Re: Need advice - ROM choices for Touch Pro 2
Welcome lurker..
Dream Phone II, 100% Transparent, Final ROM, How to get 150 MB of RAM Titanium ROM, (no sense.. I dislike now also), dump Titanium which I hate worse & load any of the 5 or 6 different menus I list & link in the Dream Phone I & II threads. Read BOTH. Good luck |
Re: Need advice - ROM choices for Touch Pro 2
It seems like everything you have mentioned is on almost every rom...just disable sense and titanium. You end up with a very fast phone. Currently I am on the most recent release of NRG's rom, the "reference" edition with No cookies home tab. He includes a very nice start menu replacement program and also offers a titanium version so you aren't using any extra space to store sense in memory. But again, most roms are going to include what you've asked for.
Install MR3 (which upgrades the radio) then Task 29 (to format the internal memory) then flash away till you find a rom you like. I rarely last 15 days on one rom. This phone has been fun, but it has always had software issues.
Re: Need advice - ROM choices for Touch Pro 2
I'm going to take the plunge, gathering everything on my memory card now.
Sounds like the Energy Titanium Rom is a winner, but do you mind clearing up a few questions for a first time user? 1. Unlocking to get this done - saw reference's to HardSPL unlockers and SIM unlockers. Which do I need Downloaded RhodiumW_HardSPL_V1_10_R3(going to flash the ROM, the load the latest radio from the Verizon MR3 release - unless what Thayer is saying is that by flashing MR3 first it will permanently upgrade the radio and that will surive the flash to the Energy ROM)). Is the "Task 29" memory formating needed before the ROM flash? 2. The WinMobile interface - I actually like and want the Windows Mobile classic Today screen, like this http://parvezpersonal.files.wordpres...dowsmobile.png I know it is not pretty, but it give exactly what I want on the front page without touching or swiping anything (how many emails in which accounts, next appointments, missed calls, # of voice mail waiting, date & time). In order to keep that interface, do I need to keep Titanium checked? (In your Dream Phone guide you uncheck to install a different home screen.) 3. With #2 in mind what should I set my page pool to? Where do you set this, is it an option when you start the ROM flash procedure? Want fast response to my input above all else. even if it means waiting moment for a program to start (The current tap something in Opera and wait 5 seconds to see if registered or not drives me up a wall) It sounds like in your other thread that 0 will give super fast system at the expense of some available memory - sounds good to me and I'm getting memory back by going with the Energy ROM in the first place right? 4. Start menu - The 6.5 start menu sucks, would be happy to load one of your alternatives. Does my need to keep the Today screen above affect this at all (Can I have classic Today with a replaced start menu) 5. The Transparency stuff (Step III in dream phone) I don't think this applies to me - the taskbars are fine showing and my wallpaper is a black image I made by covering the camera lens and taking a picture. Boring I know but easy to read ![]() 6. Getting back to Verizon - If I read the posts correctly my phone will think it is on the sprint network. The fix for this seems to be either download a package of some kind or simply do a *228 update. Which is correct? Contacts and stuff are not a problem - all is on my company's Exchange server and will re-(Active)sync after I set up the account. Thanks for your time!! JB Last edited by jbrady33; 06-08-2011 at 02:10 PM. Reason: update |
Re: Need advice - ROM choices for Touch Pro 2
First & most important... this is only my opinion.. there are many great minds here at ppcgeeks... ask 10 people, you'll probably get 10 opinions! ![]() I've said it before... I believe it was Wideawake that said it somewhere about barebones & literally taking a car apart, an analogy for which I'm guessing he meant, what do you give up & what do you keep, truly bare bones gives up some pretty handy & convenient features. (the original Windows "Today" screen that you like is considered pretty "Bare bones" by most). What is a necessity for you may not be for another. If you had each person list their top 10 must haves, you'll get a different list for each. You'll see many people suggesting other Rom's to flash. That's fine, many are great & good, but most simply are not updated any longer at all, some of the ROM developers have even moved to the dreaded iPhone! :>)) Re. "Sounds like the Energy Titanium Rom is a winner" You can use any ROM, as mentioned, simply uncheck all "Items" in Settings, home. If you use a