Re: (July 15th, 2010) A 2 Bunny ROM Release: Elite ROM "Beta" 2.2.3
Hi 2 Bunny, it's already very interesting, i see people not so often write a comment and topic in your thread, may be somebody don't have a time, but your action and that you doing it's amazing, because i think it's coming from your heart, you do it with your soul. I'm mean you do a good work. Thats why i want to thank you for your aspiration. P.S. I love ROMS without things like Google Maps, twitter, opera, FaceBook, FingerKbd(any not standard keyboard), Startup Animation, Marketplace, VoiceCommand, Extra Themes... etc. I mean i love Ultra Lite Roms, I Like to install my own version of programs. And what SYS do you use ? ))) P.P.S. Sorry for language and grammar. P.P.P.S. How much memory after install your rom ? Storage ; Program. Often i love to use WM 6.5 roms like ultra lite rom of Cap'nChronic's he has Storage (total - 147.36 MB) Program (total - 192 MB). But it doesn't mean that I don't like a good mean machine 6.1 roms ))) a good experienced ROM. That say = stable, fast, and good battery life, without fancy and social things. Because i need only to call and memory for my progs. + files example of ultra lite rom)))
Last edited by kainppc6700; 07-30-2010 at 05:56 AM.
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