Originally Posted by maisonpulaski
I use Sense 2012. But I saw this and just wanted to compliment you. That looks like a lot of hard work and a lot of knowledge. I can't even rewrite my .css file to eliminate double scroll bars in my threaded messaging skin! Where do you learn how to do this stuff? and what kind of time investment does it take?
lol...wow thank you...those words motivate....well I used sense back then when it was touch flow 3d...back in the TP days,found that it was awsome and was almost necesary running 6.1....but then when winmo 6.5 came out i saw all the potential titanium had...and i just love the fact that its like built into windows and it just works y'know...after using the new sense for a while i came to the conclusion that its ALOT of eye candy...and bro, manila sense if just ridiculously beautiful and functional but it hauls way too much system resource for what it really does...so i said...y'know why not get the best of both worlds..lemme just use titanium, throw in some PNG's of manilas paddle clock..throw in titanium weather...throw in some real time notification icons, reallign everything and vuola My own UI....
Its not too hard...titanium is very very customizable, you just need time, interest and to learn how to get around your CPR's....dont get me wrong it took alot alot alot aloooooooooooooooooooooooooot of trial and error...Id say to fully develope took about...a month....there where alot of roadblocks but with simple photoshop and the forums i made it possible..its a bit tricky at first but once you get familiar with your CPR's and BRONZERES.dll your good to go...and you can literally create ANYTHING...titanium is very versitile...
well thnx for your compliment...hope you guys enjoy...and if you need help messing with your titanium PM me....Ill help you out with w.e I know