Originally Posted by docnas
wasnt it supposed to be pm.sleep_mode=1 thanks to bzos patches ?
Yes, I would set the value to 1.
Originally Posted by mpannen
By reboot loop it actually reset the phone to the boot splash where it says HTC Touch pro 2 and the radio and ROM versions are showing. Knock on wood the phone was still connected to ADB when I woke up this morning! Also, not sure if I ever saw the greenI LED lit up, it has gone that far to sleep in the past, so I'll have to dig into that closer, any suggestions?
I definitely see some green action now from the LED, mostly green when the phone sits unplugged, so I guess it's sleeping. Is the kernel option pm.sleep_mode=0 necessary for 20 hrs of battery life?
Green=Sleep, Orange=Wake. WisTilt2 was gracious enough to match his LED pattern to the main kernel, even tho he doesn't agree with it
At any rate, if you're not sleeping there's a couple of bugs related to sleep - for some reason, I found the phone won't sleep if the GPS sats are checked in Location&Security. Seems dumb, but I can't even have that setting enabled - even if nothing is actively polling the GPS radio. I've already got a bug open on it.
Originally Posted by fishingmedic
Wanted to thank the guys who were helping me yesterday (ooxtreme, lemeiux1, proxhack and of course Arrrghhhh watching over the thread), got the phone up and running nice, now just need to update to the latest kernel posted by arrrghhhh! I already hit the thanks but wanted to say it too. And yes, I got the phone working along with most of the bathroom issues, except that the sink still leaks a little... that's tonight's fix, AFTER I update to the latest kernel!!!
Glad to be of service

. I'll keep updating as soon as I get new stuff in!