Re: XV6800 - Old games MSFT Entertainment Pack
Psi -- thx 4 response; yes; I was afraid of all this. ...I guess my question
would then be ---- y the heck is this stuff called "Windows" Mobile ??
It may as well be called DiGel or GONAD !!! Certainly is a misnomer if all
previous code must be re-written to run !!! I've been in this business a long time; when we "rev" software (OS; apps; anything) such that it has ABSOLUTELY NO "backward compatibility", we change the NAME entirely. I cudda bought a Blackberry; Palm; etc. if it's all new crap I gotta learn in order to make "old stuff" run !!! You didn't do it; not mf'ing you !!!! I'll send a little note to Mr. Balmer. Thx, again, Psi !!!