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  #871 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 12:22 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Your FN keys work? Mine don't work at all... I press (even hold) FN and a key and I get the key I pressed, no special character...

Also, if you change the key mapping you are going to have to press POWER to end a call...?

EDIT: A question... I have to use LCDDensity to change from 210 to 240, but it restarts Android, any way of changing this before it loads the gui? Programs from market don't show completely, most of them are set to fixed 240 density...

Last edited by m4f1050; 01-08-2011 at 12:26 PM.
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  #872 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 03:12 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
somethings weird, havent changed anything myself, running nates 1-7 mods and flashed rhodimg, keymapping gives me garbage for fn anything
I dont think MassStash was referring to the "FN" key. I could be wrong but I think he was saying "keymapping gives me garbage for F*@%ing anything."
Originally Posted by m4f1050 View Post
I even used Easy Tether (usb) and ADB SHELL (except the colors that showed the escape characters in Windows) both worked flawlessly.
Whats up with your USB tethering? Any exlanation would be awesome. Thanks in advance.
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  #873 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 03:37 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

OK, I apologize in advance for this massive multi-quote. My wife took over the entire night last night, I am just now getting a chance to flash to this. I figured I'd answer a bunch of questions before I start some testing

Originally Posted by m4f1050 View Post
Kewl! Thanks!

Booting with new modules now...

Also, what's the deal with all them FSCK0000.REC files? I have been shutting the phone down propperly, seems to be on boot time..?

EDIT: It booted, screen on, came up to lockscreen and in portrait mode!

Trying the screen off and back on....

Noticed LauncherPro restarting one more time than usual...usually it does it twice, did it 3 times now...

Power button acts as HOME button. END button doesn't power off screen...

Auto Brightness lowers the brightness to lowest but screen stays on.

It is very fast and responsive!!!

Should I download the lcd app from market to switch from 210/240?
The FSCK files can be deleted by putting a custom command in the user.froyo.conf. If we can't even use them, I can program it to just delete them in the rootfs just to keep it clean as long as we can't use them for anything.

For the HOME/POWER Button stuff, I'm tired of trying to deviate from what the developers have decided. I personally think we need to find a way to move the mappings into userland, and F22 was looking into that last I heard. He has a thread over at XDA about it.

LCD Density should already be set to 240 in tinboot. Not sure how you are managing to get it back down to 210. Check Tinboot here: tinboot/tinboot2.S - tinboot-linux-msm in Tinboot for linux-msm - Gitorious

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
damn fsck on boot causes this. I get them randomly myself but i havent payed much attention to em. I guess now is a good time right . The power down isnt working 100% so that may be the root cause.


Is there anything useful we can pull from the FSCK? I didn't think there was, but I figured I'd ask

Originally Posted by m4f1050 View Post
No, it's the same, Im just asking if it's possible. But yeah, Haret does the same.

LCD DENSITY app from Market works great. Switched my density to 240. Used to that one...

Upon restart the phone was a bit slow at beginning, I guess it's a hit-n-miss deal?


Well, the screen now turns off with the END button. I used SPARE PARTS and set the phone to SLEEP when I press END. I had it going to HOME because POWER used to sleep phone...
I wonder if you have a custom command somewhere that is changing the lcddensity back to 210, because on Haret, almost every startup.txt I've seen has 240 programmed in, and the launcher utilities set that too.

For all the issues with the HOME and END key, I would recommend making sure you are using the latest NAND RootFS. I'm just finishing up some testing on a new RootFS I just compiled, and I should be updating the first in a few hours as well.

Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
manually editting the msm-gpio-keys.c, what is the change to make?

static struct gpio_keys_button rhodium_button_table[] = {
/*KEY GPIO ACTIVE_LOW DESCRIPTION type wakeup debounce*/
{PWRK, 83, 1, "Power button", EV_KEY, 1, 0},

change 83 to 18?

Don't change the buttons, just change what they do. Make sure #define PWRK KEY_HOME is set, then change KEY_POWER is changed back to PWRK. Then, for RootFS, you need to add # before the 3rd line for your keyboard layout in init (it's the line for navi pad).

At least I believe that is all we have to do because it has been a while since I looked at that, and newer updates kept breaking the git reverts that I was doing.

Originally Posted by guruvince View Post
So USB tethering works with this build? Please elaborate all steps to get this working. Does this mean that USB is fully functional?
This has the same USB functionality as Haret has. We had the commit first, tested it, and then moved it to Haret. I cannot comment on USB tethering as I have not tried it yet, but ADB works great, reading the SD card works, and I know Windows sees the device as a modem, but the drivers don't install properly on first plugin.

Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
somethings weird, havent changed anything myself, running nates 1-7 mods and flashed rhodimg, keymapping gives me garbage for fn anything
Just an FYI, the keyboard mapping is done by the RootFS, and the 1/7 package I put up is just a zip of the files directly from the autobuild.

Originally Posted by pts69666 View Post
That is odd... I wonder if it still has the keymapping override programmed in. Try making a .kb file and seeing if it gives you a different keymap and if it helps at all. Otherwise, I have no idea. It works great for me.
Yes, the .kb override is still in there. I do have a test rootfs that I'm working with that cleaned up the code for it. It seems to be working for me, but I haven't released it yet.

