Originally Posted by mbartels
Thanks a ton for doing this - I think it's great how you're helping everybody out.
Here's a link with more info. http://pdaphonehome.com/forums/ppc-6...tml#post647390
Basically, I'm hoping you are able to take the file named AudioPara.csv coarse ear extended speaker.zip, rename it to AudioPara.csv, and overwrite the current file in /windows named AudioPara.csv. I've tried this and it help with in call volume. The other files I attached would do a similar thing. Different people may have different preferences as to which one they use. The thread I linked to actually has a few more options.
Is something like this possible?
Again, thanks for all the help. This makes rebuilding after a hard reset much easier.
are those the files for the audiopara cabs? i have read through this entire psot to see if these files did get cab'd up. Wanting to use these, thanks for all the work you guys do, you are AWESOME!