There is a registry tweak to add a disconnect button to the tiop bar for when your using vision connections (data plan) basically you would click on the connections icon and if connected, it shows the amount of time connected and a disconnect button. Thats if we're talking about the same vision off button that I think we are...
Current Device: Palm Pre
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ok , PLEASE, can someonw cab me up a file that hides the sim contacts.
in order for me to us apps like the pocketcm i have to copy my contacts from the sim to the phone, but them, i have them all repeated, and i dont wanane go thru delete them one by one, i am also afraid to delete them from the sim and then somehow lose them. please help, thank you |
do these work on the window 6.1? i've tested it before i updated to the new rom. but i don't think they work on the new rom. someone confirm?