Originally Posted by Andr3Wcz View Post
Are headphones working with nand android? Thanks a lot for your work!
Nope, but I have a ton of dumps from Haret for it. I'm trying to wrap some other stuff up and figure out what is going on there to see if we can come up with something. It's on the list of things to work on for sure

Originally Posted by aalim View Post
links to 22/12 files has been removed ??
I didn't delete it, so someone reported it as copyrighted material... I'll be building a new full package here in a few minutes, and I'll push it through pixelpipe this time

Last edited by natemcnutty; 01-08-2011 at 03:43 PM.
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  #874 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 04:52 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post

Is there anything useful we can pull from the FSCK? I didn't think there was, but I figured I'd ask

Nope, but I have a ton of dumps from Haret for it. I'm trying to wrap some other stuff up and figure out what is going on there to see if we can come up with something. It's on the list of things to work on for sure
Nope, those fsks are just regular linux left overs when the boot checks the fs because of a possible dirty shutdown. I rewrote the shutdown now because whats on haret doesnt seem to match the dll. So i'm testing this today.

Also how can i help you with the headset ? i saw the wave dll and i see gpio info there but mostly for the bt headset. Do your dumps show any specific gpios? if so i can cross check em in the dll to see if we have a match. Also i dunno if you saw this. This is from last year i think when mrpippy took some dumps.

RHOD400 HTC ExtUSB wired headset GPIOs Plug in - MrPippy

Also i have no info or traces on anything 3.5mm . So im trying to determine how htc distinguishes the 3.5mm and the funky usb type headset. any ideas ?

Ive yet to apply the keyboad patch .. so hopefully i get that done today.
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  #875 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 04:53 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Ok pushed some stuff to help with the panel down. seems to work for me.

We support both auo panels id's now so hopefully the gsm folk can run. Its on autobuild so get it while its hot. No one likes a cold kernel :-p
It's a bummer you had to disable the GPIO to get it working, but this is by far the smoothest panel off/on I've seen. Excellent job with the panel stuff!

I'm working on compiling a few versions of this (one with OC, one without, and a few for testing). I have to leave in a little bit with the wife, but I'll try to get full packages uploaded tonight.

Also, the rhod100 users are still stuck on boot. I'm wondering if they have different NAND, maybe a different USB, or something that is hanging it up during the boot process.
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  #876 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 05:38 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
It's a bummer you had to disable the GPIO to get it working, but this is by far the smoothest panel off/on I've seen. Excellent job with the panel stuff!

I'm working on compiling a few versions of this (one with OC, one without, and a few for testing). I have to leave in a little bit with the wife, but I'll try to get full packages uploaded tonight.

Also, the rhod100 users are still stuck on boot. I'm wondering if they have different NAND, maybe a different USB, or something that is hanging it up during the boot process.
They are disabled temporarily until we sort out that pm issue. Its actually affecting both haret and nand but is haunts us more.

ahh yes, make sure the wife is happy. I'm single and a workaholic so i can do this all day. Now if only kernel patches would get me chicks ..lol.. maybe one day.

I dunno about this rhod100 peeps.. it cant be different usb since we share that code with haret. Actually im trying to make sure we share as much as possible so we can have a smooth transition to .35. But we need details from these guys. Need a full dmesg dump on boot. Also specifics about the SD card they are using since i dont think i support anything but class 4, but i could be wrong. I dont have a class 2 to test with so its hard for me to say.
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  #877 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 06:07 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

some how, plugged in, phone managed to die while sleeping last night, and now i'm battleing the charge up crap again. prolly gonna have to bite it n flash task29 right quick to get a charge in it n then flash baaaack to partNand....
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  #878 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 06:10 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
some how, plugged in, phone managed to die while sleeping last night, and now i'm battleing the charge up crap again. prolly gonna have to bite it n flash task29 right quick to get a charge in it n then flash baaaack to partNand....
Plug it in, let it sit there for about 10 - 20 minutes... It will boot and the screen will be off. Then unplug pull the battery and but it back in. You should be able to boot after that.
Good luck!
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  #879 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 08:47 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
Plug it in, let it sit there for about 10 - 20 minutes... It will boot and the screen will be off. Then unplug pull the battery and but it back in. You should be able to boot after that.
Good luck!
werd, exactly what i did. thnks tho bro

just noticed my fn keys nonfunctional as well... what the heck did i do! haha

also, thanks nate for the msm-gpio-keys help. compileing a new one now.

Last edited by MassStash; 01-08-2011 at 09:15 PM.
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  #880 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 11:40 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 01-07: Panel power on/off fixes

Nate thanks for the idea of the froyo.conf!! I am def. adding an rm fsck*.rec on there!

BTW I used the phone all day and it worked flawlessly!!!!! +1 for you guys, you rock! So close! I can smell it!

Easytether is what I use for USB tethering. The program sends you to a link to download the drivers for 32 and 64 bit, here are the drivers for both 32/64 and MAC...

Download EasyTether drivers - EasyTether for Mac OS X, Windows, Ubuntu and game consoles

And you have to enable USB Debugging... Other than that is pretty much straight forward...
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