loaded ROM, (the higher MB dl .. lol) they put a ton of extra files & stuff in the Windows directory, which I don't like.. Re. Energy... it's one of only a couple left being updated... Re. your Q's 1. Re. Unlocking: At the top of each forum, there are a few "stickies" Read the one by Cmonex, she is the unlock master. You can find a link in the link below & some additional help as well. task29 cleans out previous custom flashes, read more in some of the links & Wiki Most custom Rom's don't flash Radios. That is a separate process which you can find info on it under "R" in the Energy Wiki I put up, list in red in my sig. For general questions you should read this thread first: Regarding page pools, unlocking, etc.. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/htc-touch-...id-energy.html Some of the apps list in step 8 are old & I don't use most anymore, especially stay away from wmlonglife cab ![]() 2. NO, you don't have Titanium checked, that is a "Home/Today" screen/menu. Unchecked gives you what you want. When you uncheck Titanium, simply check Date, Wireless, Messaging, Tasks, Calendar, Windows Live Search & then press OK, you'll see pretty much what you want. Just go try it right now... it only takes 10 seconds to change back, you don't lose anything. 3. Page pool (pp) again.. ask 10 people get 10 different responses.. here's a few tid bits that'll help you make your own decision. NEVER use PP zero unless you dump Sense &/or Windows Startmenu, preferably both. There simply isn't enough RAM on the TP2, Opera will for sure bottom out & crash. Personal experience & other users. If you've read about the memory & know that Sense & Windows Startmenu can both use lots of RAM (I've seen claims anywhere between 20-40 MB each), you know that with both gone, you'll have more than enough physical RAM for pp of zero, and most likely even by using dumping your sense menu. Pagepool setting must also consider HOW YOU use your tp2. If all you do it call, check the time, make a couple appointments, & simple stuff, it just doesn't matter. If you are going to use sense & cookie & Windows startmenu, I'd certainly recommend setting it around 10MB. Even if you use the classic "Today" screen (the one you linked that will save RAM), but if you plan on having GPS, music, bluetooth, and multiple tabs of Opera all at the same time... I'd still recommend lower page pool (8, 10, 12), NOT zero (which actually uses more). Most custom ROM makers use 16-22ish by default. The page pool flash utility is also a separate program linked to in my wiki link & "Howto" link in my sig. 4. The "startmenu" is the windows soft & hardkey, has no relation to what you use for a "home/today" screen. If not using a Energy ROM (VIN ROMs are super also, but not updated), you must use the startmenu remover I linked to get rid of it. If not Energy, then most people load quickmenu as the replacement. Winstart is another good one, get the last beta prior to pay version... Energy ROM's have a "Start Menu Replacement" button in Settings, which does both... removes & gives you multiple options.. only use panel or compact (quick). 5. Transparency: definitely don't mess with it if you don't have a burning desire! :>)) K.I.S.S. !! keep it simple.. most people are spoiled by cookie & are use to it, simply an alternative.. 6. Verizon: Read any of the 16 million posts on "Carrier Provisioning". Or, click on the Energy Faq (red wiki link below & look under "C" for carrier provisioning. If not using Energy ROM, most ROM threads will have their own "Verizon Provisioning" cab. Also, look in the paperclip of each thread for the list of cabs. If you don't know what a paperclip is, see "P" in the Energy wiki. I will be happy to help more, but make sure you've put a couple hours of effort reading & re-reading (minimum) first, of all the links I've post if you want my help. It's easy to spot people that haven't done their homework & ask questions already covered in the guides I've list. Good luck, remember... this is all just my opinion.
Energy questions? Read posts 1-6 and ENERGY FAQ WIKI cdma FIRST!! .. (GSM here)
*HOW TO! *Voice (MSVC), Bing, Tellme *ANDROID *TV Don't hit THANKS (I've got a bad rep & want to keep it that way!) ![]() Last edited by teradog; 06-10-2011 at 09:27 PM. |
Re: Need advice - ROM choices for Touch Pro 2
So far - real good! Thanks for all the info. I now have the Titanium ROM and the compact startmenu. Loaded some apps (not many, the ROM had most of the stuff I use - only newer versions!) - just Microsoft reader (old I know, would love something better), BattClock, Cleanram. Gives 129.something free program memory after boot! Only slow spot seems to be a long pause on the start menu occasionally - and no sleep-of-deaths so far.
