Originally Posted by Howard Fupp
Psi -- thx 4 response; yes; I was afraid of all this. ...I guess my question
would then be ---- y the heck is this stuff called "Windows" Mobile ??
It may as well be called DiGel or GONAD !!! Certainly is a misnomer if all
previous code must be re-written to run !!! I've been in this business a long time; when we "rev" software (OS; apps; anything) such that it has ABSOLUTELY NO "backward compatibility", we change the NAME entirely. I cudda bought a Blackberry; Palm; etc. if it's all new crap I gotta learn in order to make "old stuff" run !!! You didn't do it; not mf'ing you !!!! I'll send a little note to Mr. Balmer. Thx, again, Psi !!!
It's called Windows Mobile because the GUI is very Windows like, and the code base for most programs is very simular... This is to be expected because PDAs use different processors than desktops...
For what it's worth, Linux does this too... Binaries compiled to be run on a Linux PC cannot be run directly on a Linux PDA, they have to be recompiled and formated to fit the screen... The only exceptions are when you use emulators (either in hardware or software...)