Originally Posted by icevapor
Hey all, I noticed this on another forum and didn't see it here. If you plug in your phone (via wall or usb) before running booting to android, your phone will charge.
I started with 6 bars power (in settings-power) and played w/ my phone for like 1.5hrs and when I came back to wm I still had six bars. So yeah..... try it.
I dont know if you can unplug it after your in android and plug it back in later... try that too.
I am going to not mess w/ it and leave it, see if it gains bars. I know that a "green bar" isn't a really good unit of measurement, but who cares if I get more bars :P..
Originally Posted by icevapor
So charging does work if you have the charger plugged in before you boot up android. I gained in bars.in wm after letting it charge in android.
I don't know if you can unplug and replug to charge... someone test it out.
Originally Posted by newedeh
The newest Kernel seems to work with charging.
Originally Posted by jeep447
Ok i might be crazy but I just added the command line switch for speakerphone and with this kernal my speakerphone works!!! I can hear the person on the other line and she could hear me all through the speaker! Anyone else got this or did i miss something? thanks
The chargering seems to be selective phones. Some people can, others can not. I pointed this out maybe 15 or 20 pages back now, and even tried to ask the irc chat room why mine charges when they all report "Not charging". If you got one that does, your a lucky one. They say it's just something of a form of trickle charge due to the power wattage in the usb cable.
The speakerphone works with the switch placed further back in the command line (Before the keyboard command), but neither of the microphones will trigger when speaker is toggled on. For these two reasons, sound and charging are NOT working... atleast not for everyone. Hope that clears up some of the confusion.
Sound only works in latest kernel. Charging has been working for many kernels now. I noticed it with mine about 4 or 5 kernels ago.