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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 08:02 PM
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[APP] KD-Font [v1.2.4] [URGENT UPDATE!!!] [11/26/10] [151 FONTS!!!]

KD-Font v1.2.4

So you're looking for something to give your phone a fresh look, right? But you don't want to spend a ton of time learning how to do something super simple... You've come to the right place!

KD-Font allows you to change the fonts on your Windows Mobile device, within a matter of seconds. And you don't have to take time to even learn how to use the app! Just jump into the library, pick a font you like, tap "Apply", and watch the magic happen. The app will download any font(s) you choose from a remote server, apply the fonts, and then leave you to enjoy the results! Looking to customize the experience a bit? Check out the "Library Settings" to fine tune KD-Font to your liking.

The server-based library allows you to have constant access to an ever-growing collection of fonts to choose from! Since the library is server-based, you also won't have a ton of space being taken up on your device for font files you'll never use. And if you do want to save the files, just make sure to turn the option on in the "Library Settings". Then you can switch back and forth between your favorite fonts without waiting for a download.

You can choose to apply fonts to the entire device, specifically the Windows Mobile OS, or specifically the HTC Sense (TF3d) UI! You can even apply different fonts to WM and Sense if you want!

Heard enough? Download the CAB below, install it on your device, and then go for it!

Looking to spice things up just a little? Check out Post #2 for a collection of KD-Font icons, userbars, and other goodies!

Still have questions? Jump to Post #3 for an up-to-date FAQ with some answers to spcific questions asked by KD-Font users.

Now for the technical stuff...


v1.2.4 (10/26/10) (DL Count: 32)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Library Update bug

v1.2.3 (10/17/10) (DL Count: 41)
Program Updates
- Changed server information
- Changed server address update method

v1.2.2 (09/14/10) (DL Count: 186)
Program Updates
- Allow user to restore default fonts, even if it appears they are already current
Bug Fixes
- Fixed error handling during font application

v1.2.1 (09/10/10) (DL Count: 45)
Bug Fixes
- App no longer crashes when attempting to update library with no data connection

v1.2 (09/09/10) (DL Count: 19)
UI Improvements
- Font Download/Application Progress tracker added
- Sort library by category function added
- Search library function added
- Help/FAQ Added
- Upgraded "About" Screen
Program Updates
- Added support for additional ROMs
- Upgraded error handling - No more error codes
- Optimized font application process - "Defaults" *.CAB no longer necessary
- Settings can now be saved during program updates
Library Settings
- Enable/Disable Font Storage
- Enable/Disable Dicritic Filter
- Enable/Disable Category Sorting
- Clear Local Previews

v1.1.1 (08/10/10) (DL Count: 166)
Library Settings
- Enable/Disable Preview Download
- Quick "Downlaod Previews"
Bug Fixes
- App Should now cook properly in ROMs
- Uninstallation now removes entire application directory

v1.1 (07/25/10) (DL Count: 127)
- (5) Fonts in the Base Library
- Extended Library available
Library Settings
-Library Update Method
- Quick "Update Library"
- Clear Local Library
Program updates OTA (over-the-air)

v1.0 (07/07/10) (DL Count: 185)
- Bank Gothic
- Bradley Hand ITC
- Calibri
- Cataneo BT
- Comic Sans
- Copperplate Gothic
- Lucida Calligraphy
- Magneto
- Nyala
- Old English Text MT
- Sense SDK
- Finger-friendly Swipe Navigation
- Font Previews
- Application Method
- Soft Reset Method
- Device Text Size
Quick “Restore Default Fonts”
Quick “Soft Reset”

Special Thanks To:

The KD-Font BETA Team
eboelzner (XDA) for the Sense SDK

Check out this review of KD-Font by YouMobileBlog.com

Never required, but always appreciated!!!

Attached Files
File Type: cab KDFont.CAB (5.57 MB, 240 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Kliptik; 11-28-2010 at 04:54 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 08:02 PM
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GTX - Thanks to kroewe!!!

iReflect Blue - Thanks to Sharkie405!!!

iReflect Gray - Thanks to WFG!!!

