04-23-2009, 03:05 AM
the magic mod
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Re: sMMS Picture Mail Composer
Originally Posted by stidham89
the only thing im reading is the fact there will b limitations and nag screens ? wat limitations?
some of these features may not work until u donate
Originally Posted by SomeGuyMMS
* Ability to view Inbox, Sent, Saved Messages
* Intercept Picture Mail SMS message and download received message
* View messages with Videos, Animated GIFs, JPGs
* Sync local inbox with Picture Mail Server
* Finger Flick friendly message list
* Configure sMMS from Registry
* Themes support images
* Donator / Full Version Licensing
* In Application updating
* Removed Timebomb
* Reset Idle Timer during Inbox Syncing and Message Sending
* Ability to turn off Sent Notification from registry - ShowSent (true) = Shows the sent Confirmation on successful sending
* Fixed Tab order for Settings Screen for Smartphones
* Reply to message using sMMS Composing Dialog
see also from same post
9) What do I get if I Donate?
If you donate a minimum of $5 you will receive a fully activated version of sMMS. If you donate, you are donating towards the development of sMMS. You are not purchasing a copy of sMMS. As a benefit, we are allowing Donators access to enhanced features that are not allowed in the normal version. The list of features includes:
1) No time-bomb.
2) No nag screens.
3) In-client updates (Check for updates through sMMS)
4) Multiple images per message
5) Messages area (Inbox, Sent, Saved folders)
6) SMS Intercept (Have sMMS download any picture mails to you directly to sMMS. NO MORE URL IN A TEXT!!)
7) BEST OF ALL: Unlimited updates.