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  #351 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 10:41 AM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

I can't recommend this enough, I bought SelectRadio for my xv6800 maybe 3 months ago...The phone died....(well the data port and bluetooth anyway) so I got my boss to get me a Touch Pro (cool boss eh). So I write SelectRadio to ask them for a code for my new phone and they tell me that I'm SOL ,that I have to buy another license. They said that it states clearly in their EULA that it is "per device"...bla bla yeah I'm pissed, how many people have the time to read pages and pages of fine print then I find
C-ApiSRO... wooo hoo!! The mobile community thanks you, I thank you.
So who ever reads this, don't buy selectradio who screws the people who support them but the people who crack their software can do whatever they want. C-ApiSRO rocks!
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  #352 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 11:19 AM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

so the weirdest thing happened today. normally i can get this app to crash by changing a channel after i've been streaming for a while, which today it did with success. i signed back in and started listening again, only this time i switched between channels to change things up. eventually the stream died and the application crashed. so i tried to open it back up and i got some weird unrelated error (about an application not installed properly) and this app never let me past the login screen (waiting icon). after i soft-reset the device (since it didn't let me do anything else), the phone gave me an error sound (but no message) and i didn't think anything of it. tried to open this app again and it sat there with the waiting icon until the phone reset itself!

phone came back on, warning beep again, only this time i noticed that i didn't have a signal! i started to try to fiddle with things and the phone reset itself again!

so i did a hard reset and am starting over. i'm going to keep my eye on it, but there may be some incompatibility between my latest rom and c-aspiro.
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  #353 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 01:49 PM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Working on 6800 with Alltel

Thanks Capi & Ed

I am using the Captchafix version from post #319
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  #354 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 04:17 PM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Capi, you are a God.

Anywhere I can send you some thank-you beer money?

EDIT: One issue... There are channels missing in the Sirius lineup (107, Blue Collar Comedy isn't there, a critical defect! )

Possibly trivial enhancement with enormous potential upside: Add feature to use as streamer proxy for other streaming capable players (like PocketPlayer, CorePlayer, etc.). This way you can instantly pick up all sorts of functionality like filters, DSP, pause buffering, and on and on -- without having to do any programming!

This is basically a matter of simply creating a port and streaming the content out to it, right? It would be so cool to be able to run Sirius out through PocketPlayer...

The wet-dream enhancment: Recording capability, with unattended scheduling. Man, with the ginormous storage cards in our phones, they are actually usable recording devices. Of course, the above enhancement could deliver on this indirectly.

I'll settle for the Favorites funcitonality... just thought I'd throw out some ideas for "ultimate class" functionality.

Last edited by dwallersv; 03-18-2009 at 04:39 PM.
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  #355 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 10:08 PM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by 640k View Post
so the weirdest thing happened today. normally i can get this app to crash by changing a channel after i've been streaming for a while, which today it did with success. i signed back in and started listening again, only this time i switched between channels to change things up. eventually the stream died and the application crashed. so i tried to open it back up and i got some weird unrelated error (about an application not installed properly) and this app never let me past the login screen (waiting icon). after i soft-reset the device (since it didn't let me do anything else), the phone gave me an error sound (but no message) and i didn't think anything of it. tried to open this app again and it sat there with the waiting icon until the phone reset itself!

phone came back on, warning beep again, only this time i noticed that i didn't have a signal! i started to try to fiddle with things and the phone reset itself again!

so i did a hard reset and am starting over. i'm going to keep my eye on it, but there may be some incompatibility between my latest rom and c-aspiro.
Please keep me informed on this. Let me know what ROM's or changes you've made recently that could have triggered the response.
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  #356 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 10:10 PM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by yellowone View Post
Working on 6800 with Alltel

Thanks Capi & Ed

I am using the Captchafix version from post #319
Great!!! I believe you were the last remaining Alltel person with this problem, so I will officially post a build shortly with a non-debug version. The build should be up shortly.
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  #357 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 10:22 PM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by dwallersv View Post
Capi, you are a God.

Anywhere I can send you some thank-you beer money?
Drinking beer is probably the reason why channel 107 isn't there.
Seriously, I appreciate the offer, but it's not necessary. Keep your money and just enjoy the app. I enjoyed building it and I learned something from it.

EDIT: One issue... There are channels missing in the Sirius lineup (107, Blue Collar Comedy isn't there, a critical defect! )
I don't believe Sirius offers a channel 107, however, there is a "Blue Collar Radio" on channel 103 that may be what you're looking for.

Possibly trivial enhancement with enormous potential upside: Add feature to use as streamer proxy for other streaming capable players (like PocketPlayer, CorePlayer, etc.). This way you can instantly pick up all sorts of functionality like filters, DSP, pause buffering, and on and on -- without having to do any programming!

This is basically a matter of simply creating a port and streaming the content out to it, right? It would be so cool to be able to run Sirius out through PocketPlayer...

The wet-dream enhancment: Recording capability, with unattended scheduling. Man, with the ginormous storage cards in our phones, they are actually usable recording devices. Of course, the above enhancement could deliver on this indirectly.

I'll settle for the Favorites funcitonality... just thought I'd throw out some ideas for "ultimate class" functionality.
Thanks for the ideas. I will keep them in mind. The proxy is an interesting idea. I'd have to look deeper into that.
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  #358 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2009, 01:01 AM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

I am using it on the 800W and as soon as I clicked on STOP, it froze my 800W then crashed the program with some error....
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  #359 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2009, 09:58 AM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

out of all of the features and enhancements I could possibly ask for, my biggest gripe still is the fact that the app still seems to freeze. with starplayr, i never had any issue leaving the app while it was running in the background and coming back to it, or even just stopping the stream.

with your app, if i go to the today screen, the only way to get back to the app is through a task manager and 9 out of 10 times, it will take 30+ seconds to stop a stream. man times the app becomes unresponsive too. sometimes you can't even stop the stream.

also, when the app is unresponsive, but the stream active, sometimes it doesn't even show up in the task manager.

i've tried stopping a stream by killing the app and what will happen is the app will disappear from the task list and then the stream will eventually die, but as soon as it does, the app reappears in the task list!
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  #360 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2009, 10:14 AM
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Re: C-ApiSRO - Sirius/XM Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by djqwikcut View Post
I am using it on the 800W and as soon as I clicked on STOP, it froze my 800W then crashed the program with some error....
Does this happen all the time or did it happen just once? If it happens all the time, next time post the error message so that RCapi can know where to start looking.
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