Originally Posted by kainppc6700
Hi 2 Bunny, it's already very interesting, i see people not so often write a comment and topic in your thread, may be somebody don't have a time, but your action and that you doing it's amazing, because i think it's coming from your heart, you do it with your soul. I'm mean you do a good work. Thats why i want to thank you for your aspiration.
No problem man. I think the silence is really just "reverence", LOL!
Originally Posted by kainppc6700
P.S. I love ROMS without things like Google Maps, twitter, opera, FaceBook, FingerKbd(any not standard keyboard), Startup Animation, Marketplace, VoiceCommand, Extra Themes... etc. I mean i love Ultra Lite Roms, I Like to install my own version of programs. And what SYS do you use ? )))
Well, no Twitter or Facebook to worry about here, but I've always liked to have a "ready out of the box" installation. If SYS is that number that starts with "21---", then the build number of the Windows Mobile is 21055.
Originally Posted by kainppc6700
e P.P.S. Sorry for language and grammar. P.P.P.S. How much memory after install your rom ? Storage ; Program. Often i love to use WM 6.5 roms like ultra lite rom of Cap'nChronic's he has Storage (total - 147.36 MB) Program (total - 192 MB).
If enough people want one, and if I can find time, I may make variations of the Elite ROM in the future perhaps with varying "weights". Many of your questions in this last quote can be found in the ROM Info DOC file that can be downloaded above. To be honest, I don't do much work with WM 6.5 ROMs because I personally do not like WM6.5. Again, if enough people want one, and if I can actually manage to get a working one, I may put together a WM6.5 ROM, but it'll take a bit, because I have had next to zero experience with it.
Originally Posted by kainppc6700
But it doesn't mean that I don't like a good mean machine 6.1 roms ))) a good experienced ROM. That say = stable, fast, and good battery life, without fancy and social things. Because i need only to call and memory for my progs. + files example of ultra lite rom)))
Right on. That's why I like 6.1. If the above conditions are met in the future, I may make a similar ROM to Elite of varying "weights", but until then, you can download the ERV file and the Caulkin Kitchen and experiment on your own if you feel brave enough.
Good Luck.
- 2 Bunny