nothing. looked at phone, and instead of call info, it was idle screen. just stopped and went to today screen. happened on every call. called sprint and told them what happened and i couldn't use my phone. first month of this, and always calling got me a month free as i had no working phone. 2nd month, 3rd month, calling almost every day, would not fix my issue. after 4 months of no working phone, after they told me they could and then fried it, they told me they would send me a sanyo phone. 5th month, no replacement, 6th month no replacement. went down and bought the phone they told me they were going to send as a replacement. took 2 more months to get re-embur what i payed for the phone they never sent after they fried a phone they sold me that had internet, after they fried it putting internet on it. i dropped sprint for cricket. switched back to sprint 6 weeks ago with a touch pro, 2 days ago the internet stopped working while online. today the keyboard seems to have issues when using shift and function. not looking forward to going in and finding out what is going on. all while using stock rom.
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