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Old 03-25-2011, 02:56 PM
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[BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** ClockworkMod!

Hey all,

Wanted to post CM7 here for everyone to enjoy.

Neopeek has been working hard to get this build up and running, he's been doing great work!

Neopeek's Original Post - if you wish to see Neopeek's original post about the CM7 topic.

Also, since now I am using his new ClockWordMod method - CWM Recovery thread

As is stated in the title, this is mainly for devs/testers. Lots of things are broken, and there will be frequent updates.

There are two methods to using this build:

1) ClockWorkMod (requires 3 separate ext2 partitions)

2) Loop'd system.ext2 image (like XDAndroid) [In progress]

The benefit of #1 is a dedicated system/data partition, and *partial* USB mass storage support.

The benefit of #2 is, it's easier .

I still have to work to get #2 up, but I wanted to post #1 ASAP. Lots of work to flesh out the post to, be patient!

I've been holding off on releasing this CWM version of CM7, because I'm still having a lot of bugs with it. Still needs quite a bit of work, but it's getting late for me tonight - I am going to release it, let me know if you guys make improvements, I'd love to incorporate them!

Main issues seem to be related to my durn CDMA device. Need to break into some logs to see what's goin on, it may be a little while! I think GSM folk will be fine. Let me know!


Download #1

Method #1 (ClockWorkMod)


If you setup dedicated partitions using this method, normal XDAndroid builds will think that you want to use dedicated partitions. I had to modify the init to get it to work correctly (I basically broke the partition detection in the init). It's not pretty, but I don't know of a better way to resolve that issue - let me know what ideas you guys have!

You will need to create three (3) ext2 partitions on your SD card. This is not extremely simple, but by no means impossible .

If you're using Windows, I like the Mini Partition Tool. If you're in Linux, I usually use gparted.

This takes a little bit of planning - but in total, I would say you need a minimum of 450mb of space for all three ext2 partitions. So work out how much free space is left (if you want a bigger data partiton, or system partition account for it!) and make that the first partition - FAT32. Make sure all the partitions are "primary", not "logical"! See the partition layout below:

1 - FAT32 Primary (remainder of card)
2 - ext2 Primary (at least 150mb, system partition)
3 - ext2 Primary (at least 250mb, data partition - I wouldn't go over 1gb here)
4 - ext2 Primary (at least 50mb, cache partition)

Don't worry about putting anything in these ext2 partitions, everything is populated by Android and CWM. The FAT32 partition is used to kick off Android, while system, data and cache are all ext2 partitions. Reason for this is, hopefully if things go haywire we can blast out cache, not data . Also, it should be easier to update using this method than previously.
  • Extract the file. Look at the folder it created (npkboot). Copy the entire npkboot folder to the root of your SD (for now this is required - the init assumes there's a /sdcard/npkboot/tmp folder). There will also be an update.zip, in this case update-cm-7.0.0-neopeek.zip. Put this at the root of your SD card (this makes finding it in the menu much easier!)
  • Copy the appropriate startup.txt from the STARTUPS folder.
  • Find haret.exe in th npkboot folder. Run it, and watch the boot process carefully! It will ask you to hold the vol down button to enter recovery, and you have 10 seconds to do so.
  • Assuming you manage to do this correctly (I had some trouble at first ) you should see an icon like a hat. Wait for the menu.
  • Buttons:
    End key - back (back button seems to do this as well...)
    Send key - enter
    Vol up - up
    Vol down - down (menu button seems to do this as well...)
  • If this is the first install, go to "install zip from sdcard". Then "choose zip from sdcard" This will install the system image to the system partition from the update.zip.
  • If you need to wipe the data partition, you can do that under "mounts and storage". You shouldn't need to do this unless you're going from gb -> froyo or visa-versa. Froyo -> froyo should 'just work', as always YMMV.
  • There are A LOT of options in replimenu. The only ones I have used are install, format /data, /system or /cache and Reboot. According to Neopeek, there are several things that should not be used:
    Originally Posted by Neopeek
    * Don't use "factory wipe" in CWM (you have been warned )
    * Don't use "format sdcard" unless you know what you do (you have been warned )
    * Don't use "partition sdcard" unless you know what you do (you have been warned )
  • Once you've installed Android, go back to the main menu and "reboot system now" There are some bugs, for example "reboot recovery" and "power off" all just reboot the phone to WinMo.
  • Boot haret again, but this time don't hold the vol down to enter recovery - boot as normal!

