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  #461 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2010, 06:27 PM
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Re: SERO Premium

Originally Posted by muyoso View Post
I just got shot down trying to upgrade my plan and phone at Radioshack. They said that the only way to upgrade was over the phone through telesales or through the website, which is not available yet. What is the price that everyone is paying for the Epic 4g through telesales? Pretty pissed that Radio Shack sells it for $219 with NO MIR, and Sprint is trying to charge me $350 with a 100 dollar MIR. How exactly is that 150 dollar upgrade credit something special when some schmuck off the street can buy the phone for the exact same price if Sprint has NEVER ever done business with him before??

whining in multiple threads is not going to help you get your phone at RS.

why are you pissed anyway?? you have a much better plan then any "shmuck off the street can buy". sprint is being very generous letting you keep that plan and all you can do is bitch and moan.

usually its the new customers who get the best deal. its a lot harder to get new people in then it is to keep the ones you have.
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  #462 (permalink)  
Old 10-02-2010, 08:41 PM
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Re: SERO Premium

Originally Posted by muyoso View Post
I just got shot down trying to upgrade my plan and phone at Radioshack. They said that the only way to upgrade was over the phone through telesales or through the website, which is not available yet. What is the price that everyone is paying for the Epic 4g through telesales? Pretty pissed that Radio Shack sells it for $219 with NO MIR, and Sprint is trying to charge me $350 with a 100 dollar MIR. How exactly is that 150 dollar upgrade credit something special when some schmuck off the street can buy the phone for the exact same price if Sprint has NEVER ever done business with him before??
Am not trying to sound like a a$s but if you already have the SERO plan, just dial *2 from phone and it will connect you to Employee Care and just tell them that you want to switch to the SERO Premium plan. Once you do that, try to go into Radio and get the Epic/Evo. Also that $150 upgrade you dont have to take it. You can renew your contract by buying a phone anytime your contract is up by asking for the "new customer price" which is what the "some schmuch off the streets" who is signing a new contract with Sprint or any other provider gets. And its like what lafester said, be happy and that you have one the cheapest and greatest plans Sprint has to offer. Hope its not confusing what I am saying. If you got questions, just quote me and I will help you out. ;]

Originally Posted by quick99si View Post
Maybe you should read the FAQ then.. it's even linked in bkrodgers' post. I've bought phones at BB also. Things have changed, however, and by things I mean that Sprint EXPLICITLY stated that SERO upgrades go through Sprint and Sprint only. Besides actually saying it, they also implimented what seems to be a strict policy to block out any 3rd party retailers from selling phones to SERO users at a discount.

Please stop.
Listen I am playing nice but if you want to start ranting, I dont got a problem homie. I been with Sprint for 12 years! And have 9 lines total! Am sure Sprint wouldn't mind me upgrading my contract at ANY place since they are making hundreds of dollars from me every year. And also giving Sprint about 45-50 new customers as well. ;]
Verizon T-Mobile Cingular All-Carriers-Except-Sprint. BANG BANG homie! They got m0ney for war but cant feed the po0r? What has this country

Don't forget to say thanx! ;]

Last edited by ink718; 10-02-2010 at 08:43 PM.
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  #463 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2010, 06:29 AM
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Re: SERO Premium

Originally Posted by ink718 View Post
Listen I am playing nice but if you want to start ranting, I dont got a problem homie. I been with Sprint for 12 years! And have 9 lines total! Am sure Sprint wouldn't mind me upgrading my contract at ANY place since they are making hundreds of dollars from me every year. And also giving Sprint about 45-50 new customers as well. ;]
Awww snap, you wanna throw down son? I can post with the best of them, I ain't even playin with you nomore you know what I'm sayin'?

PS- search, read, then post. You'll look like much less of an a$$clown this way
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  #464 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2010, 06:40 AM
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Re: one more day ... Android on SERO. Who's in??

