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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2008, 08:49 AM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by cal2ya View Post
Yeah the thing will work fine now if I am sync'd with cpu. Got captcha the very first time I logged in, and since I have tried multiple installs and uninstalls. Dunno. What I have been doing is syncing and not exiting all the way out. Only thing is that is aggrivating as dog doo. I have contacted alltel etc. Just wanted to say THANKS for all your help and the program is great. It's def something on my end or in alltel's server.
So, if I'm to understand you correctly, you're telling me that it works if you are connected via active sync. Is this correct? This definitely sounds like your phone has a network issue. Are you in a roaming area when you try this? If so, do you have your phone configured to allow data on a roaming network? Roaming may cost your money, so check with Alltel if you're not sure

If you are brave enough, try the diagnostic steps I mention in thread #98. It will report information about your network environment that could prove to be useful.
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2008, 09:57 AM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

The XM stream and channel list has been working for me this morning. Hopefully you where right about the DNS servers.
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  #103 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2008, 12:10 PM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

I will try diagnostic steps. May take me a few days to get it done. Busy schedule ahead.. Will send email when its done. Thanks again.
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  #104 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2008, 01:41 PM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Hello All:
I also own the mogul, wm5. I updated to version 2.1. The program works for a while (about 1 month), after that I dont get any channels listed. I still get logged in successfully, but does not show any channels. I have reinstalled but get the same issue, no channels listed. Can anyone help. thanks
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2008, 02:48 PM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by studio41 View Post
Hello All:
I also own the mogul, wm5. I updated to version 2.1. The program works for a while (about 1 month), after that I dont get any channels listed. I still get logged in successfully, but does not show any channels. I have reinstalled but get the same issue, no channels listed. Can anyone help. thanks
XM or Sirius?
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2008, 02:52 PM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by studio41 View Post
Hello All:
I also own the mogul, wm5. I updated to version 2.1. The program works for a while (about 1 month), after that I dont get any channels listed. I still get logged in successfully, but does not show any channels. I have reinstalled but get the same issue, no channels listed. Can anyone help. thanks
Same issue here using XM. Im on WM6.1 with a Sprint Touch in CT.
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2008, 05:19 PM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

hi R-Capi:
I am using XM radio
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 01:22 PM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

i get this too, the "capcha" error that is, haven't had much luck resolving it. I did get it to work once after muliple reboots, then the next time I tried to use it, no capcha
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 09:04 PM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

I have a sprint diamond and I find that if I connect via data connection the XM channel list does not load. If I connect via WiFi, the channel list loads. The previous version worked fine until a week or so ago. I have tried this several times and verified that it loads if connected via Wifi but not via data connection. I am in the Tampa bay Florida area, Sprint network. UPDATE: After a soft reset, the channels loaded via a data connection.

Last edited by micr5; 10-30-2008 at 10:23 PM.
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2008, 11:26 PM
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Re: ****UPDATED**** C-ApiSRO - XM & Sirius Satellite Radio for PocketPC (PPC)

Originally Posted by Csquared View Post
Same issue here using XM. Im on WM6.1 with a Sprint Touch in CT.
Originally Posted by studio41 View Post
hi R-Capi:
I am using XM radio
Originally Posted by micr5 View Post
I have a sprint diamond and I find that if I connect via data connection the XM channel list does not load. If I connect via WiFi, the channel list loads. The previous version worked fine until a week or so ago. I have tried this several times and verified that it loads if connected via Wifi but not via data connection. I am in the Tampa bay Florida area, Sprint network. UPDATE: After a soft reset, the channels loaded via a data connection.
For all of you who are experiencing problems after this latest release, my best educated guess would be that you are having problems resolving the new host name that XM has given their channel lineup page. When I hear that it works on one network, such as WiFi, but doesn't work on another means you are probably not able to resolve domain names correctly.

What does this mean? I'm glad you asked. In it's simplest terms, a domain name or DN is a human readable internet web name such as ppcgeeks.com, yahoo.com, amazon.com, etc. These are easy to remember names for humans, however, our computers do not understand them. Our computers understand IP (Internet Protocol) addresses such as, which happens to be ppcgeeks.com. Whenever you make a request on the internet to get data from a website your computer is resolving that human readable name to a computer friendly IP address. To do this, you must have a couple of DNS servers specified in your network configuration. DNS, or Domain Name Server, servers solely exist to convert human readable names to computer IP addresses. Everytime you request a website the DNS server is first called upon to get the physical IP of that site. If the DNS server is slow, or out of date, then you may not get the physical address, which in turn will cause the "Failed to Connect" error. This is what I believe some of you are experience with the latest XM changes. Whew!

As you all know XM had recently made a change to one of their human readable internet names, which broke C-ApiSRO, and how it retrieved channel listings. They changed http://xmro.xmradio.com to https://xmro-secure.xmradio.com. It's quite possible this change is not getting propagated to your DNS servers. Two things to note with this change:
  1. The host name or human readable name has changed from xmro.xmradio.com to xmro-secure.xmradio.com. This is a Domain Name change and it's quite possible the DNS servers that you are configured with don't understand this change. I can probably test this theory be releasing a version of C-ApiSRO that uses the physical IP address instead of the name. This would bypass the need for DNS and if it works then we will know for sure you are having DNS issues.
  2. The second change is that they are now using a secure HTTP protocol (HTTPS). Previously they used the HTTP protocol and now they are using HTTPS. It's possible that this is causing some of you grief as well, but I haven't quite figured out how. Might have something to do with address translations or route tables on your phone providers network, but I don't know for sure.
For those of you who are able to do so, I recommend you change the DNS servers configured for your phone network. Your phone is probably set up to use default DNS servers defined by your phone provider. Change those servers to use OpenDNS or something similar. I WILL NOT get into detail on how to do this. Do a google search to see if you can figure out how to do it. Maybe someone on this group can help you out. I just don't have time to handle the tons of questions that this topic would bring up.

In any case, if you do change your DNS server settings to use OpenDNS or something of the sort, please report your findings. I'm curious to know how it turns out for you.

****** QUICK TEST ******
A quick test would be to open up the web browser on your phone and try to access the https://xmro-secure.xmradio.com website. If you get a web page then the name resolved fine, otherwise you will get a "Page not found" or something like that. No web page probably means no DNS. Make sure you run this test using the same network that C-ApiSRO fails under.

I'm sorry this post is yet another long one. There is just no way to explain this in layman's terms.
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