#2: Much simpler method, similar to XDAndroid builds.
  • Extract the file to your desktop. Go into the CM7 folder, look for the STARTUPS folder - grab the appropriate startup.txt, move it to where haret.exe is.
  • Copy everything in the CM7 folder to the root of your SD card - if you want to run it from a folder, create a rel_path=CM7 statement in your startup.txt after the set cmdline (if you want a different folder, change the CM7.)
  • Grab the ts-calibration file attached to this post (for RHOD), or go to this post for a list of ts-calib's. You can also create your own on boot, but may have to revert to an older kernel to do so.
  • Run haret.exe!

Last edited by arrrghhh; 04-18-2011 at 09:39 AM.
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Old 03-25-2011, 02:57 PM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

****Not Working****

CDMA seems broken - still! I did some testing with hyc's RIL and it's still busted, so there's something in the system image messing with it - Airplane mode was checked, and I could not uncheck it.

In addition, phone.apk seems like a forceclosefest. Neopeek did point this out in his original thread...

Mobile data - broken (Fixed soon)

Wifi - broken (Fixed soon)

System needs optimization for RHOD - was originally build with DIAM in mind - so it's a little slow.

Failed wakes seem pretty bad - sometimes it is quite difficult to wake the phone.

Boot animation seems to be not present - I'm looking into fixing it, probably graphics libs if anything that's broke it.

Last edited by arrrghhh; 04-18-2011 at 08:46 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2011, 02:57 PM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Dev Content

This new method should be great for anyone who wants to make their own updates - you can easily peek into the system image and make changes at will, then just install the new system image! You can even rolll updates instead of an entire system image if you wish.

The script language in ClockWorkMod is called "Edify", see this thread to learn about the syntax. This is related to the META-INF folder you see in the update zip.

There's a few differences in the rootfs', the main being the init. There's also some additional files it looks like neopeek added for Recovery specifically.

Last edited by arrrghhh; 04-18-2011 at 08:47 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2011, 04:25 PM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Thanks arrrghhh... I already have a separate ext2 partition on my SD card so it sure came in handy. And like you said before, neopeek uses that dedicated ext2 partition... so I'm set to go. Gonna give it a try over the weekend.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2011, 05:37 PM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Thanks! Keep up the good work... running FRX06 now
Energy questions? Read posts 1-6 and ENERGY FAQ WIKI cdma FIRST!! .. (GSM here)
*HOW TO! *Voice (MSVC), Bing, Tellme *ANDROID *TV
Don't hit THANKS (I've got a bad rep & want to keep it that way!)

Last edited by teradog; 03-28-2011 at 05:41 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-29-2011, 02:54 AM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Great news, man!

Keep up the good work
I'm very interesting on CM7
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 01:42 AM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

What happened to this project? No Method #2?
My thanks button is sleeping. Do not disturb.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2011, 09:53 AM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

Originally Posted by Boominsvx View Post
What happened to this project? No Method #2?
I keep (quietly) updating #1, but I can't figure out how to get it to work as a loop'd file system. Someone told me neo changed a lot with the init/rootfs, I need to sort out what... I'll keep plugging away at it, but it's taking longer than I anticipated - perhaps I should remove method #2 for the time being .
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2011, 09:54 PM
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Re: [BUILD] [GingerBread] CM7 from Neopeek!! **Dev Preview** Not Stable!

I played around with this last night, and with the right parts I was able to see why CM7 is so big. I see tons of builds coming out for other phones and ports, but once again, the Rhodium will suffer. This has to be worked out some how. I'll keep plugging away at it and see if I can get something. The new RIL gave me service for calls and texts, but browsers and connections just kept F/Cing. First and foremost... we need to get this into a system-ext2 while I still have some hair left.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2011, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
I keep (quietly) updating #1, but I can't figure out how to get it to work as a loop'd file system. Someone told me neo changed a lot with the init/rootfs, I need to sort out what... I'll keep plugging away at it, but it's taking longer than I anticipated - perhaps I should remove method #2 for the time being .
arrrghhh, if you put method #2 up again, I can try to mess with it to see if I can get it working.

Sent from my FRX06-ized TP2
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