Originally Posted by BooDaddy View Post
After reading I would loose my 20% discount by moving to SERO Premium I dont think I could do the upgrade. Heres the breakdown:

Loosing discount: + $12 (loose it on both lines)
Upgrade to Premium: + $10 (upgrading just one line)
Sprint 4G Coolness tax: + $10
Two of those MAY be negated if/when Sprint removes your 20% discount (as has been happening sporadically with these account audits) and with the release of the Samsung Transform which has a shot at being free of the 4G coolness tax.

Would you consider it then? I would sure as hell be locked in! And don't forget to count the AMAT/Navigation/etc benefits of SEROP. Those alone may be worth it depending on your minutes usage.
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  #465 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2010, 06:51 AM
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Re: SERO Premium

Of the 3 upgraded phones that I have used on Sero, one came from a sprint store, the rest came from Ebay, then I activated it by calling sprint, much easier and you do not need to wait for rebates......
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  #466 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2010, 09:09 AM
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Re: one more day ... Android on SERO. Who's in??

I am weighing my options. I wanted a TP2 for a long time but used the Mogul until I got a good deal one one about 6 months ago. As far as I am concerned, it is the same thing as the mogul with a slightly bigger screen. I really dont understand why HTC packs all this stuff into the OS and then doesnt give the phone a chance with the rom and processor. After tinkering with the iphone, I dont know why all phones cant be that smooth. It frustrates me on a daily basis. I am ready to jump to android, but am weighing my options for a phone. I dont buy the whole business/consumer arguement. I use mine for business, but it is my personal phone. In order to offset the cost, I might dump my DSL and stealth teather with the 4G in Greensboro. That makes me a little weary though. I should have an upgrade coming though as I had my original Sero 2 yr and have now been out of contract for another 2 years. Anybody else dumping thier internet service to help offset the cost? I hate to get burned!

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  #467 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2010, 09:15 AM
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Re: SERO Premium

I purchased 2 Evos and upgraded my plan at Best Buy last night, although I have to say it was MUCH more difficult than when I purchased my TP at Best Buy 2 years ago. Even after I got Sero customercare to add the new plan the BB employee was still not able to access my account to add the phone. I definitely would not have been able to get it done if not for the stellar service that I got from BB (coincidently it was the same guy that I purchased the TP from 2 years ago), together with an AWESOME Sprint SERO rep who was determined to help us get it to work and went BEYOND the call of duty on this one. My hats off to both of them. This confirms that it can be done, but you're going to need a lot of luck. Those 2 really made my night and I intend to let their supervisors know.
Good luck to the rest of you.
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  #468 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2010, 12:15 PM
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Re: one more day ... Android on SERO. Who's in??

Originally Posted by quick99si View Post
Two of those MAY be negated if/when Sprint removes your 20% discount (as has been happening sporadically with these account audits) and with the release of the Samsung Transform which has a shot at being free of the 4G coolness tax.

Would you consider it then? I would sure as hell be locked in! And don't forget to count the AMAT/Navigation/etc benefits of SEROP. Those alone may be worth it depending on your minutes usage.

If Sprint pulled my discount, and the transform came out, I might consider it. I had my discount on my last bill, and the new one comes out shortly, so it seems like a waiting game at this point until they audit my account.

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  #469 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2010, 05:23 PM
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Re: SERO Premium

Merged, the one more day thread... just to keep it all in the family.. .plus that day has come and gone already.

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  #470 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2010, 06:19 PM
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Re: SERO Premium

Originally Posted by ink718 View Post
If I were you, I would call them back right now and tell them that you want to downgrade to the 500 minute SERO Premium plan instead of the 1250 minute SERO Premium plan. You will save more.
Would you mind explaining why?

I use around 800-1000 anytimes minutes a month but that was on my old SERO plan, which did not include Unlimited Any Mobile to Mobile. I would estimate 60% of my calls are made to cell phones.
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