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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2010, 09:16 PM
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I hate Verizon!!!

**Some of the following is my fault for not investigating and following up**
Many moons ago I switched to Verizon from Nextel. I could not believe how easy it was and the service I got. Then I got my first bill over $350. I called and was told my plan was never put into effect and to just pay the bill and I will be reimbursed. I did as they asked. Next month I got a bill over $350. Again I was asked to pay the bill and I would be reimbusred so I did trying to stay on good terms. Next month samething. After 3 months of fighting I finally got someone who fixed the problem. I then was told I could upgrade my phone. I did so to a palm. Numeorus problems followed as well as numerous winmo phones had to be returned but no problems with customer service. This past summer my contract was up. I decided to resign with Verizon. I was told by the rep that I had an upgrade schedualed in March 2010 but was able to purchase a new phone a t the 2 year price and it will not affect the upgrade. So I did. The a few months later I decide to add a line and get a new phone. I was told by the rep how much my bill would be for the month of service and agreed. So I get my first bill ans its nowhere what the said it would be. I call and find out that I got prorated for the line and would get that money back when I closed my account at the end. Plus a whole bunch of other stuff added on. I paid it. Next month another huge bill. A rep explained everything and could not find out what was wrong but again said to pay it and you will getr reimbursed. So I did. Next month samething. Following month I got a HUGE bill. When I called to find out what happened I was told that I was getting charged the full price of the phone I got (TP2) cause I never signed a contract. I explained that I did and was paying for it every month. Finally a rep figured it out. The store and the main Verizon comptuer screwed up leaving me to pay. The rep was able to reimburse me everything on the spot. I then asked about my upgrade for MArch and was told that I used it in summer when I got a new phone. More angry emails and conversations took place and was told I used it in Nov when I added a line. More angry emails and phone conversations and a threat to leave and lawsuit got me my upgrade back. I went through 7 different internet reps, 2 retention person who said they would help and never called back. I finally git someone who truely did help and solved all my problems after 3 months.
Moral: When speaking to a sales rep, get everything in writing including their name and id number. They will tell you anything to sell you a phone. Once you sign that contract your thiers to play with. Get the store managers name and id number as well as the store. Hold them accoutable for your conversation. If they told you something and they don't hold up to it, notify the Better Business Buruea and if need be send a email to coporate telling them you notified BBB and your local congressman. When speaking to a phone rep, get their name and number before your conversation starts. Once your done ask for a written conversation of what was done to your account so they are held liable to what they say to you. If that solves nothing speak to a supervisor or retention person and follow the above. It sucks to have to go through this and have no support but a phone company has you once you sign that contract. I hope I have helped someone. Thanks for reading and letting me B*TCH!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2010, 01:27 AM
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Re: I hate Verizon!!!

I completely am embarrassed by this poor salesmanship you have received and wish it were me who was your representative.

Though I completely agree with your last paragraph and think from now on you shouldn't have any problems. Oh and if I can offer you any advice, when you go into a store, say I'd like to see who's been here the longest please? ha, they will know it all!

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 09:34 AM
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Re: I hate Verizon!!!

I also suggest you use call recording to record all phone calls with a rep.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 01:26 PM
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Re: I hate Verizon!!!

You were what I term "verizon'd" ..

but really just the way you posted seems to indicate you brought some of this problem on yourself. And in the end you lost what... nothing. Verizon has the LOWEST churn rate for a reason. I've had bad experiences with Verizon and their sales staff (even on 611/customers service) tends to say one thing then when they transfer you over to implement the agreed plan you can get "verizon'd" and have to start over with different terms & conditions.

Recording your calls would be pointless unless you wanted to waste countless hours & dollars in litigation.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 06:15 PM
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Re: I hate Verizon!!!

that's vzw for you...
they've done somehting similar to me so at every single step, I demand they annotate it to my account, leave first and last name of the rep that did it and their direct supervisor and their number. Its a lot I know, but it saves you in a battle between he said she said. Because if they didn't say it, then why would they annotate such information on the account???

I'm sorry it happened but been there done that bro...I'd keep fighting it but again why did you pay such fees??? If you're being reimbursed why didn't you say give me my reimbursement before I pay my fee? Because it didn't happen...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 06:06 AM
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Re: I hate Verizon!!!

Yep, I've been with them for a long, long time now...They must have a file on me a mile long. If I feel I am getting any BS at any time, I go right to a manager because of my past.

Let's just say, I have taken a phone into the store to have the firmware upgraded, Verizon broke the phone (it was dead after they did it) and refused to do anything about it (2 months and over to corporate to get it taken care of). This happened a few years ago, and I am still pissed off about it.

I've been over billed (many, many times), I have been yelled at, I have been pretty much called a theif (long story, Verizon's fault, and if they ever say it again, I will file a police report), screwed on other things countless times.... It's always a story with them, ALWAYS GET EVERTHING IN WRITING.

You gota LOVE pro-rating your bill....advice, if you are ever going to change your plan, call them up and ask them to make the change on your billing date, they'll put it in the system to change on that day....You won't get pro-rated...bastards

And Yep, I am still with them...Why ? Because when I signed up, their coverage was better than everything else at the time and my entire family and friends are on Verizon....and that's mostly my fault...

They have gotten better but, that does not wash away the many years of abuse by them.

So, Yea, I hate them too...with a passion
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If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !

Last edited by DavidinCT; 03-02-2010 at 06:10 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 08:10 PM
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Re: I hate Verizon!!!

Welcome to the world of Corporate Bureaucracy and Salesman upselling.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-02-2010, 10:46 PM
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Re: I hate Verizon!!!

You got the salesman upselling part right. I have seen some darn good salesmen not know crap about the phone and still sale it.

If you come into one of the 300 Cellular Sales locations....ha their salesmen will sale mostly everyone walking in the door! Those who like Verizon: Check them out. They're based out of Knoxville, Tenn originally and they make more than Verizon Corporate stores in their locations, shutting corporate stores down constantly in their regions. That's who we worked for, now moving to MO and starting another company. Hope they are as good!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2010, 06:10 PM
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Re: I hate Verizon!!!

It's unfortunate that you did have to deal with that i can say sprint has pretty kick ass support but shitty coverage Verizon has kick-ass coverage and shitty support at&t has both shitty coverage and shitty support. (I worked for at&t and i still got shitty customer service from them)
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2010, 02:01 AM
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Re: I hate Verizon!!!

Originally Posted by Courtney1985 View Post
You got the salesman upselling part right. I have seen some darn good salesmen not know crap about the phone and still sale it.
That's why it's up to the customer these days to educate themselves on a product/service before entering a legally binding agreement; whether that be a purchase of some kind or a contract.

Originally Posted by charles.raber View Post
It's unfortunate that you did have to deal with that i can say sprint has pretty kick ass support but shitty coverage Verizon has kick-ass coverage and shitty support at&t has both shitty coverage and shitty support. (I worked for at&t and i still got shitty customer service from them)
Lol. I've had both crappy and good customer service from Verizon.
Had way better Customer Service with alltel, and still had the same coverage (it was always ran off verizon towers).
Those were the days. lol.

It's pretty much the same all around though, some companies either bend over for the customer but then alot of the times the same companies bend the customer over and screw them too.
I have friends/relatives that have sprint, they don't always have good customer service. Just the way it is....you can't always have really good service or really bad service......you gotta mix it up. lol.
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