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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 01:14 PM
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Re: [-APP-][3-Oct-2010]CHTScheduler 2.01 - profiles,saves&schedules your whole device

seee..and everyone thinks people arent still coming up with new things for winMO and/or TP2s.. shame on them!

good work!!!.. and agree with above, pics arent working and Im on a laptop even..
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 08:28 PM
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Re: [-APP-][3-Oct-2010]CHTScheduler 2.01 - profiles,saves&schedules your whole device

whoops 1st posted in wrong thread; anyways i tried the link but was dead prolly cause new version w/ fix from 2.01. new version is now 2.02
It is, wat it is...nothing more, nothing less
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 08:32 PM
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Re: [-APP-][4-Oct-2010]CHTScheduler 2.02 - profiles,saves&schedules your whole device

OK - uploaded CHTS 2.02 to Post #1.

Sorry for the inconveniences - it should happen seldom, that Baseline causes Freelinks to be not add-able - but the Baseline is your security and so it should work 100%.
Therefore I decided to make this fix.

As a little apology, I added some little features 4 U. Thanx to saugbaer and dunc001 for the big help to find it early.

Sorry - and now you can do happy Baselining.
IF you Baselined before - please apply your last Layout, then the freelinks will work again and then install 2.02.

Changelog 2.02:

- FIX of 2.01: If you apply Baseline, then on some ROM's there was no possibility to add Freelinks anymore. This is fixed & tested now.
- Longer delay to apply sound settings, so they are set also after Sense Restart
- Longer delay to apply Sense/CHT settings, so they are set also after Sense Restart (e.g. state mode). Plz feedback with your device name, if delay is now good enough.
- No reapply of random wallpaper after Restart of Sense, if Timeout is not reached
- New settings (often wished and I forgotten in 2.01) : "Restart Sense always after profile change" now activateable in Settings. You will get a timeouted MessageBox, which will ask you, if you really want to restart Sense, so that you are not surprised while e.g. writing a SMS at this moment.
- New settings (because I liked the idea ) : "Show current profile name instead of Operator name" activateable in Settings. It works only with Sense Restart... but this you have now also as new feature also if you have a profile without assigned Layout
- Some little changes because of user wishes.

Of course nothing of your current settings of CHTS will be overwritten. Just install.

~My Ultimate WVGA Wallpapers Collection~
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Last edited by santod; 10-04-2010 at 11:18 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-05-2010, 11:48 PM
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Re: [APP]FINAL[6-Nov-2010]CHTScheduler 2.10 - Sense/CHT saving&profiling

CHTS FINAL 2.10 Released!

thanx to the CHTS-Team for all the nightly work and help!!!

Changelog 2.10:
At first: ALL KNOWN BUGS FIXED! (see bottom of changelog for more details)

- LANGUAGE SUPPORT! All Language possible. Already included: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hungarish.
If you want to translate to your language - just use *the language_default.txt as template*
- Renameable Profilnames. Use your own description for SaveMyDay, GoodNite,... also you can choose in Settings, if the original profilname should be in Line 1 or 2
- All Icons now skinable! Also 3 different skins for CHTS available - thanx to Santod040, Dunc001 and saugbear!
- New much more eye-candy icons for quicklinks and top-bar-Links as default skin of Santod040
- New QUICK MANUAL if you want use only one feature of CHTS (e.g. Wallpaper switching or Sense Saving) or smooth learn, how to get familar with CHTS
- Direct Layout & Baseline saving by Menu - no need to assign it to a Profile. See new Quick Manual how to use CHTS as your Sense Saver!
- Added FAQs to Post #2
- Fast and very reliable Switch in Automatic Mode. Hard tested by CHTS Beta group!
- Very much improved security against wrong settings, wrong apply of settings,...

- Settings now in finger-/eye-friendly sub-categories
- Choose of Language
- Choose of Storage Card-Location,if you have problems with SD-Card-Name: can be switched off.
- Profile Names+Comments for both Lines in Main Menu
- Ignore-Options for CHTS-Icons, CHTS-Topbar-Icons, saved Wallpapers, Op-Names in Layouts - so you can better choose, what should be restored / scheduled
- For slower devices you can define a timeout, where CHTS isn't allowed to start Sense twice (default: 1 minute)
- Delete Icon Cache improved

- TODAY Wallpaper switching (so also WinMo Wallpaper/Start Menu Background) - initial or scheduled
- Weather Wallpapers according to current weather made faster in reaction after Sense Weather update

- seperated "Initial" (=at start of profile) and "permanent" (=during whole time of profile) Data Settings
- GPRS always on
- more accurate NoData - so no GPRS connection possible, if this is active

- Direct Layout save by Menu
- Faster Restore
- Restoring only of Quicklinks or Quicklinks & Freelinks

