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  #341 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 09:16 PM
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This is now on page 35 so I may have missed it, but have we gotten a single response from someone who already has skyfire with the following info:

1. Date and time they got their "confirmation email"
2. Date and time they got their text with the dl?

Most people seem to have gotten a confirmation email without the followup text, or have said that they have Skyfire, but have failed to follow up with the date and time of their confirmation email.
  #342 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by dschoenike View Post
Aren't betas supposed to be used ALOT by whoever has it? As in, abused, put through the ringer, pushed to the limits to see what it can or cannot handle? I always thought betas were for the company who made the product, so they could get feedback on their beta. If i wasn't going to use their beta ALOT, i wouldnt have signed up to get it.
tough shit my mans ... I used it for as long as it served its purpose to me .. its a browser what more can you do with it besides browse websites ..

I use it occasionally but the simple fact that there is no multi line text im still mostly in pie ..

and there really aren't that many bugs to report if at all .. it just .. works ..

if you signed up for it and have not gotten it yet and wanna earn some brownie points thinking your views are right then email them sayin that one of their dc beta testers is not "using and abusing the beta as they are supposed to" and im sure if they give a damn they will send a mass text out or something who knows

hope you get it soon tho so you can do them justice ...
  #343 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by MrOuija36 View Post
tough shit my mans ... I used it for as long as it served its purpose to me .. its a browser what more can you do with it besides browse websites ..

I use it occasionally but the simple fact that there is no multi line text im still mostly in pie ..

and there really aren't that many bugs to report if at all .. it just .. works ..

if you signed up for it and have not gotten it yet and wanna earn some brownie points thinking your views are right then email them sayin that one of their dc beta testers is not "using and abusing the beta as they are supposed to" and im sure if they give a damn they will send a mass text out or something who knows

hope you get it soon tho so you can do them justice ...
thanks my mans. i hope so too.
  #344 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 10:07 PM
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Same here...
  #345 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 10:21 PM
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few questions to those with skyfire.

1) if youre on skyfire.. in a forum.. you can only create one line of text in an input box?
2) flash games, has anyone tested flash games?
3) speedtest. Goto speakeasy and report back the results, if it actually tests your bandwidth properly or if theres some weird problem.
4) goto speedtest and use a java speedtest for speed results.. report back
5) google maps with streetview, is it working properly?
6) can you download images?
7) can you download files, if so how easy is it?
how is digg.com formatted? is it easy to read headlines and such?

heck, it looks like i probably wont see skyfire on my phone for a while so i mind as well get the answers from someone else rather than waiting.
  #346 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 11:42 PM
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ima go head and test all that out for you and make some screen caps ... be back in a few ..
  #347 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2008, 12:22 AM
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Originally Posted by MrOuija36 View Post
ok here goes ..

Facebook! Does it load pretty fast with Skyfire? Any faster the Opera Mini?
  #348 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2008, 12:29 AM
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ok here goes ..


thats the message that shows up ..


they work in theory .. was able to move the on screen mouse and click on the game but unfortunately I have a touch so no hardware keyboard to test out the controls

3. for some reason I was unable to access this part of the site .. speakeasy.com and the various flash videos worked just fine tho .. weird

4. ditto

5.google maps works great .. street view? eh not so much .. least not for me ..

6. unable to download pics at the moment

7. unable to download files at the moment ..

bummer ...

  #349 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2008, 12:39 AM
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Originally Posted by ajones7279 View Post
Facebook! Does it load pretty fast with Skyfire? Any faster the Opera Mini?
loads real quick and fast zooming works good as well as videos

only issue I had besides sf not supporting multi line is it kinda got retarted when I tried to send a gift lol guess sf is anti valentine
  #350 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2008, 12:42 AM
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Originally Posted by MrOuija36 View Post
loads real quick and fast zooming works good as well as videos

only issue I had besides sf not supporting multi line is it kinda got retarted when I tried to send a gift lol guess sf is anti valentine
Lol at anti-valentine but cool

Still waiting........................................c'm on skyfire
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