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  #411 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2010, 03:44 PM
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Re: [APP] [UPDATE] KD-Font [v1.2.2] [09/14/10] [138 FONTS!!!]

Congrats man! That's awesome!
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  #412 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2010, 04:05 PM
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Re: [APP] [UPDATE] KD-Font [v1.2.2] [09/14/10] [138 FONTS!!!]

Originally Posted by Kliptik View Post
KD-Font just got featured on YourMobileBlog.com!!! Follow the link to read more!

Easy font changer for pocketpc! | YourMobileBlog.Com

CONGRAT! About time you got some recognition.

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  #413 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2010, 10:54 PM
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Re: [APP] [UPDATE] KD-Font [v1.2.2] [09/14/10] [138 FONTS!!!]

congrats!! much deserved recognition for your hard work! love the app!!
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  #414 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2010, 04:18 PM
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Re: [APP] [UPDATE] KD-Font [v1.2.2] [09/14/10] [138 FONTS!!!]

I posted this in his XDA thread and figured I'd post here as well. Here's the post...
Originally Posted by catman51 View Post
I am having a slight problem, and am hoping someone can help. In 3/4 of the fonts when I apply, on the Weather Tab the current Temp is blank. Everything else is fine except that?
This is due to the font size. The weather tab current temp. text is one of the first things to be messed up by fonts that are technically too big. So big that it's "off of the screen" and that's why it's blank. Many of the fonts supplied are bigger than whatever size the microsoft/htc native font is.

The only way to fix that is to edit the weather mode9 file using m9editor or the like and make that particular (current temp.) font size smaller. I can't remember which file it is off of the top of my head though.

Actually I may already have a cab that does that for you. I used to use it on my touch pro. As far as I know that file is the same across all Sense builds. If I can find it, I'll upload it for you and you can test it out...

Edit: So I found the .cab and tried it on my TP2 and it works. So try it out and let me know if it works for you too. It may only work on certain fonts. There should be a size difference on all fonts, but some that are way too big may still not be decreased enough to fit perfectly in the allotted current temp. spot.

I've also included the .cab to restore the file to the original size.

I didn't make these cabs. I can't remember exactly where I got them from. I think her name was MaureenMM or something like that over at PPCGeeks.

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  #415 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2010, 08:43 PM
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Re: [APP] [UPDATE] KD-Font [v1.2.2] [09/14/10] [138 FONTS!!!]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I posted this in his XDA thread and figured I'd post here as well. Here's the post...

This is due to the font size. The weather tab current temp. text is one of the first things to be messed up by fonts that are technically too big. So big that it's "off of the screen" and that's why it's blank. Many of the fonts supplied are bigger than whatever size the microsoft/htc native font is.

The only way to fix that is to edit the weather mode9 file using m9editor or the like and make that particular (current temp.) font size smaller. I can't remember which file it is off of the top of my head though.

Actually I may already have a cab that does that for you. I used to use it on my touch pro. As far as I know that file is the same across all Sense builds. If I can find it, I'll upload it for you and you can test it out...

Edit: So I found the .cab and tried it on my TP2 and it works. So try it out and let me know if it works for you too. It may only work on certain fonts. There should be a size difference on all fonts, but some that are way too big may still not be decreased enough to fit perfectly in the allotted current temp. spot.

I've also included the .cab to restore the file to the original size.

I didn't make these cabs. I can't remember exactly where I got them from. I think her name was MaureenMM or something like that over at PPCGeeks.

Thanks for posting those up Sharkie! She made those way back when I was making font CABs for the TP1. Glad to hear they still work!!! I'll do some digging back in that thread and see if there were any issues with using them.
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  #416 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2010, 12:55 AM
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Re: [APP] [UPDATE] KD-Font [v1.2.2] [09/14/10] [138 FONTS!!!]


So the VBNFiles server was shut down today, permanently. I received notice a few days ago that this might happen, but we were hoping it wouldn't happen quite so soon. As you may know, all of the font files, library info, and program updates were hosted on this server.

I've been scrambling to set up a new server to eliminate downtime, but I didn;t get it done in time... So here's a couple notes for those who might be wondering what's going on:

1) You will NOT be able to download new fonts, update the library, or install program updates until I have a new server online.
2) There will be a required program update to hook up to the new server. Unfortunately, the auto-update feature will NOT work since the VBN server is already shut down.
3) I WILL be fulfilling all pending font requests, so you can look forward to seeing those once I have the new server online.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post or PM me.

Thank you for your patience!!!
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  #417 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2010, 01:11 AM
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Re: [APP] [UPDATE] KD-Font [v1.2.2] [09/14/10] [138 FONTS!!!]

Originally Posted by Kliptik View Post

So the VBNFiles server was shut down today, permanently. I received notice a few days ago that this might happen, but we were hoping it wouldn't happen quite so soon. As you may know, all of the font files, library info, and program updates were hosted on this server.

I've been scrambling to set up a new server to eliminate downtime, but I didn;t get it done in time... So here's a couple notes for those who might be wondering what's going on:

1) You will NOT be able to download new fonts, update the library, or install program updates until I have a new server online.
2) There will be a required program update to hook up to the new server. Unfortunately, the auto-update feature will NOT work since the VBN server is already shut down.
3) I WILL be fulfilling all pending font requests, so you can look forward to seeing those once I have the new server online.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post or PM me.

Thank you for your patience!!!
wow, my bad timing, i just hard reset today and was coming here to redownload.
sorry about your server dude, bsd luck. hope you get it all sorted out.
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  #418 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2010, 01:16 AM
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Re: [APP] [UPDATE] KD-Font [v1.2.2] [09/14/10] [138 FONTS!!!]

Originally Posted by kroewe View Post
wow, my bad timing, i just hard reset today and was coming here to redownload.
sorry about your server dude, bsd luck. hope you get it all sorted out.
Yeah I'm hoping to have the server setup tomorrow, then it shouldn't be too much of an issue getting an update out there. I might even be able to hotfix it... We'll see...
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  #419 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2010, 01:24 AM
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Re: [APP] [UPDATE] KD-Font [v1.2.2] [09/14/10] [138 FONTS!!!]

i have every confidence in you.
you have taken this app to great levels my friend.
its always my "finishing touch" in tweaking out my phone appearance.
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  #420 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2010, 02:36 AM
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Re: [APP] KD-Font [v1.2.3] [URGENT UPDATE!!!] [11/17/10] [151 FONTS!!!]

ALRIGHT!!! I just posted the new version (v1.2.3) which has the new server information implemented. It appears that the old server is back online temporarily, so the auto-update feature is currently working!!! I'm not sure how long this will last for those of you on v1.2.2, so the sooner the better. Once you've upgraded to v1.2.3, there shouldn't be any more server change issues.

I've also added in some more font requests that I had pending.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask!

Thanks again for your patience!!!
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