- Correct time scheduling and schedule prediction
- .net-Errors for much cases (I don't want to tell 'em all )
- Timeouted Mode works accurate now
- Manually switching no more issues
- Sound settings apply after Sense Restart
- complete review und bugfixed the whole code (70000 LOC!)
- Power Settings improved
- Better interaction with chtstate
Therefore just: No more Issues found while the hard test of great CHTS Beta Team - thanx for all, mates!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-07-2010, 01:30 AM
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Re: [APP]FINAL[6-Nov-2010]CHTScheduler 2.10 - Sense/CHT saving&profiling

nice thanks santod...hope cht is coming right behind this? =)
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 12:02 PM
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Re: [APP]FINAL[6-Nov-2010]CHTScheduler 2.10 - Sense/CHT saving&profiling

2 important hints for soon uploaded CHT 2 final - please remember for each user that:

1. save your Baseline for Cht v2 public beta with CHTS, but only apply it, if something with your installation went wrong. renew your saved Layouts at best after successful installation of CHT 2 final.

2. Don't apply chtstate108f to CHT final anymore. there it is like usual, already integrated.
and the version is there 108g - so you would overwrite the new version. chtstate108g has much more improvements for performance and battery
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2010, 11:44 PM
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Re: Default [CHT-APP][2-Dec-2010]CHTScheduler 2.15 - Sense/CHT-Profile-Management

CHTScheduler 2.15 UPLOADED

much new features & happiness :

Changelog 2.15:

GENERAL (Highlights) :
- NEW CHT-Quicklinks, e.g. for Backlight, System-Toggles, Direct-Change of Profile or Mode,.. Details see above in changelog
- New Profiles - now up to 21. Added "WakeMeUp", "AfterNoon" and also Special1-9 - all of course renameable and possible to make it invisible.
- Languages updated, in .cab already included: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hungarish, Bavarian, Dutch, Traditional chinese.
- For more Languages look into Post #3
If you want to translate to your language - just use *the language_default.txt as template*
- Forelayer switching - also for semi-transparent weather graphics!
- CHTMaster-Controlling app is now direct connected to CHT and chtstate while reapplying Profile/Layout
- CHTSettings now can be saved & restored!!! New option in left Menu
- Added save of the Weather graphics (as CHTTheme_...) - so you can also save Weather skins like Atmosfere for a Layout/Profile
- new System-Audio setting: RINGTONE - now your profiles sounds different

- Great Quicklink-/Toggle-Graphics by santod040 - EYE-Candy on all light/dark/colored backgrounds! Great work - thanx Santod!!!

MUCH MORE CHANGES, IMPROVEMENTS - you will see & feel them...

- NEW CHT-Quicklinks & Toggles:

- CHTS Basic Links:
These are the 4 well-known Links of "CHTScheduler"-category. Anyway I have them here, because here they are named now also by language-file of CHTS. So in next CHT-version they can be left out.

- CHTS toggles:
-- Wifi on Standby
-- Network
-- No Data
-- Proximity on Log
-- chtstate logging
-- -- Auto-Backlight toggle (switches on and off)

- CHTS Profile Jumps
Direct Links to all Profiles -> SaveMyDay-NoData

- CHTS Special Profile Jumps
Direct Links to all "Special"-Profiles 1-9

- CHTS Additional Links:
-- Automatic Mode
-- Semi-Auto-Mode
-- Manually Mode
-- Forelayer visibility (shows or hides Forelayer - you will have fun )
-- New Forelayer
-- New Home Wall
-- New Lock Wall
-- New Today Wall (remark: All "walls" won't change the normal timeout - and they only work of course, if you schedule this wall in this profile)
-- Auto Backlight (switches automatic Backlight on)
-- Backlight --
-- Backlight ++
-- Backlight low
-- Backlight medium
-- Backlight high

-- automatic backlight via Lightsensor (Lightsensor is NOT proximity sensor ), it's anyway the usual Sense behaviour that it's on
-- backlight (10-100%, recommend 20-40%)
-- backlight on AC
-- Backlight off after xx sec/min (and not the ugly Sense steps, now you can choose 20,30,40 seconds
-- Backlight off on AC after xx sec/min
-- Suspend Device after xx sec/min/hour (please look, if too short times interferes Layout switching)
-- Suspend Device on AC after xx sec/min/hrs
-- Backlight Hardware Keys timeout (works not on all devices, ROM-/Device-dependency)
-- Checkbox in Backlight-settings -you can also only set the timeouts without changing the Backlight. (Could be also good e.g. for Lumos )
-- And also Quicklinks for them, like already mentioned.

