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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2010, 09:14 PM
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Thumbs up (LINKS FIXED 4/2/2012) Elite ROM | Summer 2011 Public Release

a custom cooked Lite CDMA HTC Diamond ROM by 2 Bunny

Dear Members,
In a world rapidly dominated by the horrors of Windows Mobile 6.5 and Apple Operating System, the need increasingly arises for the community to have a useful solution to all its ROM needs. I believe the answer to the world's problems (at least on HTC Diamond, anyway) can be found in this thread with a custom ROM I built from the ground up in a modified version of Caulkin's Kitchen called "Elite", which couples Windows Mobile 6.1 with excellent performance, eye candy, goodies, and vast amounts of free space - not to mention low battery consumption. For both brand new users, and veterans to this thread, I have now arranged all releases in reverse chronological order; this means that starting now, the newest version of Elite will be at the top of the list below, and the oldest will be at the bottom. Each different version in the list below is dictated by a bold and underlined heading so they can be easily distinguished. Unlike many other ROMs, I do not post the full description and screenshots in the first post of the thread, rather they are in a small .DOC file that you can download with or separately from each ROM version (I suggest you download it separately to save bandwidth).

As of now, these ROMs have been cooked with the Sprint carrier options cooked in, but in the new release that is NOW AVAILABLE, the ROM will be CARRIER UNIVERSAL!!! This means that it can be used on all the CDMA carriers' Diamonds (not as sure about the Verizon Diamond, I've heard it is a slightly different beast as far as hardware is concerned. I'm not qualified to answer that question; Sorry).


NEW - Elite Summer 2011 Public Release (NOW AVAILABLE! 7/22/2011)(LINK FIXED! 4/2/2012)
To learn more, click here to read about the many features of this ROM and Download it!
Click Here for the release Post.

(Contact Me for fresh links) Elite - SPRING BREAK 2011 PRERELEASE
Download the informational DOC file here to learn more about the ROM and eventually Download it.
Click this link to move forward in the thread to the release post!

Retired - Elite - Special Thanksgiving Prerelease (11/21/2010)
Finally, after massive delays, a special unforseen Prerelease special of Elite. Get a sneak peak of what Elite 2.5 will look like, and comment on how you want it to look. Don't forget to note any bugs you may find by posting in this thread.

Information Page (Multiupload.com - 303.5KB): Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Information Page (Skydrive - Viewable in Browser or Download - 303.5KB): Release Page.doc - Microsoft Word Web App
Download link is inside of the Informational page (83.5MB, Compressed as .RAR)

Retired - 2.3 Beta Update (8/5/2010)
Welcome back, fellow members, I have sent some invitations to some members who would I thought might be interested in testing the ROM. If you are interested in testing it, please contact me via email or a Personal Message on this site. I visit several times throughout the course of the day, and should have the documentation and download link for you in a matter of hours.
Update: Sorry members. 2.3 Beta is now discontinued. Please stay tuned for Elite 2.5 coming soon! See post 30 for more info.

Retired - Elite 2.2.3 (7/15/2010)
The original release that started it all. Please read the info .DOC file first before downloading the ROM to be sure that this is what you want.

ROM Info DOC File: Elite 2.2.3 release page.doc - Microsoft Word Web App
ROM Info DOC File Mirror: Elite 2.2.3 release page.doc
ERV and "Spatula" Files (NOTE: This link may be broken, please try the mirror link just below it): Elite 2.2.3 ERV File and Items.rar - Windows Live
ERV and "Spatula" Files Mirror Link: Elite 2.2.3 ERV File and Items.rar
ROM Download Link: Elite 2.2.3 ROM Release Folder.rar (103.59MB Total size)

- 2 Bunny

Last edited by 2 Bunny; 04-02-2012 at 10:32 AM. Reason: NEW VERSION and MultiUpload link update
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-15-2010, 10:02 PM
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Re: A 2 Bunny ROM Release: Elite ROM "Beta" 2.2.3

i will try your rom this week.

Last edited by xraytech8704; 07-15-2010 at 10:12 PM.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 09:29 PM
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Smile ELITE Reply

Originally Posted by xraytech8704 View Post
i will try your rom this week.
Sounds good. Be sure to post if there are any "oddities" or bugs so that I can get them ironed out in one run through with everything else. Thanks for downloading!

For the rest of you reading, if you would like to see any features or software added that might help, don't hesitate to make a suggestion in a post in the thread. Comments are always welcome ☺.

- 2 Bunny
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 09:53 PM
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Re: (July 15th, 2010) A 2 Bunny ROM Release: Elite ROM "Beta" 2.2.3

Thanks for the new rom.. i'll give it a try and let you know what I think
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2010, 10:15 PM
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Smile JULY 29TH UPDATE Reply


Thanks for all your help guys. Together, this ROM can really move forward. I have already proceeded to begin fixing several acknowledged bugs. As always, I encourage anyone who has found a new bug or problem to post it promptly, as this helps the flow of repairs. Anyway, if I can get enough things fixed and find time, I hope to release a new version of this ROM next weekend (or the weekend after that if possible) if I can get a few more things fixed and some people lined up who would be brave enough to test it. I have been busy checking, rechecking, triple checking, and further checking the list in the kitchen to see if I can find anything that needs to be cut out, tweaked, or added in. So far, I have received a bit of feedback from some members, but I always encourage more. I don't ask for donations, but if you wish to contribute, the best way to do so is to tell friends and people you know with HTC Diamonds that want a device that works fast and like new about the Elite ROM. Anyway, here is a tentative calendar of the coming weeks:

(I apologize for those on DialUp and with small resolution Widescreen monitors to whom this image may distort the page)

The thing is, for this to work, I need people who can commit to being brave enough to test the ROM, take screnshots, and evaluate certain points (in addition to the usual restoring and setting up their device again) so that we can see how well this ROM works.

