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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2011, 07:48 PM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Originally Posted by ndno View Post
OK, I got CM7 set up and booting up fine. Getting the annoying "com.Android.Phone" crashing window popping up every few seconds. Neopeek said this to fix it:

Boominsvx or arrrghhh, you guys know where can I find a phone app to replace it? How did you guys fix that issue? I searched his original thread and didn't see any resolution besides his comment above. Can't really do much with that popping up every few seconds after I close it.
Post a logcat of the phone app crashing and we'll see what sort of errors it's getting.
HTC Touch Pro 2 - RHOD400 - Sprint - FRX07
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2011, 08:03 PM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Originally Posted by rpierce99 View Post
Post a logcat of the phone app crashing and we'll see what sort of errors it's getting.
Here's my logcat.

EDIT: In the "startup" folders on the Cherry Pie bundle, I see the Rhodium folder and in it, the startup.txt file has the keyboard set to rhod210; I changed it to rhod400, is that right? I don't see any other startup.txt with a rhod400 setting.
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Last edited by ndno; 04-14-2011 at 08:06 PM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 12:19 AM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Have you tried using the testing RIL so the phone app can actually use CDMA? I recall using it back when I tested the build. See if it takes care of things.

rhod400 will be fine in the startup.txt.

If that RIL doesn't fix you up and you just want to get it going, try this one.
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My thanks button is sleeping. Do not disturb.

Last edited by Boominsvx; 04-15-2011 at 12:26 AM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 12:52 AM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Originally Posted by Boominsvx View Post
Have you tried using the testing RIL so the phone app can actually use CDMA? I recall using it back when I tested the build. See if it takes care of things.

rhod400 will be fine in the startup.txt.

If that RIL doesn't fix you up and you just want to get it going, try this one.
Thanks... this is the test RIL by hyc, correct? I tried it last time but got to a dead end, I believe you posted some extract XML file for me to try out but I never did get a chance to try out; the instructions on that thread over at XDA is a little confusing so I didn't bother. It seem like this CM7 distribution is all geared towards GSM; my TP2 booted up fine but I think it went into "GSM" mode (even though I specified CDMA in the startup.txt); it didn't find any "network" and the mobile settings are grayed out. This is besides the annoying com.android.phone crashing window that keeps popping up (probably because no mobile network is found). I did try tiad8's neopeek GingerBread ext2 build and that works fine; maybe I'll use his bundle as a template to see if it makes a difference.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 01:10 AM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

You can try, but all the apps are still in the androidinstall file and changing them might remove permissions/cause instability.

Yes, hyc's test RIL should get you back up. The instructions aren't really that hard, and the CM7 builds will continue trying for CDMA as they have the network type set to 4 right from the start. This means you can disregard post 2 in hyc's thread. Just edit the zip file using 7zip or anything else that will allow changes to an archive. Place libhtcgeneric-ril.so in the appropriate place and run the npkinstall again.. It should be present in lib/froyo. That should get you service and hopefully stop the force closes

I wonder if thats one of the things attributing to the boot loop on system-ext2 builds.

Edit: Of course you can always adb push it in.

Last edited by Boominsvx; 04-15-2011 at 01:15 AM.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 01:22 AM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Originally Posted by Boominsvx View Post
You can try, but all the apps are still in the androidinstall file and changing them might remove permissions/cause instability.

Yes, hyc's test RIL should get you back up. The instructions aren't really that hard, and the CM7 builds will continue trying for CDMA as they have the network type set to 4 right from the start. This means you can disregard post 2 in hyc's thread. Just edit the zip file using 7zip or anything else that will allow changes to an archive. Place libhtcgeneric-ril.so in the appropriate place and run the npkinstall again.. It should be present in lib/froyo. That should get you service and hopefully stop the force closes

I wonder if thats one of the things attributing to the boot loop on system-ext2 builds.

