Originally Posted by jdmsohc22
Also, What Weather are you using cuz that doesn't look like Titanium Weather, and how did you get your Portrait and Landscape images to be different outside of Sense..??
Actually I am using
Showaco's Titanium Weather. That's just how it looks when it isn't selected. I did purchase
Elecont's Titanium Weather tab but I'm just hooked on Showaco's.
(You know I'm in Florida when it's almost 80 degrees at 3am!)
I had to search to find out how I could set different pictures as my portrait & landscape wallpapers. It turned out to be rather easy. I picked each picture I wanted as each wallpaper using
Pictures & Videos to set them. First I did the portrait one & used Total Commander to copy
stwater_480_800.jpg out of the /Windows folder to my storage card. Then I opened the phone to landscape & set the next one this time copying
stwater_800_480.jpg. Finally I had to copy these files back into /Windows overwriting the others, and a soft reset later I had an individual image for each layout. (NOTE: The active wallpaper must be the same file type for this to work. When I tried just copying the files to /Windows to overwrite the .PNG file that was my active wallpaper it only added the .JPG files but did nothing more than that.)
Also here are those pictures. Enjoy!
vida_guerra_landscape2.jpg vida_guerra_portrait.jpg vida_tiger_landscape.jpg vida_tiger_portrait.jpg