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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 11:36 AM
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Exclamation Samsung Saga hacked into it and can't get them out

I have the Samsung Saga with windows and I believe someone has connected to it through either the remote desktop connection or via the wifi or maybe that spyfile thing I've been reading about.
I've only plugged it into the USB on my work computer and my home laptop but never "connected" it to either.
I know the desktop and my laptop HAVE been accessed remotely and a bunch of things installed- all were under the hidden files- things like amiyun printer, win rar, syscam (?), virtual ethernet ports and a bunch of other stuff.
I noticed that even though my wireless and bluetooth and GPS and everything I could disable or turn off on my phone I could still see someone access files (emails, sms etc-- emails that weren't sent from my phone- never used the emails on my phone) I watched them choose something in the search function and search for the files on my phone.

Then I found a bunch of contacts listed under a directory title that i found on my work computer (the one at work)- contacts for email accounts I haven't used in literally years.

Also, the only photos on my phone are the ones i've taken with the phone. When I saw this starting I removed my memory card but when i went back into the ph I could NOT delete any of the photos. Then about 3 days later I looked at the photos again and 4 of them had been blacked out. Funny they were the 4 photos of the people I believe are involved in doing this but ALL the rest of my pics are still there.

Also, have this CallLogListner.exe that is coming up on my processes list that Verizon has never heard of. I don't know what it is and I've never changed any of the settings etc in my phone. OH, and under the notes section in contacts - in the contact information of one of the people i am sure is involved is this note "Pathfinder JGD 6471"

I know from reading on that spyfile website that they can send you a text message to change features once they've downloaded a file onto your phone & you'd never know. I keep getting either "blank" or bizarre text messages from that same contact.

I have an idea of the people doing this and want to do something to prosecute them (if anyone has any suggestions regarding that I'd gladly take them). Unfortunately, I work with all of them and one of them is the president of my company. He is not only a total computer geek (no disrespect intended) but one of his family members is a private investigator.
Obviously, I need a new job but in the meantime I need to be able to use my phone (and hopefully) computer at home.
I want them out of my phone. I took it to Verizon and they said to do a hard reset which means I'd lose all my information sms, call logs, files etc.

I don't want to erase any evidence to give to the police- since everyone i know keeps telling me no one would do this etc- but I want them to get out of my phone out of my business.
Is there any way to tell what they used to hack into my phone? How do I get rid of them without doing a hard reset? How can I not lose any of the information if that's the only thing I can do....

I will gladly accept any suggestions at all. I am typing this from my parents house (home for the holidays) and will not have access to a computer tomorrow unless I go to my apt complex business center. I can't use my computer at work- obviously- and am afraid to use my home laptop 'cause i don't want them to get any other information from me.

  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 01:34 PM
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Re: Samsung Saga hacked into it and can't get them out

From the sound of things, your phone is the least of your worries. My advice would be to forget about trying to prosecute ... it's not worth the time and expense involved. Obviously you need a new place of employment, and that can't happen too soon for your own safety. Eventually you're going to need to do a hard reset of the phone, so you might as well do it now, and move on. I know it sounds like a lot of work, etc ... but if you don't take care of all this, it could get much worse.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 04:18 PM
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Re: Samsung Saga hacked into it and can't get them out

Do not do a hard reset. Contact the police immediately. If the phone is bugged, it will be calling home, and the police should be able to figure out who owns the home it's calling.

Contact the police ASAP and get them the phone and your computer. If your boss is hacking your phone and computer, he can face criminal and civil chargers. Also, if he attempted to fire you, you would have a major civil lawsuit.

Unless of course, these items are company property, then everything is nice and legal.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 05:12 PM
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Re: Samsung Saga hacked into it and can't get them out

After everything is said and done and you do a hard reset or if you end up getting a new device, I recommend you install Lookout Mobile Security. I believe it is still freeware. It used to be called flexilis mobile security. I have been using it since it was called flexilis . It has a firewall , anti-virus , and backup. I have been using it for almost a year now and I have not noticed any issues with performance and it seems to do what it is supposed to do.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-27-2009, 11:55 PM
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Re: Samsung Saga hacked into it and can't get them out

Thank you for all your suggestions- as soon as I get home tomorrow I'll be heading to the police station. The desktop computer I have was given to me- to use/keep forever from the guy I work with which is how I believe he hacked into it using the remote assistant app- I was just using it with the admin sign-on/password he gave it to me with since I clearly didn't see this coming.
Once I got my cable internet installed through that desktop then wireless to my personal laptop (never used for work) I think that is what allowed him into the laptop and both the phones.
I've unplugged the desktop and I think the other night either he/them or the cable company pinged my cable through my cable box because the laptop- which was on (i was trying to disable or uninstall the telephony and the remote assistant management at the time) - my saga and the prepaid phone all shut down and restarted right after the cable box did.
I didn't have cable tv for a while (like over a year) and came home the other day- middle of the day- to find my tv on- thought it was weird but thought maybe it was the dvr working then the tv turned off and i didn't think anything about it. Now I'm wondering if it's all related....
I'm also wondering about the flexispy and mobilespy programs. I was reading about them this morning and it seems like maybe that's part of this since I'm almost positive that they've been listening to my calls & reading my sms messages.
I'm just concerned that the police won't necessarily know how to handle or disable or investigate this stuff.
I guess I also need to place a call to my cable company and see if they can tell me who if anyone has been accessing my data or where the information has been transferring to and from.
The reps at Verizon said I have to have a supeona to get the information on the data transfers even though it's to and from my phone. And the area code they're using is from Seattle Wash (I live in VA) so I'm guessing it's a proxy modem or something like that.
I was set to get the new verizon motorola droid but I just read that they have spyware for that phone now as well. I'm afraid to get a new phone to soon in case they can access that one via wifi as well- I'm def going to look into that lookout mobile security app.

Ugh, I'm so frustrated. I guess I'd feel less violated if it was someone I didn't know....

Again- thank you everyone for your thoughts- PLEASE keep them coming. Like I said I'm open to any suggestions and all your help is appreciated!!
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2009, 12:28 AM
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Re: Samsung Saga hacked into it and can't get them out

Good luck and just to let you know there is a lot of spoofing going on. We had lots of people have calls from contacts in their phone, but it's someone else calling. They also had calls outside of the us from their numbers that they didn't do. Check your bill! The police are the ones to contact in those situations until they catch the people doing it. Probably not going to happen so some people say it's not worth it. I'd go to the police first, then do the hard reset.

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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > Windows Mobile Hacks/Tweaks

hacked, samsung saga, spy, spyfile, windows

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