Once again, I thank the community for their help with testing this ROM and I wish it and the brave souls who test it good luck in the future to come.

- 2 Bunny
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2010, 05:30 AM
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Re: (July 15th, 2010) A 2 Bunny ROM Release: Elite ROM "Beta" 2.2.3

Hi 2 Bunny, it's already very interesting, i see people not so often write a comment and topic in your thread, may be somebody don't have a time, but your action and that you doing it's amazing, because i think it's coming from your heart, you do it with your soul. I'm mean you do a good work. Thats why i want to thank you for your aspiration. P.S. I love ROMS without things like Google Maps, twitter, opera, FaceBook, FingerKbd(any not standard keyboard), Startup Animation, Marketplace, VoiceCommand, Extra Themes... etc. I mean i love Ultra Lite Roms, I Like to install my own version of programs. And what SYS do you use ? ))) P.P.S. Sorry for language and grammar. P.P.P.S. How much memory after install your rom ? Storage ; Program. Often i love to use WM 6.5 roms like ultra lite rom of Cap'nChronic's he has Storage (total - 147.36 MB) Program (total - 192 MB). But it doesn't mean that I don't like a good mean machine 6.1 roms ))) a good experienced ROM. That say = stable, fast, and good battery life, without fancy and social things. Because i need only to call and memory for my progs. + files example of ultra lite rom)))
Attached Files
File Type: txt Cap'nChronic's Ultralite ROM.txt (1.1 KB, 33 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by kainppc6700; 07-30-2010 at 05:56 AM. Reason: txt file
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2010, 05:42 AM
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Re: (July 15th, 2010) A 2 Bunny ROM Release: Elite ROM "Beta" 2.2.3

May be i can test your rom( i have some time)
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-30-2010, 08:37 AM
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Smile ELITE Reply

Originally Posted by kainppc6700 View Post
Hi 2 Bunny, it's already very interesting, i see people not so often write a comment and topic in your thread, may be somebody don't have a time, but your action and that you doing it's amazing, because i think it's coming from your heart, you do it with your soul. I'm mean you do a good work. Thats why i want to thank you for your aspiration.
No problem man. I think the silence is really just "reverence", LOL!

Originally Posted by kainppc6700 View Post
P.S. I love ROMS without things like Google Maps, twitter, opera, FaceBook, FingerKbd(any not standard keyboard), Startup Animation, Marketplace, VoiceCommand, Extra Themes... etc. I mean i love Ultra Lite Roms, I Like to install my own version of programs. And what SYS do you use ? )))
Well, no Twitter or Facebook to worry about here, but I've always liked to have a "ready out of the box" installation. If SYS is that number that starts with "21---", then the build number of the Windows Mobile is 21055.

Originally Posted by kainppc6700 View Post
e P.P.S. Sorry for language and grammar. P.P.P.S. How much memory after install your rom ? Storage ; Program. Often i love to use WM 6.5 roms like ultra lite rom of Cap'nChronic's he has Storage (total - 147.36 MB) Program (total - 192 MB).
If enough people want one, and if I can find time, I may make variations of the Elite ROM in the future perhaps with varying "weights". Many of your questions in this last quote can be found in the ROM Info DOC file that can be downloaded above. To be honest, I don't do much work with WM 6.5 ROMs because I personally do not like WM6.5. Again, if enough people want one, and if I can actually manage to get a working one, I may put together a WM6.5 ROM, but it'll take a bit, because I have had next to zero experience with it.

Originally Posted by kainppc6700 View Post
But it doesn't mean that I don't like a good mean machine 6.1 roms ))) a good experienced ROM. That say = stable, fast, and good battery life, without fancy and social things. Because i need only to call and memory for my progs. + files example of ultra lite rom)))
Right on. That's why I like 6.1. If the above conditions are met in the future, I may make a similar ROM to Elite of varying "weights", but until then, you can download the ERV file and the Caulkin Kitchen and experiment on your own if you feel brave enough.

Good Luck.

- 2 Bunny
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-31-2010, 10:17 PM
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Re: (July 15th, 2010) A 2 Bunny ROM Release: Elite ROM "Beta" 2.2.3 [TESTERS WANTED 7

I always wanted a 6.1 ROM. Thanks for cooking one. I will let you know if I find any issues.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2010, 01:22 PM
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Wink ELITE Reply

All right, Elite 2.3 is available for testing now. Please contact me with a Personal Message if you are interested.

2.2.3 is still available for download, but if you are a "brave soul", you might like to test 2.3.

Thanks! =D>

- 2 Bunny
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