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  #341 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2010, 09:34 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Originally Posted by docnas View Post
the adreno2000 file was part of the package posted by tiad according to his instructions place that and a few other files in the root of the sdcard and change the froyo.user.conf to mount the files also using his build.prop don't know what he did with the files but did get high quadrant scores of 594 n 601 so something must be right
for the adreno200 lib to even work we would need a diff gralloc, a diff kernel. Thats assuming it will magically work with our hardware it wasnt designed to do.

I like the work tiad is doing testing configurations out, but thats not for the general public. I wish we had more efforts dissecting wince3d so we can replicate that performance.
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  #342 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2010, 12:44 PM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
for the adreno200 lib to even work we would need a diff gralloc, a diff kernel. Thats assuming it will magically work with our hardware it wasnt designed to do.

I like the work tiad is doing testing configurations out, but thats not for the general public. I wish we had more efforts dissecting wince3d so we can replicate that performance.
My sentiments exactly. I wish I could help more with dissecting wince3d... I can't wait for my week off.
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  #343 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2010, 12:51 PM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Originally Posted by tiad8 View Post

The trick is simple. Turn off your phone, plug it into the charger WHILE IT'S OFF, and wait for the charging lights to show up. When you see it, turn on your phone (into winmo) and boot android via haret. Wait till android boots up and the battery logo is showing charging. Then you can disconnect the charger. I'm using FRX03 with the latest kernel,


I'll try Few times I noticed something interesting, when using android I made restart, winmo loaded and battery was 94%, I don't start haret.exe and make restart again, this time winmo shows 98%. On standby in winmo after some time still was 98% so I claim that after first restart winmo shows wrong battery level. Is it possible that android have any influence on this? Maybe thats why your trick work great, because we never have fully charged battery?
I have RAPH100 GSM.
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  #344 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2010, 01:08 PM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Originally Posted by majkeljj View Post
I'll try Few times I noticed something interesting, when using android I made restart, winmo loaded and battery was 94%, I don't start haret.exe and make restart again, this time winmo shows 98%. On standby in winmo after some time still was 98% so I claim that after first restart winmo shows wrong battery level. Is it possible that android have any influence on this? Maybe thats why your trick work great, because we never have fully charged battery?
I have RAPH100 GSM.
No, WinMo's batt algo is just extremely inaccurate - so using it as a benchmark isn't a good idea
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  #345 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2010, 04:07 PM
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Man, is this thing flying now!
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  #346 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2010, 06:28 PM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

hi guys, important

i notice a lot of people use andboot.

so i did a few test on performance, speed, etc...

1- first boot. i use andboot. neocore and quadrant score went down to 18.9 and 560

2- second boot. just root sd card. neocore and quadrant went up. 21.7 and 660

i really don't know whats going on here. it really extrange.

guys, to be honest i never use andboot. never.

don't quote me on this, but it seems the system.ext2 and every single files have to comunicate trough a folder.
in other words it maybe affect performance.

i will do more test on this. very interesting. thanks
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  #347 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2010, 01:42 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Originally Posted by tiad8 View Post
hi guys, important

i notice a lot of people use andboot.

so i did a few test on performance, speed, etc...

1- first boot. i use andboot. neocore and quadrant score went down to 18.9 and 560

2- second boot. just root sd card. neocore and quadrant went up. 21.7 and 660

i really don't know whats going on here. it really extrange.

guys, to be honest i never use andboot. never.

don't quote me on this, but it seems the system.ext2 and every single files have to comunicate trough a folder.
in other words it maybe affect performance.

i will do more test on this. very interesting. thanks
yes! i'm going to try boot without andboot folder!!!

update: it show that "not found rootfs.img" and stop at this command !!!

Last edited by binht611; 12-22-2010 at 01:59 AM.
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  #348 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2010, 01:58 AM
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Originally Posted by tiad8 View Post
hi guys, important

i notice a lot of people use andboot.

so i did a few test on performance, speed, etc...

