Thanks for all your help guys. Together, this ROM can really move forward. I have already proceeded to begin fixing several acknowledged bugs. As always, I encourage anyone who has found a new bug or problem to post it promptly, as this helps the flow of repairs. Anyway, if I can get enough things fixed and find time, I hope to release a new version of this ROM next weekend (or the weekend after that if possible) if I can get a few more things fixed and some people lined up who would be brave enough to test it. I have been busy checking, rechecking, triple checking, and further checking the list in the kitchen to see if I can find anything that needs to be cut out, tweaked, or added in. So far, I have received a bit of feedback from some members, but I always encourage more. I don't ask for donations, but if you wish to contribute, the best way to do so is to tell friends and people you know with HTC Diamonds that want a device that works fast and like new about the Elite ROM. Anyway, here is a tentative calendar of the coming weeks:

(I apologize for those on DialUp and with small resolution Widescreen monitors to whom this image may distort the page)
The thing is, for this to work, I need people who can commit to being brave enough to test the ROM, take screnshots, and evaluate certain points (in addition to the usual restoring and setting up their device again) so that we can see how well this ROM works.
Once again, I thank the community for their help with testing this ROM and I wish it and the brave souls who test it good luck in the future to come.
- 2 Bunny