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Old 02-12-2008, 10:21 PM
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few questions to those with skyfire.

1) if youre on skyfire.. in a forum.. you can only create one line of text in an input box?
2) flash games, has anyone tested flash games?
3) speedtest. Goto speakeasy and report back the results, if it actually tests your bandwidth properly or if theres some weird problem.
4) goto speedtest and use a java speedtest for speed results.. report back
5) google maps with streetview, is it working properly?
6) can you download images?
7) can you download files, if so how easy is it?
how is formatted? is it easy to read headlines and such?

heck, it looks like i probably wont see skyfire on my phone for a while so i mind as well get the answers from someone else rather than waiting.