Originally Posted by Dr.8820
Eric, you still with them lol?
Originally Posted by fixxxer2008
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.7; en-us; Incredible 2 Build/GRI40; CyanogenMod-7) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)
Yeah thats what i said. I would of been gone long ago....eft or not.
Dr.8820 & @
fixxxer2008 it's all been a matter of the slow ass shipping. First I bought my HD7 that didn't arrive till Saturday last week then I went to WalMart looking for a T-mobile SIM and mistakenly purchased a family mobile SIM kit (thankfully I was able to return that). Then on Monday I went to a Tmo store after school looking for one and no such luck there either, after that I went to amazon and ordered the right SIM so today it should be here and after the dan@
sprint rep calls me I'm putting it in and porting my number over. enough is enough
Originally Posted by eyeb
saw a post mention about arrive getting bad esn, just switch to an old phone (maybe like a flip phone $10?) on the line so arrive's esn becomes clear and if line gets cancelled, the flip phone's esn is one that goes bad
edit: have you tested speeds lately? I noticed it earlier this week and just tested it just now. From mobilespeedtest site I'm getting in the 450kbps to 500kbps range that's about a 100-200kbps more than I was getting last month. Not sure what changed but if the speeds are slowly improving then that's good
eyeb well if they waive the etf on my contract the ESN shouldn't go bad I don't think. I test speeds all the time, always averaging 150kbps.