CHTS FINAL 2.10 Released!
thanx to the CHTS-Team for all the nightly work and help!!!
Changelog 2.10:
At first:
ALL KNOWN BUGS FIXED! (see bottom of changelog for more details)
LANGUAGE SUPPORT! All Language possible. Already included:
English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hungarish.
If you want to translate to your language - just use
*the language_default.txt as template*
Renameable Profilnames. Use your own description for SaveMyDay, GoodNite,... also you can choose in Settings, if the original profilname should be in Line 1 or 2
All Icons now skinable! Also 3 different skins for CHTS available - thanx to
Santod040, Dunc001 and saugbear!
New much more eye-candy icons for quicklinks and top-bar-Links as default skin of
New QUICK MANUAL if you want use only one feature of CHTS (e.g. Wallpaper switching or Sense Saving) or smooth learn, how to get familar with CHTS
Direct Layout & Baseline saving by Menu - no need to assign it to a Profile. See new Quick Manual how to use CHTS as your Sense Saver!
Added FAQs to Post #2
Fast and very reliable Switch in Automatic Mode. Hard tested by CHTS Beta group!
Very much improved security against wrong settings, wrong apply of settings,...
Settings now in finger-/eye-friendly sub-categories
Choose of Language
Choose of Storage Card-Location,if you have problems with SD-Card-Name: can be switched off.
Profile Names+Comments for both Lines in Main Menu
Ignore-Options for CHTS-Icons, CHTS-Topbar-Icons, saved Wallpapers, Op-Names in Layouts - so you can better choose, what should be restored / scheduled
For slower devices you can define a timeout, where CHTS isn't allowed to start Sense twice (default: 1 minute)
Delete Icon Cache improved
TODAY Wallpaper switching (so also
WinMo Wallpaper/Start Menu Background) - initial or scheduled
Weather Wallpapers according to current weather made faster in reaction after Sense Weather update
seperated "Initial" (=at start of profile) and "permanent" (=during whole time of profile) Data Settings
GPRS always on
more accurate NoData - so no GPRS connection possible, if this is active
Direct Layout save by Menu
Faster Restore
Restoring only of Quicklinks or Quicklinks & Freelinks
- Correct time scheduling and schedule prediction
- .net-Errors for much cases (I don't want to tell 'em all
- Timeouted Mode works accurate now
- Manually switching no more issues
- Sound settings apply after Sense Restart
- complete review und bugfixed the whole code (70000 LOC!)
- Power Settings improved
- Better interaction with chtstate
Therefore just: No more Issues found while the hard test of great CHTS Beta Team - thanx for all, mates!