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Old 11-18-2011, 07:43 AM
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Re: ongoing service issues w/no resolution in sight (NEW UPDATE:Hacia a la gran final

Originally Posted by Dr.8820 View Post
Eric, you still with them lol?
Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
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Yeah thats what i said. I would of been gone long ago....eft or not.
@Dr.8820 & @fixxxer2008 it's all been a matter of the slow ass shipping. First I bought my HD7 that didn't arrive till Saturday last week then I went to WalMart looking for a T-mobile SIM and mistakenly purchased a family mobile SIM kit (thankfully I was able to return that). Then on Monday I went to a Tmo store after school looking for one and no such luck there either, after that I went to amazon and ordered the right SIM so today it should be here and after the dan@sprint rep calls me I'm putting it in and porting my number over. enough is enough
Originally Posted by eyeb View Post
saw a post mention about arrive getting bad esn, just switch to an old phone (maybe like a flip phone $10?) on the line so arrive's esn becomes clear and if line gets cancelled, the flip phone's esn is one that goes bad

edit: have you tested speeds lately? I noticed it earlier this week and just tested it just now. From mobilespeedtest site I'm getting in the 450kbps to 500kbps range that's about a 100-200kbps more than I was getting last month. Not sure what changed but if the speeds are slowly improving then that's good
@eyeb well if they waive the etf on my contract the ESN shouldn't go bad I don't think. I test speeds all the time, always averaging 150kbps.
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