Originally Posted by dwallersv
Capi, you are a God.
Anywhere I can send you some thank-you beer money?
Drinking beer is probably the reason why channel 107 isn't there.

Seriously, I appreciate the offer, but it's not necessary. Keep your money and just enjoy the app. I enjoyed building it and I learned something from it.
EDIT: One issue... There are channels missing in the Sirius lineup (107, Blue Collar Comedy isn't there, a critical defect! )
I don't believe Sirius offers a channel 107, however, there is a "Blue Collar Radio" on channel 103 that may be what you're looking for.
Possibly trivial enhancement with enormous potential upside: Add feature to use as streamer proxy for other streaming capable players (like PocketPlayer, CorePlayer, etc.). This way you can instantly pick up all sorts of functionality like filters, DSP, pause buffering, and on and on -- without having to do any programming!
This is basically a matter of simply creating a port and streaming the content out to it, right? It would be so cool to be able to run Sirius out through PocketPlayer...
The wet-dream enhancment: Recording capability, with unattended scheduling. Man, with the ginormous storage cards in our phones, they are actually usable recording devices. Of course, the above enhancement could deliver on this indirectly.
I'll settle for the Favorites funcitonality... just thought I'd throw out some ideas for "ultimate class" functionality.
Thanks for the ideas. I will keep them in mind. The proxy is an interesting idea. I'd have to look deeper into that.