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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2011, 11:17 PM
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Re: ongoing service issues with no resolution in sight (updated 11/14)

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
eric i just would of went to best buy or tmobile and let them port the number and set it up, too much hassle to do it yourself. as far as selling your contract it may be hard because most everyone knows the network currently sucks. and since you didn't pay your bill, your service could be interrupted and give your arrive a bad esn. not to be rude but it's going to be a mess if you wait to sell it too someone. id walk into tmobile tomorrow and have them do all the work. that's what we did when we went to verizon, it was easy as pie.

i have no clue why sprint is giving you such a hard time? have you gotten vocal with them? that's what i had to do, then i just ported my numbers over and they let me out. i cannot imagine your eft will be that much, as i said you can just make payments after you switch to tmobile.

not to be funny but you sorta seem on the fence about doing this. if it was me it would of been a done deal already.
@fixxxer2008 I'm doing it, I just bought the SIM from amazon for $3 and I went to a T-mobile store earlier and they told me that only the $50 and $70 plans were available. The $30 plan I want is only available at wal mart or online. The WalMart where I live isn't good for shit so I'm getting the plan online. Now it's just a matter if waiting for shipping which could be Friday when it gets here and its also the day of the next call.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2011, 06:23 PM
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Re: ongoing service issues w/no resolution in sight (NEW UPDATE:Hacia a la gran final

UPDATE: yup just got a call from advanced tech support and they said that there's been a known capacity issue on both the towers (no shit!) and repairs won't be complete on one until 1/31/12 and the other won't be repaired until 2/15/12. So yup that's grounds for going to a different carrier which I told them so hopefully they will let me out. Tomorrow my usual rep will call and I'll tell him those results which is what he was waiting for then after the call in goes my T-Mobile sim into my HD7.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2011, 06:55 PM
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Hopefully they let you go, if not ask for a reduced eft fee for the troubles. Good luck to you on tmobile. Also i bet their fix timeline is way off.

Last edited by fixxxer2012; 11-17-2011 at 06:56 PM.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2011, 08:08 PM
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Re: ongoing service issues w/no resolution in sight (NEW UPDATE:Hacia a la gran final

Yup they failed the 2 resolution dates they already gave me so I'm not holding my breath.
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2011, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by eric12341
Yup they failed the 2 resolution dates they already gave me so I'm not holding my breath.
I give you credit, i would of gave up after two calls with them. Febuary marks one year since the towers started acting up. They should be ashamed.
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2011, 09:58 PM
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Re: ongoing service issues w/no resolution in sight (NEW UPDATE:Hacia a la gran final

Ever since the Great North American Blizzard of 2011 is when I noticed.
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2011, 12:27 AM
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Re: ongoing service issues w/no resolution in sight (NEW UPDATE:Hacia a la gran final

Eric, you still with them lol?
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2011, 12:43 AM
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Originally Posted by eric12341
Ever since the Great North American Blizzard of 2011 is when I noticed.
The blizzard had nothing to do with it but yeah it was around that time. The main issue is the towers need to be upgraded because of them being over capacity. It doesnt take a year to handle this.
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2011, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Dr.8820
Eric, you still with them lol?
Yeah thats what i said. I would of been gone long ago....eft or not.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2011, 01:10 AM
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Re: ongoing service issues w/no resolution in sight (NEW UPDATE:Hacia a la gran final

saw a post mention about arrive getting bad esn, just switch to an old phone (maybe like a flip phone $10?) on the line so arrive's esn becomes clear and if line gets cancelled, the flip phone's esn is one that goes bad

edit: have you tested speeds lately? I noticed it earlier this week and just tested it just now. From mobilespeedtest site I'm getting in the 450kbps to 500kbps range that's about a 100-200kbps more than I was getting last month. Not sure what changed but if the speeds are slowly improving then that's good

Last edited by EyeB; 11-18-2011 at 01:31 AM.
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