1- first boot. i use andboot. neocore and quadrant score went down to 18.9 and 560

2- second boot. just root sd card. neocore and quadrant went up. 21.7 and 660

i really don't know whats going on here. it really extrange.

guys, to be honest i never use andboot. never.

don't quote me on this, but it seems the system.ext2 and every single files have to comunicate trough a folder.
in other words it maybe affect performance.

i will do more test on this. very interesting. thanks
So what are you doing, just putting ALL the andboot files directly on sd root? What do you do with the Resource, Audio, & Conf folders & contents? Is that it?

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  #349 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2010, 03:12 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

OK, here's my working all-in-one package version using andboot.

I finally got one of my "free" file servers to work. Here's the link: http://www.adrive.com/public/736c70a...0dec9a454.html The package is a rar format; if you don't have the utility, you can grab it here: http://www.7-zip.org It supports all other formats as well: rar, zip, tar, etc.

NOTE: This is off tiad8's 12/19 updated files (3d driver, gralloc, zImage, modules, etc); I took the FRX03 baseline and updated it with his files and inserted the 3d driver, gralloc, bootanimation, build.prop into the system.ext2 so that you don't have to worry about making sure where those files are and whether froyo.user.conf needs to mount them.

What files are in this package:
* FRX03 baseline package (11/22)
* Tiad8's 1232 kernel/modules, build.prop, rootfs.img
* Gralloc 11/30
* GLES_qcom 11/29

UPDATE: OK, I found one of my other "free" online file storage accounts; hopefully the ADRIVE one is good enough for now.

This is for Sprint only. If you use Verizon, update the STARTUP.TXT with rhod500.

1) Just extract this to your microSD card (rename your existing andboot to something else so you don't have residual files); it will create an andboot directory automatically; the STARTUP.TXT is using andboot as the reference point for the "root".
2) After extracting this to your card, I recommend you restart your TP2 before launching haret. I noticed after I attached my TP2 to my computer as a storage drive, unattached it and then run haret afterwards, it's always sluggish. So it's best to just power down your TP2 and launch haret after it comes up.
3) As usual, the first time this boots it will take a good few minutes to generate the data.img. Future boots will take less than a minute like that in tiad8's video. ALSO, the first time you use Android Market, it will update/downalod Google Maps, Gmail, Voice Search so it will appear very sluggish. So be patient, it will be fast after the update. If it still appears sluggish (anytime), power it down, power it up into WinMo, and re-launch haret

NOTE: make sure you launch haret manually by navigating through the Folder Explorer. I can't seem to get the utility to launch it without sluggishness. Also, from Tiad8, you should let your TP2 settle for a bit after it boots up before using it, you'll see a big difference in performance.

This is super super fast and smooth. Response is amazingly fast; almost like a native Android device . Go to the market place and download Quadrant Standard and run the benchmark test and post your results here. Thanks ACL and tiad8.

I actually achieved a score of 640+ on this. This may vary depending on your microSd speed. One thing I noticed that increase performance is to back up the data on your microSd, format it, restore the data, and then put the Xandroid distribution on it.

Last edited by ndno; 12-28-2010 at 03:10 PM.
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  #350 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2010, 10:29 AM
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Re: 12.19 3d package with better performance for testing

Originally Posted by InvincibleLiving View Post
So what are you doing, just putting ALL the andboot files directly on sd root? What do you do with the Resource, Audio, & Conf folders & contents? Is that it?

Sent from my MSM using Tapatalk

this is what i have on my root sd card now.

2-android apps
10-program file (wm stuff should be here)
11-titanium backup
17-gralloc 11.29.10
18-libGLES_qcom 12.18.10
20-initrd 8.18.10
21-libGLESv2_adreno200 12.15.10
22-lib3dtools_adreno200 12.15.10
23-modules- 12.18.10
24-roofts 11.08.10
26-system.ext2 11.19.10
27-ts-calibration 7.9.10
29-zimage 12.18.10

new installation (fresh install).
1-android apps
5-roofts 11.08.10
7-system.ext2 11.19.10
8-ts-calibration 7.9.10
9-zimage 12.18.10
10-initrd 8.18.10
11-gralloc 11.29.10
12-libGLES_qcom 12.18.10
13-program file (wm stuff should be here)
14-modules- 12.18.10

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