- New Power Mode "Regular Powering" while changing Layout/Profile. This mode is not compareable with the others. It's a new method, which only prevents in 2 very nice ways the device to be powered: It runs in a half-powered mode, but with Backlight on and uses special WinMo6-Event to keep it alive, that it doesn't stuck while unattended Layout change. Please try it all and tell me, what you see. In our massive test, it was to see, that this mode should also work good for ROMs with stranger Power settings
- Reworked "Full Power Mode" - it uses not only Full Power, it also uses the same Event now to work more reliable for it. But the device is full-powered, too.
- "Regular Power" only for MessageBoxes also as new option.
- In Menu "Layout saving" - now also saving can be for HomeTab or the whole Theme ("Standard" and "Extended")
- new Settings-Options "Folders"

- Initial Forelayer Switching
- Scheduled Forelayer switching
- Weather Wallpapers also for Forelayers
- TODAY Wallpaper switching improved
- Wallpaperr changing also more reliable, also if you change Layout and you set "Ignore Wallpapers" the Forelayer in Layout will not only
ignored - it will also removed. So if you haven't set in this new Profile a Forelayer initial/scheduling/weather, then it's away.
- Random algorithm extended for Wallpaper scheduling. Almost no more repetitions possible... "almost" means: If you have 1 wall only in this
directory... then it will be repeated
- Switch option: Change in Lock without Layout
And this could be a very beloved feature. Indifferent if you have a Layout or not assigned to your Profile - it will switch also if locked -
but only the profile.
Later then - if you unlock - it will switch the whole Profile together with Layout.Also I use a very special powering for it (also depends from "very smooth", "smooth", "regular" and "full") - but in a hidden mode if
locked. So in the most power modes without Backlight (for the experts: unattended mode with some device-specific "D0"'s )
- Switch option: Profile Change Delay Rate
This can be a Value between 1 and 40. Default is 10.
It means: CHTS does the changes for a profile sequentially and this must be controlled. Because if CHTS would do that, in dev-language C would come all changes within 10ms... there would also a HD2 has no chance
So - if you e.g. set it to 20 - the timeouts between the single changes is double delayed and so longer. The settings will last longer to be applied. If you set it to 5, the change will be faster.
Now the recommendation:
Use a longer timeout, if your settings e.g. for Sound are applied to early or if your device isn't fast enough for normal speed. Also for Layout changing it's better to use a longer value (ok... on HD2 also the shorter time is working fine )
Use a shorter timeout, if you mostly only change your Profile without Layout. Or if you change often in locked mode. There are the suspend timeouts others - and so a profile switch can "hang", if it takes too long. So try in this case not only another powering, also try a short value here.
- And also here Quicklinks for the Wallpapers, which are scheduled with your profile.

- RINGTONE now chooseable (Folders are defined in settings - for .wav and .wma
- New options (HTC-only) in system-wide settings (volume&Phone) :
-- Quieter ring on pickup phone
-- Ringing louder if device is in pocket
-- Short vibrate, if device is connected for a call
-- Reduce noise in call
(nice option if you have to much disturbing background-noise)

- new Data Options for Bluetooth - now "Hidden" and "Visible" seperate options in Initial Data settings-- new Quicklinks and Toggles also changes according to your profile - so you can see, what you have setted

- Direct Layout save by Menu
- Save of the Weather graphics - so you can also save Weather skins like Atmosfere for a Layout/Profile
- Faster & Improved Restore

- Bug, that for american-data-format the initial suggested Filename for Layout was not working
- Bug, that unallowed signs for dates were allowed for LAyout-Name
- SD-Card-Names also now can be only 3 letters long, therefore Chinese SD-Cards haven't worked
- Permanent Data Settings for Roaming/GPRSoffifWifi/WifiOnIFPowered now all working more universally
- Adapted opmode-show to CHT final-notification
Therefore just: No more Issues found while the hard test of great CHTS Beta Team - thanx for all, mates!

*a little forelayer example
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2010, 12:23 AM
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Re: {{CHT-APP}}{{2-Dec-2010}}CHTScheduler 2.15 - Sense/CHT-Profile-Management

Well my dear friend, let´s not forget about a great feature of this ap, "ThemeSwitching", meaning that we can have several "Themes" and switch them either according to set schedule (or to a specific profile) and also manually when in the mood for a different LayOut or Theme - with CHTS we can have almost "severall" devices in just one. Let´s change the looks of your TP2s with the "touch of a key" within only a few seconds...
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2010, 12:31 AM
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Re: {{CHT-APP}}{{2-Dec-2010}}CHTScheduler 2.15 - Sense/CHT-Profile-Management

Originally Posted by BHS Interceptor View Post
Well my dear friend, let´s not forget about a great feature of this ap, "ThemeSwitching", meaning that we can have several "Themes" and switch them either according to set schedule (or to a specific profile) and also manually when in the mood for a different LayOut or Theme - with CHTS we can have almost "severall" devices in just one. Let´s change the looks of your TP2s with the "touch of a key" within only a few seconds...
Yes sir, which many people overlook, or think they must use more of the app.
Or that resources are being drained because of this app.
It does not run, unless you tell it to and only when you tell it to.
Now with quicklink profile switching, you absolutely can use it as a full CHT theme switcher.
How well we both know the many uses it has and sense saving features it brings.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2010, 12:31 AM
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Re: {{CHT-APP}}{{2-Dec-2010}}CHTScheduler 2.15 - Sense/CHT-Profile-Management

Indeed, especially with the new and improved features we´re testing now
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