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  #171 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 03:06 AM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

I'm still going to continue development on this of course even if cm7 is out. In my eyes omgb is a little faster and easier to use.
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  #172 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 08:41 AM
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I was going to ask but I didn't want to offend, thanks for letting us know.

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  #173 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2011, 12:53 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

Already have the next round of changes for this bad boy.

Finally fixed the LS bug. You notice when you boot the screen gets brighter than the flames of hell? well now its a more civilized brightness. Also adjusted the LS so unless its pitch black in the room, it will be a bit brighter.

Also fixed the crash issue when Sim is installed. Ril update is still needed for those 400/500 users who use sim with world phones. I'll try to squeeze this in. However i still need a tester.

A small electron beam fix.. should be more stable now.

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  #174 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2011, 12:56 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Already have the next round of changes for this bad boy.

Finally fixed the LS bug. You notice when you boot the screen gets brighter than the flames of hell? well now its a more civilized brightness. Also adjusted the LS so unless its pitch black in the room, it will be a bit brighter.

Also fixed the crash issue when Sim is installed. Ril update is still needed for those 400/500 users who use sim with world phones. I'll try to squeeze this in. However i still need a tester.

A small electron beam fix.. should be more stable now.


I have a SIM, but it's not active - just the dummy SIM that Sprint includes with the device for int'l roaming.

So I can test whether the SIM breaks basic things like LK. I guess I need to do the SIM unlock so I can borrow someone's SIM from tmo or att and test the switchover and make sure it all works on both sides of the equation.

Looking forward to the update .
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  #175 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2011, 12:51 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only


I'd like to flash this in my Sprint TP2, but need a little more documentation on how to do this. I'm comfortable flashing WinMo ROMs, but don't understand most of what is being said in the OP. Like what is LK?

If there is a thread somewhere else that explains this a pointer would be great.

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  #176 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2011, 12:57 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by lovingHDTV View Post

I'd like to flash this in my Sprint TP2, but need a little more documentation on how to do this. I'm comfortable flashing WinMo ROMs, but don't understand most of what is being said in the OP. Like what is LK?

If there is a thread somewhere else that explains this a pointer would be great.

There will be better directions and official guides when everything has settled and is officially released.

Until then, either read thru the thread (and the other NAND thread, it helps) and be brave and help us test - or wait until it's stable/been thoroughly tested/refined.

The thread title has TESTING in it. In fact, it's the first word. We mean it .
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  #177 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2011, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
and for the first time the tp2 takes a picture of my galaxyS. lol

the built in Wifi tether is working but with a nasty crash at the end. Not sure if market tether apps have the same issue.

Camera showing signs of life but it's so slow. However at least there wont be cam crashes anymore.
Don't know what you mean about camera being slow! I "froze" the stock application downloaded several camera apps and seems that it was when it was saving the picture it was slow or froze. So I downloaded fast burst camera light and no problems now, been working awesome!

Sent from my (ACL) OMGB using Tapatalk
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  #178 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2011, 05:31 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by vzihome View Post
Don't know what you mean about camera being slow! I "froze" the stock application downloaded several camera apps and seems that it was when it was saving the picture it was slow or froze. So I downloaded fast burst camera light and no problems now, been working awesome!

Sent from my (ACL) OMGB using Tapatalk

The "froze" issue was exactly as you described. It was trying to save the picture but it crashed with some jpeg error. But sounds like a good workaround in the mean time. I'll try it and see how it works.

thanks dood ..
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  #179 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2011, 05:36 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by lovingHDTV View Post

I'd like to flash this in my Sprint TP2, but need a little more documentation on how to do this. I'm comfortable flashing WinMo ROMs, but don't understand most of what is being said in the OP. Like what is LK?

If there is a thread somewhere else that explains this a pointer would be great.


dave i think lmiller wrote a doc in the past with some info. LK is the native android bootloader. so bottom line is you need to read up on fastboot and not so much LK. fastboot lets us flash the recovery which lets us flash android. Once you master that, you will be solid ..


Edit: This is outdated but ill try to make some chages. As long as you have the recovery working the rest is easy as pie.

Last edited by [ACL]; 11-08-2011 at 05:38 PM.
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  #180 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2011, 06:00 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by vzihome View Post
Don't know what you mean about camera being slow! I "froze" the stock application downloaded several camera apps and seems that it was when it was saving the picture it was slow or froze. So I downloaded fast burst camera light and no problems now, been working awesome!
Holy crap, you're right! That app not only works, it works REALLY well. I'm really amazed with how fast it snaps pictures - it seems to buffer them before actually saving them off, perhaps that's why it is so fast.

Awesome find! ACL and I were talking about it, this pretty much confirms a userland issue (kernel is fine). Thanks vzihome!
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