It's not JUST him that's posting the kernels. Mr. Pippy is working on the specific rootfs that we use for cdma, but this update does not change anything in that file. No changes have been made to the rootfs since this thread was made. It's all in the kernel. If you follow the long directions in the first post, you'll have this version with the fix inside it. If you download "all in one" cabs, you'll have to wait until they are updated with it. If you want to update them manually, download the latest zimage from
HERE, extract it to your desktop and change the name of the zimage to file so it's just called "zimage" without the quotes. Leaving that folder open, plug i your phone and go to your storage card. When you find the file that conatins a "zimage" and a "modules.wholebunchofnumbershere", delete both of those off the card and replace them with the ones you extract and renamed. Hope that helps people understand the upgrade process a little better.