Edit: Of course you can always adb push it in.
Woohoo, you are the man! I took hyc's latest libhtcgeneric-ril.so, put in it /lib/froyo and /system/lib and now I don't get the phone crash windows anymore and it seems like it sees a network now. I'll have to play around with this a little more and report back.

EDIT: This build is wickedly fast and I love the fine resolution of everything. Fonts and icons may be too small for the elders The touchscreen is so responsive it feels like a capacitive screen

Oh, btw, when I said I used tiad8's GingerBread ext2 neopeek build, I was just using it as a "shell"; I replaced the androidinstall.tar.gz in his npkinstall directory and generated the CM7 filesystem from scratch, I didn't overwrite his; I reformatted the ext2 partition before doing so so that I don't get any residual data from his build.

If anyone wants, I can write the steps I did to get this set up. I'll take CM7 tar.gz file, update it with hyc's ril so it should all be set up. I'll include the full bundle too.

Last edited by ndno; 04-15-2011 at 01:33 AM.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 01:32 AM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Excellent. I wish I knew half as much as hyc though. He did it. I just borrowed it on a whim. Can't be sure on this one as I never tried it, but you may be able to use opera mini or another browser. Last I checked the native one did not work. You can find more on that in neo's cm7 threads. Either way, one step closer is still a step in the right direction. Bed time.

Edit to your edit: The res is nice small, but many widgets will give you trouble (like fancy widget) or look like crap. If you want the res back to normal size, this build prop should work for you. Just delete the ".txt" off the end and replace it with the one in /system.

Right from my notes file:

Once it's booted up you have to immediately move to "CyanogenModsettings -> Display" and turn off both screen on and screen off animations. If you don't do this then you will have wake up problems (yor screen will stay forever black). So on first boot up make sure your screen doesn't go to sleep.
Skia bug is still present meaning do not use stock Browser or Gmail. Please use Opera Mini!
Deactivate end button behaviour in Spare Parts. Set it to "none" !!!important!!!
Deactivate auto-rotation in display settings
Deactivate all transition animations in display settings
Deactivate screen on / off animation in CyanogenMod settings
Don't activate JIT
Gallery has some unknown bug
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Last edited by Boominsvx; 04-15-2011 at 01:41 AM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 01:35 AM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Originally Posted by Boominsvx View Post
Excellent. I wish I knew half as much as hyc though. He did it. I just borrowed it on a whim. Can't be sure on this one as I never tried it, but you may be able to use opera mini or another browser. Last I checked the native one did not work. You can find more on that in neo's cm7 threads. Either way, one step closer is still a step in the right direction. Bed time.
Thanks again. I think we need to add Gapps to this. The Google apps aren't included as part of CM7.

EDIT: Yeah, I saw those notes. I didn't do what he said originally and I couldn't get my phone to wake up; keyboard/buttons light work but it wouldn't wake up; had to pull the battery. You're right, this still needs a lot of work. A lot of the native apps aren't working yet.

Well at least I can try Nate's instructions and see if I can get a loop system going. I will need to edit the init file to mount it correctly once I convert it to a loop image (system.ext2 and rootfs.img).

Last edited by ndno; 04-15-2011 at 01:46 AM.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 01:47 AM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Well get to it man!!! We already own page 3! Good stuff though. K bye.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 04-15-2011, 09:22 AM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Hahaha, that's right - better have something good by page 3.

ndno, I don't think hyc's RIL should be bundled into anything. tiad8 did that a lot (bundled stuff that was supposed to be for testing) and that was one of the sore spots about him.

You can test stuff for yourself, but please don't bundle and distribute stuff that's meant for testing . I can clean up the first post if you guys feel it's time. I was hoping to get a looped build working. I'm pulling myself in too many directions, I'm trying to learn GIT so I can pull hyc's changes locally and test them all to make sure they pass. I'll try and take another whack at it this weekend. I really want a good CM distro for RHOD .
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