Default Icon


Hosting URL:


Last edited by Kliptik; 09-10-2010 at 02:50 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 08:02 PM
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Q: What are the system requirements for KD-Font?
1) WM6 or higher (6.1, 6.5, 6.5.X)
2) .NETCF 3.5

Q: Is KD-Font uninstallable?
A: Yes. KD-Font can be uninstalled via “Start > Settings > System > Remove Programs”. This will remove the app, and restore the default fonts to the device.

Q: Can I install KD-Font to my SD card?

Q: Can I apply different fonts to WM and/or Sense (TF3D)?

Q: Will this work on any build of Sense/TF3D?
A: KD-Font should change the font for any build of Sense/TF3D. If you experience issues with fonts not changing appropriately, please PM me with details.

Q: I can’t see all of the text in certain areas. What happened?
A: Depending on the font(s) you have applied, you may notice visual differences in the amount of text that displays in a given area. This is due to the fact that each font style has different size characters. For example, the “A” character for the Bank Gothic font is much larger than the “A” character in the Calibri font. Before changing the font, try adjusting the “Text Size” settings on the device. If it still does not suit your visual needs, just apply a different font.

Q: Where is my favorite font?
A: The (5) most popular fonts are included in the application. You can use the "Update Library" function to access the extended server-based font library.

Q: Are you taking font requests?

Q: Where can I get ideas for font requests?
A: HERE. There are a TON of fonts on this site, and you can search by title, genre, theme, movie, etc.

Q: How do I submit a font request?
A: PM me with the following:
1) Font Title
2) .TTF files for the font (if possible)
3) If #2 is not available, a link to download or preview the font
NOTE: The more information/resources provided, the less time it will take to fulfill the request.

Q: Where/how do I report errors?
A: Please report any errors in this thread. Myself, BETA Team Members, and other users may be able to help with your issue. When reporting an error, please include the following:
- Error Code (if applicable)
- Device
- Screen Resolution
- WM OS Version (6, 6.1, 6.5, 6.5.X, etc.)
- Sense(TF3D) Build (2.1, 2.5, etc.)
- Brief description of the context of the error, and the steps leading up to the error

Last edited by Kliptik; 09-09-2010 at 10:59 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 08:18 PM
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nice hope to see some screen shots.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 08:33 PM
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Screenshots would be awesome. What fonts will this change? Everything? (text messages, main fonts on homescreen, emails, program files, start menu applications, etc.)

If it does not change all, a list of what it changes and does not change would be good to include. Looks like a good idea. I've heard of people changing fonts but it never really struck me before. Might try some out if they look decent though.

Thanks have been given for the initiative to start
Droid Incredible & Touch Pro 2 Running MightyROM & Android 2.1

Don't click me

Last edited by QMeli907; 05-07-2010 at 08:35 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by QMeli907 View Post
Screenshots would be awesome. What fonts will this change? Everything? (text messages, main fonts on homescreen, emails, program files, start menu application, etc.)

If it does not change all, a list of what it changes and does not change would be good to include. Looks like a good idea. I've heard of people changing fonts but it never really struck me before. Might try some out if they look decent though.

Thanks have been given for the initiative to start
I will be testing them tonight, so I will post up screenshots and a list of what does/doesn't change. The ones I made for the TP1 changed everything, so I'm planning on being able to do the same for the TP2.

On another note... My internet was giving me trouble right after I started the thread, is there any way (@mod maybe?) to get my two reserved posts moved up to #2 and #3?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 08:44 PM
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If you cant get mods to change you can use my post for stuff. I can edit as needed. Always an option

Shoot Sauman a PM. He's one of the mods here on the TP2 forum. He changed a poll I started a few days ago to add a couple more options people wanted to include. He might be able to flip the posts around. Its fine if mine needs to be moved.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 08:48 PM
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Never can have enough Font's to install this is much appreciated.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 08:53 PM
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thanks in advance! I can't wait to see this! i'd just like to have any font thats "bolder" looking than whats currently on the phone.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2010, 08:54 PM
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Fonts would be a Nice addition to the TP2.

iThink i recall seeing your post on the TP1 and the screen shots on how the fonts looked .
Don't Forget To Click Thanks.
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