More questions: Missed calls & Voicemail indicator - the stock Verizon cab had a classic Today screen entries with missed calls and number of voicemails waiting. (Looked just like the number of emails waiting display) Not it only shows as a notification - anyway to get that back as a Today item? I did search the boards but didn't find much Opera - probably my biggest app. It looks like Opera 9.something (which is fine) but the Favorites/Bookmarks soft key (the Star) does nothing. Found some other complaints about this but no solutions unless I missed it. What about upgrading to Opera 10 - any opinions, good idea or big hog? Might or might not fix the bookmarks problem I guess. Thanks for all the help! |
Re: Need advice - ROM choices for Touch Pro 2
think opera mini is the best,
also I think the data disconect issue may hav been the PRL. because I had it on 2 roms.
Re: Need advice - ROM choices for Touch Pro 2
Couple things... not clear what today screen you're using now... The old plain Jane "Today" screen as you mentioned before? Titanium unchecked also? Guessing your on Today classic.. there's a crap load of apps for the today screen, you need to look more! :>) TONS.. but when you find what your looking for most will be about 3-5 years old... the question, will they work for 6.5 & 6.5x, trial & error... They've got apps upon apps for the classic "Today" screen! You can make it give any notification you want! While your at it, look into "Second Today" used with some weather progs it's cool... (from a few years ago, but I saw people using recently somewhere) I don't use that menu, as I list 4 different ones in the Dream Phone Thread 1 that are easier to use & take almost no RAM (easy today, IPT, TouchXperiance...) or you can use mmapplauncher or quickmenu, but then you get no notifications & always have to run apps via 1 extra step & it doesn't return you back to the program list... Probably the best by far is SPB, it uses MUCH less RAM than Sense/Cookie but IS what that combo should be :>)) (some liberties taken there)... lol No mystery hangs, no wandering icons, no SOD's, super fast graphics, etc.. but it costs a little money if you do it up front... I'm not on the big red V so I can't give specifics.. (on Sprint) The only reason I'm useing IPT right now is that I have it setup almost exact as I had cookie setup under Sense, but I've got 125 MB of RAM vs 80-90!! Plus it does give some live notifications & icons... while Easy Today, really doesn't... I no longer run battclock or clean RAM... but it's cool to setup & watch, I use to have 4 items in the top right.. Just redo the startmenu again, should work. Do again, choose panel, then the soft start should run panel & top left (even if no icon) should run compact/quickmenu. (which have nothing to do with your choice of "Today/Home screens"... If still not, I think there was something in settings that did it also. I've heard of the startmenu pause, shouldn't be one... can't remember if we put something in the wiki on it, ck out the red link in my sig, alphabetically done... did you task29 before you flashed? (T in wiki/faq) hahahaha me commit to a browser... no way! :>)) subjective First 9 vs 10, on 10 don't think the zoom bar works, for many it's a must (the mag glass just above the hard keys & below the screen) basically 2 groups server based (which you can get on Opera also ...Turbo) or not... Opera Mini as maxx said, also ucweb/ucbrowser... compete in the same class... I also use uZard Web for flash... (must run with SIM out.. which is a hassle if you like to run Android off your SD card.. as Xdroid wants it in .. some work arounds but won't get into that..) I think uZard is probably still the best winphone replacement for skyfire... Lately I'm all about KISS ... keep it simple stupid... do most of my stuff on the built in app (O9), that way I don't have to constantly ck for updates for all my software... NRG has always been pretty good about that.. choose what you like... install 10 & use both. With your setup you have so much available both kinds of memory it's not funny... heck install all of them!! Then choose / use what you want! Last edited by teradog; 06-21-2011 at 05:03 PM. |
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