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Old 06-10-2008, 03:28 PM
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XV6800 - Old games MSFT Entertainment Pack

Hello - I am a newbie. Have an XV6800. Would like to run some small games programs
that I have run on every Windows from DOS, 3.1, 95, --Ã* XP. They came from original
MSFT Entertainment Pack. Were bundled w/an old AST machine under ASTWEP monikker.

It includes following games:

Dr. Black Jack
Fuji Golf
Go Figure
Rattler Race
Tic Tactics

I have all the files --- .exe's; .dll's; .wav; .hlp; etc ---- but they only hold the CODE which is
likely VB .003 !!! ( I "ported" them over to every subsequent rev of Windows, and also the
"vbrun100.dll" which is required, and they work fine.) However, I can't even find the \system32
directory in WM6 !!!

Does n e budy lnow how to get these to run on my phone ? Also, would like to move FreeCell,
as well. Will I need "Visual Studio" and " Windows Mobile 6 SDKs" ??
Thanks for help.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2008, 06:14 PM
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Re: XV6800 - Old games MSFT Entertainment Pack

You might be able to run the programs via a DOS emulator, but they won't run natively on a Pocket PC otherwise... If you have the source code, you could likely get a copy of any of the .NET Visual Studios and build a PPC version of the code... (You would have to rebuild the GUI for each app tho...) Unless you like a challenge, I wouldn't bother...

I'm pretty sure most if not all if the programs you mentioned have freeware versions designed for the PPC if you just do a search like "WM5 Black Jack Freeware" in Google...
(I found this as an example: http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-...jack-beta.html )
Psi Phi:]\/[aster 5ys0p of ]\/[@9!]<
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2008, 08:06 PM
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Re: XV6800 - Old games MSFT Entertainment Pack

Psi -- thx 4 response; yes; I was afraid of all this. ...I guess my question
would then be ---- y the heck is this stuff called "Windows" Mobile ??
It may as well be called DiGel or GONAD !!! Certainly is a misnomer if all
previous code must be re-written to run !!! I've been in this business a long time; when we "rev" software (OS; apps; anything) such that it has ABSOLUTELY NO "backward compatibility", we change the NAME entirely. I cudda bought a Blackberry; Palm; etc. if it's all new crap I gotta learn in order to make "old stuff" run !!! You didn't do it; not mf'ing you !!!! I'll send a little note to Mr. Balmer. Thx, again, Psi !!!
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Old 06-11-2008, 03:37 PM
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Re: XV6800 - Old games MSFT Entertainment Pack

Originally Posted by Howard Fupp View Post
Psi -- thx 4 response; yes; I was afraid of all this. ...I guess my question
would then be ---- y the heck is this stuff called "Windows" Mobile ??
It may as well be called DiGel or GONAD !!! Certainly is a misnomer if all
previous code must be re-written to run !!! I've been in this business a long time; when we "rev" software (OS; apps; anything) such that it has ABSOLUTELY NO "backward compatibility", we change the NAME entirely. I cudda bought a Blackberry; Palm; etc. if it's all new crap I gotta learn in order to make "old stuff" run !!! You didn't do it; not mf'ing you !!!! I'll send a little note to Mr. Balmer. Thx, again, Psi !!!
It's called Windows Mobile because the GUI is very Windows like, and the code base for most programs is very simular... This is to be expected because PDAs use different processors than desktops...

For what it's worth, Linux does this too... Binaries compiled to be run on a Linux PC cannot be run directly on a Linux PDA, they have to be recompiled and formated to fit the screen... The only exceptions are when you use emulators (either in hardware or software...)
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