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  #2381 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 05:41 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 04-06: FRX06 on NAND (Testing FRX06 now!)

newnbh nethod was 3.8mb, but i might have flashed my shit one too many times.... i can't get past "loading...." when trying to flash via sdcard all the sudden, so i haven't flashed this "new method nbh"
Rockin' The Official TouchPro 2 aka "The dopest phone with keyboard still":
F**k windows mobile, NAND flash to droid....
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  #2382 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 07:29 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 04-06: FRX06 on NAND (Testing FRX06 now!)

Originally Posted by muziling View Post
which file store system environment, such as "echo $PATH", I want to add /bin to $PATH, so ril can call killall correct.
I was thinking about this and wanted to make sure it didn't get lost in the sea of posts. I added /bin back to the sysinit.rc and stopped it from remounting /system as read-only, and data now works on first boot. It also fixed root because it now has busybox and read-write access to /system.

I know we wanted to get rid of /bin from sysinit.rc, so I'm trying to see if I can symlink /system/bin /bin during sysinit.rc and fix anything that is missing from /system/bin that is in /bin (for rootfs or initramfs).
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  #2383 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 08:08 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 04-06: FRX06 on NAND (Testing FRX06 now!)

Originally Posted by muziling View Post
where is my SDCard directory?
My SD card have 4 partition, 1st FAT32, 2nd EXT3, 3rd FAT32, 4th RAW. Seems System recognize the 3rd partition, all 3rd files is put in directory /sdcard or /mnt/sdcard.... but 1st partition's file can not seen .
Just as a general comment, having more than one primary FAT partition on any media leads to bad things(tm). DOS was never really designed to have multiple primary FAT, and that limitation is inherited even to this day.

Partition tables are very finicky, and do not necessarily follow how it is laid out on disk. In fact, unless you create all the partition in a single shot from a blank disk, how you think is the nth partition will not be how the entry on disk is.

That and most automount scripts do not look for more than one partition. Unless there is a good reason why you need two FAT32 on your card, you are running a very unsupported config.

-- Starfox
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  #2384 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 08:42 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 04-06: FRX06 on NAND (Testing FRX06 now!)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
I was thinking about this and wanted to make sure it didn't get lost in the sea of posts. I added /bin back to the sysinit.rc and stopped it from remounting /system as read-only, and data now works on first boot. It also fixed root because it now has busybox and read-write access to /system.

I know we wanted to get rid of /bin from sysinit.rc, so I'm trying to see if I can symlink /system/bin /bin during sysinit.rc and fix anything that is missing from /system/bin that is in /bin (for rootfs or initramfs).
Next version we have busybox integrate?

Originally Posted by Starfox View Post
Just as a general comment, having more than one primary FAT partition on any media leads to bad things(tm). DOS was never really designed to have multiple primary FAT, and that limitation is inherited even to this day.

Partition tables are very finicky, and do not necessarily follow how it is laid out on disk. In fact, unless you create all the partition in a single shot from a blank disk, how you think is the nth partition will not be how the entry on disk is.

That and most automount scripts do not look for more than one partition. Unless there is a good reason why you need two FAT32 on your card, you are running a very unsupported config.

-- Starfox
neopeek version need two partition(1st FAT32, 2nd ext3), xdandroid install guide told us format 1st partition before install, so I create 3st partition to store some apps,books,musics... then mount it to /sdcard/sdcard2, so ,after I re-install, I need't to copy apps,books,musics to SD-card again

Last edited by muziling; 04-08-2011 at 08:49 PM.
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  #2385 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2011, 08:54 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 04-06: FRX06 on NAND (Testing FRX06 now!)

If you are mixing and matching builds, I'd strongly advise to using separate cards. Otherwise you introduce bugs that tie up developer time. XDAndroid do not use that much space, and 1-2G cards are so cheap.

-- Starfox
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  #2386 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 03:26 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 04-06: FRX06 on NAND (Testing FRX06 now!)

the thought of a fully working NAND android install with nothing NOT working... well lets just say i need to go change...

its been a good 5~ months since i was here, its nice to know so much has progressed, cant wait for Camera support, thats going to be sick...

As a general question, probably deserving of its own topic, but since this is more on the bleeding edge... GFX accel in WM blows... hows its SD/NAND counterparts doing? still suck? or does it PWN?
Selling my (still) BNIB Sprint TP2, and loving Android on my HD2 on SimpleMobile!
My old DreamPhone thread that was here is now obsolete: http://www.samsung.com/global/micros...note/spec.html

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  #2387 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 11:40 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 04-06: FRX06 on NAND (Testing FRX06 now!)

so uh, just got second battery in the mail, woot. Then spl decides to take a shit on me.... am i correct in thinking that i'm totally hosed now?: flash via sdcard, stuck at "loading..."; flash via usb, stuck at 0%. Nothin will flash, task_29 winmo roms, nothin. eeeeevvveryrhing else is working fine.... fuuuuuugggg! first one that didn't work happened to be the "newnbh method"... haha did the spl seriously fry? Oh how I wish us cell had phone swap....

Last edited by MassStash; 04-09-2011 at 06:28 PM.
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  #2388 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 06:44 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 04-06: FRX06 on NAND (Testing FRX06 now!)

Hi there. I just flashed the Nand to my RHOD400 and it's running a'ight so far, though I'd really like to contribute feedback in order to assist in making things better. I could, of course, simply provide words such as things that've already been stated like failed wakes(though not as frequent as when running off the SD), but I'd like to be able to provide logs associated with any bugs or errors I run into or testing that might be asked of me. I assume that's what things such as ADB and perhaps the Haret Console are for(though Haret might be for using Android off the SD Card?). I've gotten the Droid Explorer installed preemptively, but I'm having trouble getting the ADB drivers installed. From the Hardware manager it lets me go through the update driver wizard, and I tell it to look in the specific folder from the unzipped usb_driver but it is unable to accept the android_winusb file. Am I doin' it wrong? Apologies for the noobness and thanks in advance for any assistance anyone can provide.
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  #2389 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 07:07 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 04-06: FRX06 on NAND (Testing FRX06 now!)

nightmare, battery drain out , can not charge it .
Now, with charge DC/AC ,phone reboot,reboot,reboot...for ever.
I go into three color screen, phone auto reboot immediately... Can't flash WM system back.
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  #2390 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 07:32 PM
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sit there with a task29.nbh on the card, named rhodimg obviuously, n hold power n vol down til it reboots. If miss, pop bat out leaving cablec, the put bat back in while holding power n vol down, let nbh load, quickly hit power button to flash, let sit, should die from not chareging but now be wiped of android nand dead battery loop of death. Let charge for whatever then go back to this crazy stuff, or chill with the winmo garbage. Either way, got me hatin hard on the touchpro2's obsoleteness right now.... lol

Sent from my MSM using Tapatalk

Last edited by MassStash; 04-09-2011 at 08:44 PM.
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